

Origins of the CASAM project

TEMPUS project
« University of Maghreb: inclusive teaching (UMEI) »


Presentation of the project:

The Universities of the Maghreb register a low presence of target students which characteristics are defined by one of the following elements: 

- Special needs: disabled students;
- Geographical origins: countryside students or foreign students (Africans, South Asian students, etc);
- Precarious economic conditions  : poor students  with basic social and family conditions.


We have to note the lack of hosting, accompaniment and following up of the three categories of students within the structures. Hence, these students are almost marginalized at  university. The number of these students is very low, and most of them leave the university without any degree or qualification. This project proposes to implement tools and processes to compensate these deficiencies and participate to popularizing the access to higher education by making it accessible for all people. The fact that inclusive teaching has been chosen is due to a working and awareness logic  in order to implement an approach of consultation, cooperation and partnership between different stakeholders (presidencies of universities, students, teaching staff, administrations, NGO, etc.) in order to reduce difficulties and deficiencies. To achieve all this, we propose to implement a Cell of Accompaniment, Awareness, Support and Mediation (CASAM) within participating universities.


The expected outputs of CASAM are to raise awareness, fight the dropout of education in universities of target students and work to raise their number in the next years. The good hosting and the role of facilitator will help to achieve these results.   


Parteners :


Erasmushogeschool Brussel, University Abdelmalek Essaâdi, University of Santiago de Compostela, Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Fontys Opleidingscentrum Speciale Onderwijszorg, University Paul Valéry, Montpellier 3, University Comenius de Bratislava, Network of Universities from the Capitals of Europe, European Access Network, Compostela Group of Universities, European Student Network, Steunpunt Inclusief Hoger Onderwijs, University Ibn Zohr, UniversityHassan II Mohammadia, University Aboubekr Belkaid Tlemcen, Louis braille Association for blinds, Mediterranean local Development Association, University of Sousse, University of Sfax, University Abderahmane Mira –Bejaia, University Mentouri Constantine.



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