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dc.contributor.authorBenyoub, Assia-
dc.contributor.authorBerkouki, Amel-
dc.contributor.authorMoussaceb, Karim ; Promoteur-
dc.descriptionOption : Génie chimiqueen_US
dc.description.abstractThe method of stabilization/solidification (S/S) is a widely used method for the treatment of industrial and mining waste. The s/s is based on the properties physic-chemical properties of hydraulic binders to reduce the risks to the environment salting of contaminants (heavy metals). Six cement matrices are used (three different types of cement): three matrices without waste and with three other wastes. The waste is used the unit Bordj-Menaiel Algeria (BCR). Materials are subjected to characterization tests such as the characterization by XRD identified phases crystallized materials namely Pb(NO3)2.3H2O, Zn (OH)2 these last are at the origin of delay hydration and the decrease in mechanical strength of the materials S/S. Characterization by IR identifies functional groups such as quartz, freezing C-S-H. the other leaching tests such as commissioning test solution by acid digestion and TCLP to quantify the nature of the waste pollutants incorporated into the cement pastes has revealed that he is trapped inside the phases formed by S / S. The phenomena observed in the contact monoliths and lixiviantes solutions is much more a process of surface (exchange of chemical species)en_US
dc.publisherUniversite de bejaiaen_US
dc.subjectStabilisation : Solidification : Ciment : Déchets industriels : Métaux : BCR : Lixiviationen_US
dc.titleImpact de la stabilisation/solidification sur la cinétique de relargage des métaux lourds dans les matériaux poreuxen_US
Appears in Collections:Mémoires de Master

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