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publications internationales


Moali A. & Isenmann P. (2002): Première adoption observée d’un site artificiel de nidification par   l’hirondelle des rochers Ptyonoprogne rupestris en Afrique du Nord. Alauda 70 : 362.


Moali-Grine N, A. Moali & P. Isenmann (2004): L’essor démographique de la Cigogne blanche Ciconia ciconia en Algérie. Alauda (72): 47-52


Sebbane N., A. Boulila, M. Sahnoune, N. Ramdani et S. BenAlloua, 2004: Caractérisation phénotypique de souches de rhizobia isolées de quatre espèces de Medicago dans la vallée de la Soummam (Algérie), Sciences & Technologie C. 21 : 5-10. 


 Moali A. & Isenmann P. (2005) : Persistance de l’Aigle pomarin Aquila pomarina au Lac Tonga en Algérie. Alauda 73 : 461-462


Boumezbeur A., Moali A. & Isenmann P. (2005) : Nidification du Fuligule nyroca Aythya nyroca et de l’Echasse blanche Himantopus himantopus en zone saharienne (El Goléa, Algérie). Alauda 73 : 143-144


Sebbane N., M. Sahnoune, F. Zakhia, A. Willems, S. Benallaoua and P. de Lajudie. 2006: Phenotypic and genotypic characteristics of root-nodulating bacteria isolated from annual Medicago spp. in Soummam Valley (Algeria). Letters in Applied Microbiology 42 (3) : 235-241


Moali A. & Isenmann P. (2007) : La tourterelle turque Streptopelia decaocto nicheuse en 2007 à Tamanrasset (Sahara central, Algérie) et son expansion au Sahara. Alauda 75 : 247-248


Moali- Grine N. (2007) : Dynamique de la population de la cigogne blanche (Ciconia Ciconia) en Algérie depuis 1995. Ostrich International Journal of Ornithology 78 (2).


Nabti H., M. Sahnoune, A. Van Dommelen, S. Adjrad, M. Ghoul,M. Schmid and A. Hartmann (2007):A Halophilic and Osmotolerant Azospirillum brasilense Strain from Algerian Soil Restores Wheat Growth under Saline Conditions. Engineering in Life Sciences 7 (4): 354 – 360. 


 Afdhal B., Hamdi N., Charfi F. & Moali A. (2008) Ecological significance and role of Northern Tunisia artificial wetlands in the conservation of wintering waterbirds. Bulletin de la Société zoologique de France, vol. 133, no1-3, pp. 253-265.


Hamdi N.  , Charfi F. & Moali A.  (2008): Variation of the waterbird community relying to the Ichkeul National Park, Tunisia. European Journal of Wildlife Research. Volume 54, N° 3: 391-537


Hamdi N.  , Charfi F. & Moali A. (2008) : Le peuplement des oiseaux aquatiques hivernant du golfe de Gabès (Tunisie). Bulletin de la Société zoologique de France, vol. 133, no1-3, pp. 267-275.   


Hamdi N., Charfi F. & Moali A. (2008): Dam effects on the wintering strategy and habitat use of Greylag Goose (Anser anser) in Ichkeul National Park, North Tunisia.  European Journal of Wildlife Research 1612-4642 (Print) 1439-0574 (Online).


Isenmann P. & Moali A. (2008): Une mise à jour de l'aire d'hivernage de la Fauvette mélanocéphale (Sylvia melanocephala) en Afrique. Alauda. Revue Internationale d’ornithologie.76: 299-304.


Benbellil-Tafoughalt S., Sahnoune M., De Vaufleury A. & Moali A.(2009) : Effects of temperature and photoperiod on growth and reproduction of the land snail helix aperta born (Gastropoda pulmonata). Revue d'écologie. 2009, vol. 64, n°3, pp.207-219.


Busby G.B J.,  Gottelli D., Wacher T., Marker L., Belbachir F., De Smet K., Belbachir-Bazi A.,  Fellous A., Belghoul M. & Durant S.M.(2009) : Genetic analysis of scat reveals leopard Panthera pardus and cheetah Acinonyx jubatus in southern Algeria. Oryx (2009), 43:412-415. Cambridge University Press.


Mouhoub-Sayah C., Robin J.P., Pevet P., Monecke S., Doumandji S. & Saboureau M.(2009) : Road mortality of the Algerian Hedgehog (Atelerix algirus) in the Soummam valley, (Algeria). Revue d'écologie. 2009, vol. 64, no2, pp. 145-156.


Nabti E., Sahnoune M,  Ghoul M., Fischer D.,  Hofmann A.,  Rothballer M.,  Schmid M. and  Hartmann A.( 2009): Restoration of Growth of Durum Wheat (Triticum durum var.waha) Under Saline Conditions Due to Inoculation with the Rhizosphere Bacterium Azospirillum brasilense NH and Extractsof the Marine Alga Ulva lactuca. J. Plant growth regulation (in press). Edited online.


Tamendjari A., Sahnoune M.,  Mettouchi S. et  Angerosa F. (2009) : Effets des différents taux d’attaque du ravageur Bactrocera olea sur la qualité de l’huile d’olive de trois variétés algériennes Chemlal, Bouchouk et Azeradj. La rivista italiana delle sostanze grasse 86 : 103-111.


Zouggagh F. &  Moali A. (2009) : Variabilité structurelle des peuplements de macro-invertébrés benthiques dans le bassin versant de la Soummam (Algérie, Afrique du Nord). Rev d’Ecologie. Terre & Vie. 2009, vol 64, n°4 pp. 305-321.


BACHA M.,  MOALI A.,  Benmansour N.,  Brylinski J.M., Mahé K. &  Amara R. (2010) : Relationships between age, growth, diet and environmental parameters for anchovy (Engraulis encrasicolus L.) in the Bay of Bénisaf (SW Mediterranean, west Algerian coast). Cybium 34 (1): 47-57.


BEKDOUCHE F., SAHNOUNE M., krouchi f.ACHOUR S., Guemati N. & Derridj A. (2011): The contribution of legumes to post-fire regeneration of Quercus suber and Pinus halepinsis forests in northeastern Algeria. Revue d’Ecologie (Terre Vie), volume 66, 2011. (Accepté en 2010).


Nabti E., SAHNOUNE M., Ghoul M.,  Fischer D.,  Hofmann A.,  Rothballer M., Schmid M. and  Hartmann A. (2010): Restoration of Growth of Durum Wheat (Triticum durum var.waha) Under Saline      Conditions Due to Inoculation with the Rhizosphere Bacterium Azospirillum brasilense NH and Extracts of the Marine Alga Ulva lactuca. J. Plant growth regulation 29(1): 6-22.


djafri-bouallag L. et M. sahnoune (2010): Morphological and cytogenetical analysis of the genus Medicago L. sect. pachyspirae in soummam valley and neighbourhoods (Northeastern Algeria) with an emphasis on the m. murex - m. lesinsii complex. Proceedings of the International Conference on   “Conservation and Sustainable Use of Wild Plant Diversity” (CSUWPD-2010). Edited by Lucas Andrianos, Jan Willem Sneep and Konstantinos kenanidis


AHMIM M. & A. MOALI (2011) : Régime alimentaire du Murin du Maghreb Myotis punicus (Mammalia, Chiroptera) en Kabylie, nord de l’Algérie. Ecologia mediterranea.

           Revue international d’écologie méditerranéenne, Vol. 37 (1) pp: 45-52 Alauda.


BENBELLIL-TAFOUGHALT S., M. SAHNOUNE, A. de Vaufleury & A. MOALI (2011): Influence of sampling date on reproduction in the land snail Helix aperta kept under controlled conditions of temperature and photoperiod. Revue d’Ecologie (Terre Vie) 66: 43-54.


BEKDOUCHE F., SAHNOUNE M., krouchi F. Achour S., Guemati N. & Derridj A. (2011): The contribution of legumes to post-fire regeneration of Quercus suber and Pinus halepinsis forests in northeastern Algeria. Revue Ecologique (Terre Vie), volume 66.


Lazli A., A. Boumezbeur et A. MOALI (2011) : Évolution de la population nicheuse de l’Erismature à tête blanche Oxyura leucocephala sur le Lac Tonga (Algérie). Rev. Écol. (Terre Vie) 67,2011 pp.


Lazli A., A. Boumezbeur, C. Perennou  et A. MOALI (2011) : Biologie de la reproduction de l’érismature à tête blanche Oxyura leucocephala au Lac Tonga (Algérie). Rev. Écol. (Terre Vie) 66(3) : 255-265.


MOALI A., N. MOALI-GRINE & P. Isenmann (2011) : Première nidification urbaine connue du Grand corbeau Corvus tingitanus en Algérie. Alauda Revue internationnale d’ornithologie vol. 79, no2 pp 120.


Moulay- Meliani K., A. MOALI & P. Isenmann (2011) : Première nidification de la Mouette rieuse Chroicocephalus ridibundus en Algérie. Alauda Revue internationnale d’ornithologie vol. 79, no1 pp 79.


OURARI M., Ainouche A., Coriton O., Huteau V., Brown S., Misset M., Ainouche M.,  Amirouche  R. (2011): Diversity and evolution of the Hordeum murinum polyploid complex in Algeria. Génome 54(8) : 639-654.


ZOUGGAGHE F. ET MOALI A. (2011):Variabilité structurelle des macro-invertébrés benthiques dans le bassin versant de la Soummam (Algérie, Afrique du Nord). Revue d’Ecologie. Terre & Vie.64


AHMIM M., MOALI A, (2011): The diet of the Maghrebian mouse-eared bat  Myotis punicus (Mammalia, Chiroptera)  in Kabylia, Northern Algeria - ecolologea mediterranea Vol N°37-1 – pp 45-51  - Juin 2011, URL


TAFOUGHALT-BENBELLIL, S., SAHNOUNE, M., DE VAUFLEURY, A. & MOALI, A. (2011) : Influence of sampling date on reproduction in the land snail HELIX APERTA kept under controlled conditions of temperature and photoperiod. Rev. Écol. (Terre Vie), 66: 43-54.


AHMIM M. et A. MOALI (2012): The Diet of the Rhinolophidae in the “Kabylia of the Babors” Region, Northern Algeria. Ecolologea mediterranea Vol N°37-1 – pp 45-51


S. M. Durant, N. Pettorelli, S. Bashir, R. Woodroffe, T. Wacher, P. De Ornellas, C. Ransom, T. Abaigar, M. Abdelgadir, H. El Alqamy, M. Beddiaf, F. BELBACHIR, A. BELBACHIR-BAZI, A. A. Berbash, R. Beudels-Jamar, L. Boitani, C. Breitenmoser, M. Cano, P. Chardonnet, B. Collen, W. A. Cornforth, F. Cuzin, P. GERNGROSS, B. Haddane, M. Hadjeloum, A. Jacobson, A. Jebali, F. Lamarque, D. Mallon, K. Minkowski, S. Monfort, B. Ndoassal, J. Newby, B. E. Ngakoutou, B. Niagate, G. Purchase, S. Samaïla, A. K. Samna, C. Sillero-Zubiri, A. E. Soultan, M. R. Stanley Price & J. E. M. Baillie. 2012. Forgotten biodiversity in desert ecosystems. Science 336 (6087): 1379. DOI:10.1126/science.336.6087.1379 (Facteur d’Impact: 31.2).


Lazli A., Boumezbeur A. & A. MOALI (2012): Statut  et phénologie de la reproduction du Fuligule nyroca Aythya nyroca au Lac Tonga (Nord-Est algérien). Alauda vol. 80, no3, pp. 219-228.


KHERBOUCHE D., F. Bernhard-Reversat,A. MOALI & Patrick Lavelle (2012): The effect of crops and farming practices on earthworm communities in Soummam valley, Algeria. European Journal of Soil Biology 48:17-23.


 Afdhal B., Cheikhrouha-Charfi F. & A. MOALI (2012): Tunisian man-made wetlands as alternative habitats for waterbirds and their role for conservation. African journal of Ecology. 51(1):154-163.


ZOUGGAGHE F. & A. MOALI (2012): Répartition rive-chenal des macro-invertébrés benthiques dans des rivières Algériennes (Soummam et affluents). Revue d'Ecologievol. 67, no2, pp. 237-250.


AHMIM M, MOALI A. (2013): The diet of four species of horseshoe bat (Chiroptera: Rhinolophidae) in a mountainous region of Algeria: evidence for gleaning. Hystrix, the Italian Journal of Mammalogy 24(2), 174-176, URL


Mourad AHMIM. (2013): Presence of a small population of a polecat-like mustelid in north Algeria,potentially the wild progenitor of Domestic Ferret Mustela furo. The Journal of the IUCN SSC Small Carnivore Specialist Group Volume 48 July 2013 pp 87-88.


 MOALI-GRINE N., Moali L. & A. MOALI (2013): Distribution et écologie de la reproduction de la Cigogne blanche (Ciconia ciconia) en Algérie. Revue d'Ecologie vol. 68, no1, pp. 59-69.


Durant, S.M., T. Wacher, S. Bashir, R. Woodroffe, P. De Ornellas, C. Ransom, J. Newby, T. Abaigar, M. Abdelgadir, H. El Alqamy, J. Baillie, M. Beddiaf, F. BELBACHIR, A. BELBACHIR-BAZI, A. A. Berbash, N. E. Bemadjim, R. Beudels-Jamar, L. Boitani, C. Breitenmoser, M. Cano, P. Chardonnet, B. Collen, W. A. Cornforth, F. Cuzin, P. Gerngross, B. Haddane, M. Hadjeloum, A. Jacobson, A. Jebali, F. Lamarque, D. Mallon, K. Minkowski, S. Monfort, B. Ndoassal, B. Niagate, G. Purchase, S. Samaïla, A. K. Samna, C. Sillero-Zubiri, A. E. Soultan,M. R. Stanley Price & N. Pettorelli. 2014. Fiddling in biodiversity hotspots while deserts burn? Collapse of the Sahara’s megafauna. Diversity and Distributions: 1-9. DOI: 10.1111/ddi.12157 (Facteurd’Impact 2012: 6.122).


Amel Lazli, Ilhem Nouari, Nardjes Chater & Aissa MOALI (2014): Diurnal behaviour of breeding White-Headed Duck Oxyura leucocephala at Lake Tonga, north east Agleria. Rev. Écol. (Terre Vie), vol. 69: 131-141


K. Yahiaoui1, K. Arab, M. Belhamra, S.J. Browne, J.-M. Boutin & A. MOALI (2014): Habitat occupancy by European turtle doves (Streptopelia turtur) in the Isser Valley, Algeria. Rev. Écol. (Terre Vie), vol. 69: 234-246.


MOALI A. & E. Durand (2015): Découverte de Selysiothemis nigra (Vander Linden, 1825) (Odonata, Anisoptera: Libellulidae) au lac Mézaia, à Béjaïa, Algérie. Poiretia, N07, pp:1-5.


BENKHELLAT, O., Jaloux, B., MOALI, A., Chevrier,C., Monge, J.P., 2015 a. Host discrimination and egg laying in Anisopteromalus calandrae (Hymenoptera: Pteromalidae) ectoparasitoid of Callosobruchus maculatus (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae). J. Stored Prod. Res. 61:48–53.


Amir N., M. Sahnoune, L. Chikhi and D. Atmani. 2015. STR- based genetic structure of the Berber population of Bejaia (NorthernAlgeria) and its relationships to various ethnic groups. Gene  574(1) : 140-148.


MAIBECHE Y., MOALI A., Yahi N. & Ménard N., 2015. Is diet flexibility an adaptive life trait for relictual and peri-urban populations of the endangered primate Macaca sylvanus? Plos One, 10(2) : e0118596


TAFOUGHALT-BENBELLIL Saida et M. KOENE Joris (2015): influence of season,     temperature, and photoperiod on growth of the land snail helix aperta. invertebrates reproduction and development. volume 59: 37-43.


Benkhellat, O., Monge, J.P., Moali, A., 2015b. The use of the parasitoids Anisopteromalus calandrae and Lariophagus distinguendus for the control of the cowpea seed beetle  Callosobruchus maculatus.In Proceeding of the 7th international working conference on stored product protection. IOBC-WPRS Bulletin.111: 395-399.


KHALED MERABET, Eugenia Sanchez, ABDELHAK DAHMANA, Sergé Bogaerts, David Donaire, Sebastian Steinfartz, Ulrich Joger, Miguel Vences, MOKRANE KARAR, AISSA MOALI. 2016. phylogeographic relationships and shallow mitochondrial divergence of algerian populations of salamandra algira " revue: amphibia-reptilia, volume 37 (2016), pages: 1-8.


KHALED MERABET, MOKRANE KARAR, ABDELHAK DAHMANA, AISSA MOALI .2016: New locality of Salamandra algira in Algeria" Revue: The Herpetological bulletin, volume: 135 (2016), pages: 32-33.


KHALED MERABET, ABDELHAK DAHMANA, MOKRANE KARAR, AISSA MOALI .2016: New occurrence record of Algerian ribbed newt Pleurodeles nebulosus (Guichenot, 1850) in Algeria. Revue: The Herpetological bulletin, volume: 137(2016), page 43.


Brochet A-L. & Moali Aïssa, 2016. preliminary assessment of the scope and scale of illegal killing and taking of birds in the mediterranean. bird conservation international, vol. 26, n°1, pp. 1-28 


Abdelli, M., Benbellil-Tafoughalt, S. & Koene, J.M.  (2017). Intra-specific morphological variation of the spermatheca in the simultaneously hermaphroditic land snail Helix aperta. Zoomorphology, pp 1-11.


Bouchibane M., E. Véla, A. F. Bougaham, M. Zemouri, A. Mazouz & M. Sahnoune. 2017 : Etude phytogéographique des massifs forestiers de Kéfrida, un secteur méconnu de la zone importante pour les plantes des Babors (Nord-est algérien).  Revue d’Ecologie (Terre et Vie), Vol. 72 (4), 2017 :  374-386.


Merabet.k, Dahmana.A, Karar.M &  Moali.A (2017). First report of leech predation on Pleurodeles nebulosus (Guichenot,1850) in Kabylia, Algeria. Boletín de la Asociación Herpetológica Española,V:28.19-20.


BOUCHIBANE M., E. Véla, A. F. Bougaham, M. ZEMOURI., A. Mazouz & M. SAHNOUNE. 2017 : Etude phytogéographique des massifs forestiers de Kéfrida, un secteur méconnu de la zone importante pour les plantes des Babors (Nord-est algérien).  Revue d’Ecologie (Terre et Vie), Vol. 72 (4), 2017 :  374-386.




Medjkouh L., Costa A., Tamendjari A., BEKDOUCHE F., Bouarroudj K. et Oliveira B., 2018. Susceptibility of eight Algerian olive cultivars to Bactrocera oleae infestation – a pomological and nutritional quality perspective. Revue Phytoparasitica 46(5) : 595 – 605.


MAHDJOUB M.M., T. ZEMOURI, H. BENMOUHOUB and M. SAHNOUNE. 2018. Morphological, karyological and biogeographical study of the Algerian endemic species Salvia jaminiana de Noé (Lamiaceae), with taxonomic and evolutionary interpretations. Flora 242:102-119.


MOUSSAOUI R., VERDEL K., BENBELLIL-TAFOUGHALT S., KOENE J.M. 2018: Female behavior prior to additional sperm receipt in the hermaphroditic pond snail lymneae stagnalis. Invertebrate reproduction & development 62 (2), 82-91


Dinis Marco., Khaled Merabet., Fernando Martínez-Freiría., Sebastian Steinfartz., Miguel Vences., James D. Burgon., Kathryn R. Elmer. et al. 2019 : Allopatric diversification and evolutionary melting pot in a North African Palearctic relict: The biogeographic history of Salamandra algira." Molecular phylogenetics and evolution 130 : 81-91.


M. ABDELLI, BENBELLIL-TAFOUGHALT S. & Koene MJ (2018): variation morphologique intra-spécifique de la spermathèque dans la terre en même temps hermaphrodite escargot Helix aperta. Zoomorphology, 137: 51-61.


BELKACEM F., BENMOUHOUB H., OURARI M., BEKDOUCHE F., and M.  SAHNOUNE. 2018.  Male meiosis, chromosome numbers and pollen fertility of Allium trichocnemis J. Gay (Amaryllidaceae) And Erodium battandieranum Rouy (Geraniaceae). The North African Journal of Food and Nutrition Research 2; Suppl. (01): A22-A23.


Abdelazize Franck BOUGAHAM, Roza BELKACEM , Sophia AÏT HABIB , Lynda BOUDJEMAÂ , Riadh MOULAÏ  & John O’HALLORAN 2019 : trophic ecology of dippers, cinclus cinclus, in the babor mountains, north-east algeria. Bulletin de la societe zoologique de france 1, 41-50.


A. F. Bougaham, K. Rebbas & E. Vela 2020 : Découverte d’Epipactis microphylla (Orchidaceae) au Djebel Babor (nord-est de l’Algérie), orchidée nouvelle pour l’Afrique du Nord, 30: 261-271.


MESBAH, M., BEKDOUCHE, F., Laidi, K., SAHNOUNE, M. & Véla, E. 2020 : Silene auriculifolia The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species; p 8.


MESBAH, M., BEKDOUCHE, F., Laidi, K., SAHNOUNE, M. & Véla, E.2020 : Silene aristidis, The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species, p 8.


Mesbah, M., BEKDOUCHE, F., Laidi, K., SAHNOUNE, M. & Véla, E.2020: Silene sessionis, The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species, p 8.


Ntwai A. Moiloa  , Melilia MESBAH  , Stephan Nylinder  , John Manning  , F´elix Forest  , Hugo J. de Boer  , Christine D. Bacon  , Bengt Oxelman ,2021: Biogeographic origins of southern African Silene (Caryophyllaceae), Molecular phylogenetics and evolution, 162:107-199


Asma GHORAB, Melilia MESBAH , Rifka Nakib , Nabila Kabli , Farid Bekdouche and María Carmen Seijo 2021: Input to the knowledge of the melliferous plants diversity in Babors Kabylia’s region (North-East of Algeria). ivestock Research for Rural Development.10 .  


Melilia MESBAH, Farid BEKDOUCHE, Keyssa LAIDI, Errol VÉLA et Mohamed SAHNOUNE, 2021: Conservation issues of the endemic chasmophytic species of low altitude in the Mediterranean: case of the genus Silene section Siphonomorpha (Caryophyllaceae) in Algeria. Bulletin de la Société Royale des Sciences de Liège, 90, 101 - 124.


Abdelazize Franck BOUGAHAM 2021: Breeding ecology of the Iberian Chiffchaff Phylloscopus ibericus: first data from North Africa. Polish Journal of Ecology, 1, 51-56.


Asma GHORAB , Melilia MESBAH  , Rifka Nakib , Nabila Kabli , Farid BEKDOUCHE  and María Carmen Seijo 2021: Input to the knowledge of the melliferous plants diversity in Babors Kabylia’s region (NorthEast of Algeria), Livestock Research for Rural Development, 33(10):1-11


Asma GHORAB , María Shantal Rodríguez-Flores  , Rifka Nakib , Olga Escuredo , Latifa Haderbache , Farid BEKDOUCHE  and María Carmen Seijo, 2021: Sensorial, Melissopalynological and Physico-Chemical Characteristics of Honey from Babors Kabylia’s Region (Algeria). Foods,10, 225.


Cyrille Chatelain, Pertti Uotila , Salima Benhouhou , Florian Mombria , Melilia Mesbah , Soumaya Baa & Abdelkader Nabil Benghanem 2022: Chenopodium hoggarense (Amaranthaceae), a new species from Algeria and Chad, Willdenowia, 52(1): 75-81.


Ali Benadjaoud , Mohammed DADACH , , Ali El-Keblawy  , Zoheir Mehdadi 2021: Impacts of osmopriming on mitigation of the negative effects of salinity and water stress in seed germination of the aromatic plant Lavandula stoechas L., Journal of Applied Research on Medicinal and Aromatic Plants,V31.


Llorenç Sáez , Melilia MESBAH, Javier López-Alvarado , Gianluigi Bacchetta , Ridha El Mokni , Lorenzo Peruzzi , Bengt Oxelman,2022: Re-establishment of Silene neglecta Ten. (Caryophyllaceae) with taxonomic notes on some related taxa, phytokeys, 195: 143-160




Riad SAADALI , Mohammed DADACH , Sarah BOUGUETTAYA , Sabrina BENJEDDI 2022: Evaluation of the Groundwater Quality in Amizour Plain (North Algeria) Through the Application of Heavy Metal Pollution Index, Journal of Chemical Ecology, 6, 40 - 47


Mourad ZEMOURI, Mehdi Baba-Ahmed, Khaled Meddouri, Lydia Hani, Meriem Beldjoudi, Sabah TIGHLIT, Asma Khemis and Abdelazize Franck BOUGAHAM 2023 : Potential prey and

 Conservation implications of the Algerian Nuthatch Sitta ledanti (Vielliard 1976). Avian Biology Researc, Vol. 0(0) 1–10


Abdelazize F. BOUGAHAM, Hocine GOUGAM, Walid Soukkou & Abdellah Hadoun 2023First record of Azanus jesous (Stoll, 1782) in Algeria (Lepidoptera: Lycaenidae). 203, 573-576.


Mohammed DADACH , Abdul Hameed  , Ali El-Keblawy  2023: Differential effects of chloride salts on seed germination and seedling growth of Cistus monspeliensis: Towards revegetation of the Mediterranean salt-contaminated soils; Flora V. 299.


Tassadit ZEMOURI, Amirouche Chikhoune , Hassina BENMOUHOUB and Mohamed SAHNOUNE 2023: Taxonomic Comparison, Antioxidant and Antibacterial Activities of Three Ebenus pinnata Ait. ecotypes (Fabaceae) from Algeria, Horticulturae , 9, 879.


Tassadit ZEMOURI, Amirouche Chikhoune , Hassina BENMOUHOUB and Mohamed SAHNOUNE 2023: Taxonomic Comparison, Antioxidant and Anti-bacterial Activities of Three Ecotypes of Ebenus pinnata Ait. (Fabaceae) from Algeria. 2023, 2023071339.


Ahcene REDJDAL, Mohamed SAHNOUNE, Aïssa MOALI ,Jean‑Christophe DE BISEAU 2023 : High Divergence of Cuticular Hydrocarbons and Hybridization Success in Two Allopatric Seven‑Spot Ladybugs, J Chem Ecol 49, 103–115.


Mohammed Dadach · Bouzid Nedjimi · Abdul Hameed, 2024: Effect of metallic stress on seed emergence and early seedling development of Cistus monspeliensis (L.): Involvement in restoration of the Mediterranean contaminated soils; Vegetos


Zahia Sebkhi1, Rachida Issolah, Nabila Melzi, Hassina Benmouhoub , Mohamed Mefti 2024: Karyological analyses in several Algerian populations of six species of the genus Vicia L. (Fabaceae), Caryologia 76(4): 23-37.