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Title: Tasniremt n tjerrumt deg yidlisen n uɣerbaz n ulmud alemmas Tasleḍt tasnalɣant d tesleḍt taseknirmant
Authors: MIMOUNI, Samir
GHOUAR, Billal
MEZIANI, Yacine (encadreur)
Keywords: Tamazight (tutlayt) : Tasnamka
Tamazight (tutlayt) : Tasniremt n tjerrumt : Tasledt tasnalghant
Tamazight (tutlayt) : Tasniremt n tjerrumt : Tasledt taseknirmant
Issue Date: 2017
Publisher: Tasdawit Abderrahmane Mira n Bgayet
Abstract: Tazwart-a d tin i d-yellan ghef tesniremt n tjerrumt i yettwaseqdacen deg yidlisen n ugherbaz alemmas, deg-s nexdem tasledt tasnalghant d tesledt taseknirmant i wammud i d-negmer
Description: Taɣult: Tarakalt Tamutlayt
Appears in Collections:Mémoires de master

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