ALGERIAN JOURNAL OF NATURAL PRODUCTS (E-ISSN: 2353-0391) is an open-access journal, free of charge, published TWO times a year by the Laboratory of Organic Materials (LOM), Faculty of Technology, University of Bejaia, ALGERIA. The journal is dedicated to research on all aspects of Plant and Natural Products.
Authors can send their manuscripts to the Editor-in-chief : Prof. Kamel BELHAMEL,
The journal covers research studies related to Natural products including some of the allied subjects. Articles with timely interest and newer research concepts will be given more preference. All manuscripts are subjected to the peer review process. The Journal welcomes the submission of manuscripts that meet the general criteria of significance and scientific excellence.
Manuscripts that are found suitable for publication in the ALGERIAN JOURNAL OF NATURAL PRODUCTS will be peer-reviewed by two or more expert reviewers. During submission, the corresponding author can suggest the names of two qualified reviewers who have had experience in the subject of the submitted manuscript.
Manuscript preparation: The manuscript must follow the Algerian Journal of Natural Products Template restrictedly. For any manuscript that does not follow the Algerian Journal of Natural Products Template the Editor will reject it with a note, The manuscript is incompatible with the Algerian Journal of Natural Products Template" . Please rearrange it carefully and submit it again".
The Manuscript should be submitted ONLY via email: accompanied by the Copyright form signed by the corresponding author.
For manuscript preparation Use the template of the journal to write your manuscript: AJNP-template
- Phytochemistry (Isolation, Structure elucidation, Spectroscopic properties)
- Antimicrobial, antiviral, antiparasite activities
- Biopolymers, biocomposites
- Electrochemical process using natural products
- Separation process using natural products
- Pharmacology, toxicology of plants and their active principles
- Pharmaceutical formulations and evaluation of natural products
- Environmental Impact and Risk Assessment
- __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Algerian Journal of Natural Products indexed in :
Table of Contents
Franklin Jesus Pacheco Coello
968 - 973
Lynda Arkoub-Djermoune
974 - 983