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Progettazione di un ingranaggio magnetico

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dc.contributor.author Fezzoui, Yasmina
dc.contributor.author Saou, Rachid
dc.contributor.author Capponi, Fabio;promoteur
dc.date.accessioned 2021-10-31T13:09:39Z
dc.date.available 2021-10-31T13:09:39Z
dc.date.issued 2019
dc.identifier.uri http://hdl.handle.net/123456789/17043
dc.description Option : machine électriques en_US
dc.description.abstract The work presented in this thesis deals with the study of magnetic gears, for the realization of a prototype. At first, we made state of the art magnetic gears as well as their evolutions over time, their advantages and the different fields of application or this kind of technology can serve. In a 2nd time, we looked at the equations that govern the magnetic gear based on the work of Attalah, the possibility of making the magnetic gear as efficient as a mechanical gear is proved by playing on the number permanent magnets and polar pieces. We are particularly interested in the mCVT which is a variable magnetic transmission giving an electrically controllable speed ratio. The mCVT is of particular interest as a very efficient power-sharing device for hybrid parallel hybrid vehicles, but also has potential applications in renewable energies, marine propulsion. Attalah's work allowed us to transmit the mechanical equations governing CVTs. Finally, we made a magnetic gear under FEMM for integration into a PM machine. We studied the magnetic induction as well as the transmitted torque. In future work, we would like to realize a complete CVT to be integrated into the wheels of an airplane in order to recover the kinetic energy created by the braking during the landing and to reuse the latter during take-off en_US
dc.language.iso it en_US
dc.publisher université Abderahmane Mira Bejaia en_US
dc.subject Magnetic gear : Magnetic ctv : Turbines : Hybrid vehicules : Software en_US
dc.title Progettazione di un ingranaggio magnetico en_US
dc.title.alternative Design of a Magnetic Gear en_US
dc.type Thesis en_US

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