1st International Workshop on Deep Learning: Methods and Applications

27 ‒ 28 November 2018,
University of Abderrahmane Mira of Bejaia, Algeria
Faculty of Exact Sciences
Medical Computing Laboratory (LIMED)

Description & aim

The First International Workshop on Deep Learning: Methods and Applications (IW_DLMA) is a two days (November 27th & 28th, 2018) that helps to spread knowledge and builds capacity in machine learning especially in Deep Learning and its applications. It aims to train students, scholars and enthusiasts on the basics of Deep Learning. The Workshop will cover the fundamentals, as well as the latest applications in field of Deep Learning, through carefully conceived and detailed tutorials.

The following topics will be covered:

Machin Learning & Neural Networks

This seminar will be exposed by Pr. Mohand Saïd Allili
                                    Download Slides here

Architectures of Deep Networks

This seminar will be exposed by Pr. Mohand Saïd Allili     

Optimisation for Deep Learning

This seminar will be exposed by Pr. Tahar Kechadi

Deep Learning for Cyber Security

This seminar will be exposed by Pr. Kamel Adi 

                        See here the course video

Deep learning & visual recongnition

This seminar will be exposed by Pr. Hichem Sahbi 
                                Download Slides here


Mohand Saïd Allili
Hichem Sahbi
Tahar Kechandi
Kamel Adi

Course videos

ML & DL - Pr. Mohand Saïd Allili

DL & Neural Networks Pr. Mohand Saïd Allili

DL& visual recongnition - Pr. Hichem Sahbi

DL for Cyber Security - Pr. Kamel Adi

Optimisation for Deep Learning - Pr. Tahar Kechadi



Béjaïa, formerly Bougie, is a Mediterranean port city on the Gulf of Béjaïa in Algeria; it is the capital of Béjaïa Province, Kabylia. Béjaïa is the largest principally Kabyle-speaking city in the Kabylie region of Algeria. The history of Béjaïa explains the diversity of the local population.

The town is overlooked by the mountain Yemma Gouraya, whose profile is said to resemble a sleeping woman. Other nearby scenic spots include the Aiguades beach and the Pic des Singes (Monkey Peak); the latter site is a habitat for the endangered Barbary macaque, which prehistorically had a much broader distribution than at present. All three of these geographic features are located in the Gouraya National Park. The Soummam river runs past the town.



University of Abderrahmane Mira of Bejaia, Algeria
Université Abderrahmane Mira - Compus Amizour

Workshop Chair
  • Ahror BELAID
Steering Committee