Ameebahen B PATEL, Dr. Dharmeshkumar Dhulabhai Prajapati, YOGESHKUMAR PATEL


Diabetes mellitus is a clinical syndrome with insufficient insulin secretion, abnormal glucose tolerance, universal, microangiopathia, neuropathia, accentuated atherosclerotic changes. Moringa oleifera Lam (Moringaceae) leaves are emetic and their juice with black pepper is used in headache. The leaves are anthelmintic, aphrodisiac, cures hallucinations, antidiabetic, dry tumors, cough and asthma. Different extracts of Moringa oleifera prepared in different solvents and used in alloxan induced diabetic rats. Total alcohol, Successive alcohol and Successive chloroform significantly decreases the serum cholesterol, serum triglyceride, serum VLDL, serum LDL and  Total alcohol extract increases the serum HDL level in alloxan induced diabetic rats. The plant is worth for antidiabetic activity. So this result provides a platform for the drug designers and gives them an opportunity to prepare such herbal formulations which can be used as to treatment on diabetes.


Moringa oleifera, Antidiabetic, Diabetes mellitus

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