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Title: A dissertation submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for a degree of master ok arts in aplied linguistics and ELT
Authors: Chergui, Hakima
Ahouari - Idri, Nadia (Encadreur)
Keywords: Audio-visual technology : Speaking skill : Quasi-experimental method
Issue Date: 2016
Publisher: University of Bejaia
Abstract: The present reseach study examines the effect of audio-visual technology as peadagogical tools to improve EFL (English as a Foreign Language) learners’ speaking skill. The purpose of the study is; first, to try to explore whether the use of audio-visual technology tools in oral expression sessions help EFL students to develop their speaking skill. Second, to try to find the difficulties that prevent the students from speaking effectively in the target language. Our population consists of second year bachelor level in the department of English, University of Bejaia. The sample is group two, it comprises twenty one students, eighteen females and three males. To test the effects of this method of teaching
Description: Linguistics
Appears in Collections:Mémoires de Master

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