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Title: From A female perspective: A Re-reading of Middlemarch (1871-1872)
Authors: khales Ines, Melissa
Tighzer-Arab, Naima (supervisor)
Keywords: George Eliot
Middlemarch : Féminisme
Issue Date: Dec-2021
Abstract: In a very creative but realistic way, George Eliot takes us to a fictional world where a specific web of characters evolves in an era of rapid change and a social evolution. The current study will, hence, shed light on the Middlemarch large cast of female characters, who struggle against patriarchy and decline to be “others” by rejecting submission in a passive but thought provoking resistance and succeed to gain power in a world governed by male sovereignty, all from a contemporary feminist perspective
Description: English Literature and Civilization
Appears in Collections:Mémoires de Master

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