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L'impact des médias dans la sensibilisation sur la sécurité routière : cas pratique : radio Soummam émission "lamane deg verdans"

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dc.contributor.author Ait Mouhoub, Massinissa
dc.contributor.author Zerari, Khaled
dc.contributor.author Makhloufi, Abdelouahab (Directeur de thèse)
dc.date.accessioned 2024-06-24T10:19:41Z
dc.date.available 2024-06-24T10:19:41Z
dc.date.issued 2023
dc.identifier.uri http://univ-bejaia.dz/dspace/123456789/23876
dc.description Option : Presse imprimée et électronique en_US
dc.description.abstract To successfully carry out our research, which focuses on a widely broadcasted show that continues to attract more listeners. "Laman de verdan" has achieved unprecedented success. This can be explained by the fact that it addresses a current topic, namely road safety. This weekly radio show, aired on Radio Soummam, invites specialists in the field, including officers from the civil protection, the police, and the national gendarmerie. These law enforcement representatives provide an accurate report every Sunday on the number of accidents, injuries, and fatalities. They also engage in awareness-raising efforts to encourage road users to exercise caution. Despite occupying a subordinate position in the media hierarchy, radio is far from disappearing from the media landscape. The research question formulated in this study is: How does the radio program "Laman de verdan" contribute to the awareness of listeners about road safety? The two secondary questions resulting from this research question are: What is the role of the program in relation to road safety, and does the program facilitate better awareness? The research work is divided into three parts. The first part focuses on conceptual analysis, where the research problem, hypotheses, key concepts, and objectives are presented. The second part is devoted to the theoretical aspect, discussing the media in general, print media, television, the Internet, as well as radio, road safety, and the role of the media in society. Finally, the third part is practical, presenting the history of Radio Soummam, a general overview of the "Laman de verdan" show, the results of the field survey conducted, and a conclusion. In summary, this study aims to evaluate the role and impact of the radio program "Laman de verdan" in raising awareness among listeners about road safety. By examining the contribution of this program and analyzing the collected data, researchers seek to better understand effectiveness of radio as a medium for raising awareness and its influence on individual and social behaviors related to road safety en_US
dc.language.iso fr en_US
dc.publisher Université de Bejaia en_US
dc.subject Médias : Radio en_US
dc.subject Médias : Sécurité routière : Impact en_US
dc.subject Médias : Radio : Sensibilisation : Sécurité routière en_US
dc.subject Médias : Radio soummam : Lamane deg verdane en_US
dc.title L'impact des médias dans la sensibilisation sur la sécurité routière : cas pratique : radio Soummam émission "lamane deg verdans" en_US
dc.type Thesis en_US

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