In vitro Antisickling properties, Free radicals quenching potential, protective properties against oxidative mediated ion toxicity of combinations of Theobroma cocoa beans (sterculaceae)

Prosper Biapa, Floriane Tammo, Jesse Juenkou Tekumu, Prudence Nya Nkwikeu, Natacha Lena Yembeau, Christian Fotsing Kengne, Phelix Bruno Telefo, Anatole Constant Pieme


Sickle cell anaemia induces an abnormal haemoglobin synthesis and reactive oxygen species. The present work aims to determine the antioxidant and antisickling activities of Theobroma cocoa extracts combination. Cocoa beans Extracts combinations of Santchou/Obala (CSOH), Bertoua/Mbalmayo (CMBH) were prepared using water/ethanol mixture. The antioxidant capacity of extracts was determined by measuring FRAP, DPPH° and ABTS°. The protective activity of extracts was estimated by evaluating some oxidative stress parameters. Osmotic fragility resistance and antisickling properties of the combination were investigated. CSOH and CMBH respectively revealed a high content of polyphenols, flavonoids. Extracts scavenged DPPH° and ABTS° radicals, respectively with IC50 values between 4.07 μg/mL and 13.15 μg/mL. CMBH showed the best antisickling reduction activity (54.56% and 70.07% after 2h30 and 24h respectively). The haemolysis percentage of erythrocytes decreased with an increase of the extract concentrations. Extracts combinations decreased and increased respectively the MDA and GSH levels as well as normalizing the enzymatic activities. Extracts combinations of cocoa have antioxidants and antisickling properties and could be used as a potential agent against sickle cell anaemia.


Sickle cell anemia, oxidative stress, antioxidant, antisickling,plants

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Copyright (c) 2019 Prosper Biapa, Floriane Tammo, Jesse Juenkou Tekumu, Prudence Nya Nkwikeu, Natacha Lena Yembeau, Christian Fotsing Kengne, Phelix Bruno Telefo, Anatole Constant Pieme


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