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dc.contributor.authorMessaoudene, Mina-
dc.contributor.authorBelhadi, Lakri-
dc.contributor.authorMaouche, Salima (directrice de thèse )-
dc.descriptionOption : linguisticsen_US
dc.description.abstractThe Language learners. lack of vocabulary when interacting has provided an opportunity to researchers to investigate the most appropriate strategies that could ameliorate this capacity. The main purpose of this study was to explore the efficacy of reading flash fiction stories as a revisited strategy to develop EFL student's interactive competence. This study was conducted with 32 students of first year at the department of the English language, University of Bejaia. A mixed method research was adopted which included a teacher's interview and a student's questionnaire. The questionnaire analysis showed that students needed motivation to read books continuously to be able to gain familiarity with new vocabulary items and language structures. The teacher's interview revealed that most of them approached the same aim to develop the learners. interactive competence and language skills by using different strategies like short stories and literary texts. Based on the findings, we could conclude that most of our informants agreed that flash fiction stories might be a suitable strategy in supporting EFL learners to enhance their communicative competence.en_US
dc.publisherUniversité de Bejaiaen_US
dc.subjectFlash fiction stories : reading : interactive competence : EFL students : university of Bejaiaen_US
dc.titleReading flash fiction stories : a revisited strategy to develop EFL students' interactive competence : case of study first year students of english language at the university of Bejaiaen_US
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