Dans notre travail, nous avons applique une methode d' approximation a un probleme de
risque en Trafic Routier, afin de comprendre l' effet de l' arrivee de sinistres sur sa fluidite.
Dans un premier temps, une etude theorique a ete effectuee. Elle consiste a presenter le modele
en question en mettant en avant ses differentes composantes. Nous avons egalement rappele le
principe et les theoremes fondamentaux de la methode de stabilite forte.
Dans un second temps, nous avons applique la methode de stabilite forte en perturbant les
trois parametres apres avoir obtenu la probabilite de depassement du seuil de congestion
du modele etudie
In our work, we have applied an approximation method to a road traffic risk problem in
order to understand the effect of the arrival of claims on its fluidity.
First, a theoretical study was carried out. In which, we have presented the model studied
by highlighting its different components. We have also recalled the principle and the fundamental
theorems of the strong stability method.
Secondly, we have applied strong stability method by disturbing the three parameters
and c after obtaining the probability of exceeding the congestion threshold of the model studied.