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Title: Policies and media representation of refugees in Post-Brexit Britain
Authors: Guerrout, Yasmine
Touche-Kharouni, Nouara (directrice de thèse)
Keywords: Policy approach : United Kingdom : Refugee crisis : Brexit : Economy : Culture : Media
Issue Date: 2024
Abstract: The present dissertation is an expository study that seeks to elucidate the policy approach of the United Kingdom towards the contemporary refugee crisis in Europe post-Brexit. The research then investigates the implications of said crisis on the UK economy, with a specific emphasis on the labour and housing markets. Furthermore, the study explores the repercussion of the crisis on British culture, encompassing its effects on British identity and social unity. The study also looks at the portrayal of those forced migrants in British newspaper media, providing a comprehensive analysis of their representation in this context. The results reveal that the UK's policies aim to reduce the number of asylum seekers. Additionally, British newspapers often portray these migrants in a negative and biased manner, further complicating their integration into society.
Description: Literature and Civilization
Appears in Collections:Mémoires de Master

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