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Title: Asmeskel amutlay deg umawal n temse3raq gar krad n tmeslayin n teqbaylit (Rafur, Ayt Sma3el, Leqser)
Authors: Seba, Fairouz
Meziani, Yacine (encadreur)
Keywords: Tutlayt n teqbaylit : Amawal n temse3raq : Asmeskel amutlay
Issue Date: 2015
Publisher: Tasdawit n Bgayet. A/Rahmane Mira
Abstract: Asental-a icudd gher taghult n trakalt tamutlayt, yerza asmeskel amutlay yellan deg umawal n temseÚraq. Tazrawt-a ad d-tili ghef wammud n krad n tmeslayin n tantala taqbaylit, snat n tmeslayin zgant-d deg waghir n Bgayet "Ayt SmaÚel" d "Leqser", tayed deg waghir n Tubiret "Rafur".
Description: Taɣult : Tarakalt tamutlayt
Appears in Collections:Mémoires de master

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