Prof. Dr. Nathalie CONNIL obtained her PhD in Microbiology in University of Nantes (France) in 2001, and the price “Jeune chercheur Bernard Beaufrère” from IFN (Nutrition French Institute) for the project “Regulation of intestinal permeability byprobiotics” in 2003. Between 2003 and 2006, she was a postdoc in various laboratories and research centres (university, IFREMER, INRA). In 2006, she was recruited associate professor in Microbiology and Cell Biology at University of Rouen, Normandy University (France), and then graduated accreditation to direct research (HDR) in 2015. She is now full professor since September 2022. Her research interests focus on probiotics, gut microbiota, bacterial pathogens, antimicrobial peptides, bacterial/host interactions, inflammatory bowel diseases and digestive cancer. She headed and co-headed 6 PhD. students from France, Tunisia and Italia, and co-authored 43 publications in peered-reviewed journals. She is editorial board member for Frontiers in Nutrition since 2022. She was the guest editor of the special issue entitled ‘’ Enterococci for Probiotic Use: Safety and Risk” of the journal Microorganisms.