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Title: Proposal for a new trust management system in intelligent transport systems
Authors: Chettab, Abdelkader
Chettab, Yasmine
Aissani, Sofiane;promoteur
Keywords: Trust management: Intelligent System :Machine learning
Issue Date: 2021
Publisher: université Abderahmene Mira .Bejaia
Abstract: During the growing development in ITS throughout the years, security breaches and attacks became a very common issue, to counter it trust management system have been put into place, but as technology kept evolving, threats did too and trust management systems started facing overwhelming amount of challenges, which put into risk the efficiency and safety of the systems and drivers, this motivated many ambitious researchers to come up with different kind of solutions to this critical yet recurrent problem, In this paper, in order to help and contribute in solving this problem, we propose a new trust management system that uses the clustering algorithm k means to help divide the vehicle into their own respective types and several types of trust along with their reliability to assure that the final trust value is trustworthy and accurate.
Description: Option :intelligence artificielle
Appears in Collections:Mémoires de Master

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