

Dr. Abderrahmane BAADACHE

Senior Lecturer Class B  /  

Unités de Recherche LaMOS (Modélisation et Optimisation des Systèmes )
Faculté des Sciences Exactes

Professional E-mail:

Personnal E-mail:

Phone: +213 6 61 76 64 22    Mobile: +213 6 61 76 64 22

Université de Bejaia, 06000 Bejaia, Algérie.




Research keywords : wireless networking, security of wireless communication, wireless sensor networks, vehicular and mesh networks

Biography :

Abderrahmane Baadache received the engineer degree in computer science from the national institute of computing (ESI, ex. INI), Oued Smar, Algiers, Algeria in 2001. The magister and Ph.D degrees from the doctoral school of networking and distributed systems, department of computer science, A. Mira University, Béjaia, Algeria in 2005 and 2012 respectively. His main research topic include wireless networking, security of wireless communication, sensor, mesh and vehicular networks.