production scientifique 2019
- Détails
- Catégorie : Non catégorisé
-1- Publications :
- Publications Internationales
N° |
Auteurs |
Titre |
Journal |
01 |
Djerroud Lamia Senga Kiessé Tristan Adjabi Smail |
Semiparametric multiple kernel estimators and model diagnostics for count regression functions |
Communications in Statistics - Theory and Methods, DOI: 10.1080/03610926.2019.1568488 0.1080/03610926.2019.1568488 |
02 |
Saadi Nora Adjabi Smail Djerroud Lamia |
On the estimation of the quantile density function by orthogonal series |
Communications in Statistics - Theory and Methods, 48:21, 5265-5289 0.1080/03610926.2018.1510003 |
03 |
Harfouche Lynda Zougab Nabil Adjabi Smail Funke Benedikt |
Discrete multivariate associated kernel estimators using two multiplicative bias correction methods |
Communications in Statistics – Simulation and Computation, DOI: 10.1080/03610918.2019.1653912 0.1080/03610918.2019.1653912 |
04 |
Amroun Sonia Djerroud Lamia Adjabi Smail |
Bayesian approach to smoothing parameter selection in spline estimate for regression curve |
International Journal of Computing Science and Mathematics. DOI: IJCSM-204051. eneral/forthcoming.php?jcode=ijcsm |
05 |
BOUDREF Mohamed Ahmed |
Titchmarsh’s theorem of Hankel transform, |
Daghestan Electronic Mathematical Reports
06 |
Local asymptotic normality for long memory process with strong mixing |
Communication in Statistic Theory and Methods 20/current |
07 |
Rahmoune Fazia Ziani Sofiane |
Analysis of the Unreliable M/G/1 Retrial Queue with Impatient Customers and Server Vacation. |
International Journal of Mathematical and Computational Sciences Vol:13, No:8. ISSN: 20703910.(Catégorie B). 94853 |
08 |
Boualem Mohamed Bareche Aicha Cherfaoui Mouloud |
Approximate controllability of stochastic bounds of stationary distribution of an M/G/1 queue withrepeated attempts and twophase service. |
International Journal of Management Science and Engineering Management. .1488634. |
09 |
Bouchentouf Amina Angelika Cherfaoui Mouloud Boualem Mohamed |
Performance and economic analysisof a single server feedback queueing model with vacation and impatient customers |
OPSEARCH 00357-4 |
10 |
Figueiredo Giovany J. M. Moussaoui Abdelkrim dos Santos Gelson C.G. Tavares Leandro |
Sub-supersolution approach for some classes of nonlocal problems involving Orlicz spaces |
Journal of Differential Equations 2019 nce/article/pii/S00220396193 02050 |
11 |
Marano Salvatore Marino Greta Moussaoui Abdelkrim |
Singular quasilinear elliptic systems in RN |
Annali di Matimatica Pura ed Applicata 2019 007%2Fs10231-019-00832-1 |
12 |
Moussaoui Abdelkrim Vèlin Jean |
On the first eigenvalue for a (p(x), q(x))-Laplacian elliptic system |
Electronic Journal of Qualitative Theory of Differential Equations 2019 https://www.math.u- |
13 |
Didi hana Moussaoui Abdelkrim |
Multiple positive solutions for a class of quasilinear singular elliptic systems |
Rendiconti del Circolo Matematico di Palermo 2019 007/s12215-019-00449-6 |
14 |
FARHI Bakir |
Summation of certain infinite Lucas-related series. |
Journal of integer sequences 2019 2/Farhi/farhi19.html |
15 |
FARHI Bakir |
On the derivatives of the integer-valued polynomials. |
Functiones et Approximatio Commentarii Mathematici 2019 55501 |
16 |
Bedouhene Fazia Djabri Yousra Boulahia Fatiha |
Ergodicity in Stepanov Orlicz Spaces. |
Annals of Functional Analysis mathematics/journal/43034. DOI : 10.1007/s43034-019-00017-0 |
17 |
Djebali Smail Mebarki Karima |
Fixed point index theory for perturbation of expansive mappings by k-set contractions |
Topological Methods in Nonlinear Analysis (TMNA). hp/TMNA/article/vieuw/TMNA 2019.055 |
18 |
Benzenati Lyna Mebarki Karima |
Multiple positive fixed points for the sum of expansive mappings and k‐set contractions |
Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences (MMAS), |
19 |
Goergiev G.Svetlin Mebarki Karima |
Existence of positive solutions for a class ODEs, FDEs and PDEs via fixed point index theory for the sum of operators |
Communications on Applied Nonlinear Analysis (CANA), |
20 |
Global in Space Regularity Results for the Heat Equation with Robin-Neumann Type Boundary Conditions in Time-varying Domains |
SibFU Journal Mathematics & Physics |
21 |
Intermediate regularity results for the solution of a high order parabolic equation |
Miskolc Mathematical Notes http://mat76.mat.uni- |
22 |
On the class of two dimensional Kolmogorov systems |
Engineering Mathematics Letters |
23 |
Zirem Djamila Boualem Mohamed Adel-Aissanou Karima Aïssani Djamil |
Analysis of a single server batch arrival unreliable queue with balking and general retrial time |
Quality Technology & Quantitative Management |
24 |
Alem Lala Maghnia Boualem Mohamed Aïssani Djamil |
Bounds of the stationary distribution in M/G/1 retrial queue with two-way communication and $n$ types of outgoing calls |
Yugoslav Journal of Operations Research r/article/view/651 |
25 |
Alem Lala Maghnia Boualem Mohamed Aïssani Djamil |
Stochastic comparison bounds for an M1,M2/G1,G2/1 retrial queue with two way communication |
Hacettepe Journal of Mathematics and Statistics ue/47862/604504 |
26 |
Braham Hayette Berdjoudj Louiza Boualem Mohamed Rahmania Nadji |
Analysis of a non- Markovian queueing model: Bayesian statistics and MCMC methods |
Monte Carlo Methods and Applications 2035 |
27 |
Bouchentouf Amina Angelika Cherfaoui Mouloud Boualem Mohamed |
Performance and economic analysis of a single server feedback queueing model with vacation and impatient customers |
28 |
Boualem Mohamed Bareche Aicha Cherfaoui Mouloud |
Approximate controllability of stochastic bounds of stationary distribution of an M/G/1 queue with repeated attempts and two-phase service |
International Journal of Management Science and Engineering Management |
29 |
Ameur Lounes Berdjoudj Louiza Abbas Karim |
Sensitivity analysis of the M/M/1 retrial queue with working vacations and vacation interruption |
International Journal of Management Science and Engineering Management |
30 |
Aknouche abdelhakim Demmouche Nacer Dimitrakopoulos Stefanos Touche Nassim |
Bayesian analysis of periodic asymmetric power GARCH model |
Studies in Nonlinear Dynamics & Econometrics 0112 |
31 |
IDRES Lahna RADJEF Mohammed Said |
The efficiency of Greedy Best Response algorithm in road traffic assignment |
International Journal of Mathematics in Operational Research 15 (3) :pp. 338-363. https :// 7 |
32 |
BERRI Sara LASAULCE Samson RADJEF Mohammed Said |
Efficient Packet Transmission in Wireless Ad Hoc Networks with Partially Informed Nodes |
EURASIP Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking. 148 https :// 1422-4 |
33 |
BOUCHAMA Kahina LALLOUET Arnaud RADJEF Mohammed Said SAIS Lakhdar |
Solving a Potential Clustering Game |
International Journal on Artificial Intelligence Tools,Vol.28, N° 02, 1950006. 064 |
34 |
Mouhoubi Zahir Aïssani Dajmil |
Strong Stability and Uniform Ergodicity Estimates for the Waiting Process in Queueing Models with Impatient Customers |
International Journal MPRF (Markov Processes and Related Fields) http://math- |
35 |
Khoulalene Nadjet Bouallouche- Medjkoune Louiza Aïssani Dajmil Mani Adel Ariouat Halim |
Clustering with Load Balancing – based Routing Protocol for Wireless Sensor Networks |
International Journal Wireless Personal Communications 7/s11277-018-5902-3 |
36 |
Amad Mourad Aïssani Dajmil Bouiche Razika Mani Adel |
A Priority-Based Queueing System for P2P SIP Call Communication Control |
IJHPCN (International Journal of High Performance Computing Networking) neral/forthcoming.php?j code=ijhpcn |
37 |
Touloum Soraya Bouallouche- Medjkoune Louiza Aïssani Dajmil Ouanter Célia |
Performance analysis of the IEEE 802.15..4e TSCH CSMACA algorithm under non-ideal channel |
IJWMC (Int. J. of Wireless and Mobil Computing) eneral/forthcoming.php? jcode=ijwmc |
38 |
Belkacem Nassima Semchedine Fouzi Al-Shammari Ahmed Aïssani Dajmil |
Novel efficient clustering and compression technique for soap web messages |
JPDC (Journal of Parallel and Distributed Compression) |
39 |
Bernine Nassima Nacer Hassina Aïssani Dajmil Alla Hassane |
Towards a Performance Analysis of a Composite Web Services using Petri Nets |
IJMOR (International Journal of Mathematics and Operation Research) |
40 |
Sayad Lamri Aïssani Dajmil Bouallouche- Medjkoune Louiza |
A Chemical Reaction Algorithm to solve the router node placement in Wireless Mesh Networks |
International Journal Mobile Network and Applications 7/s11036-017-0941-7 |
41 |
Lakaour Lamia Aïssani Dajmil Adel Karima Barkaoui Kamel |
M/M/1 retrial queue with collisions and transmission errors |
International Journal MCAP (Methodology and Computing in Applied Probability), 7/s11009-018-9680-x |
42 |
Bachi Katia Abbas Karim Heidergott Bernd |
Statistical Taylor Series Expansion: An Approach for Epistemic Uncertainty Propagation in Markov Reliability Models |
RAIRO – Operations Research https://www.rairoro. org/component/article?access=doi&doi =10.1051/ro/2019091 |
43 |
Bachi Katia Abbas Karim Heidergott Bernd |
Robust Power Series Algorithm for Epistemic Uncertainty Propagation in Queues with Breakdowns and Repairs |
Stochastic Models 0.1080/15326349.2019.16837 51?journalCode=lstm20 |
44 |
Ameur Lounes Berdjoudj Louiza Abbas Karim |
Sensitivity analysis of the M/M/1 retrial queue with working vacations and vacation interruption |
International Journal of Management Science and Engineering Management 0.1080/17509653.2019.1566034 |
45 |
Bachi Katia Chauvière Cédric Djellout Hacène Abbas Karim |
Propagation of epistemic uncertainty in queueing models with unreliable server using chaos expansions |
Communications in Statistics - Simulation and Computation 0.1080/03610918.2019.1577966?journ alCode=lssp20 |
46 |
Sensitivity of the Stability Bound for Ruin Probabilities to Claim Distributions. |
Methodology and Computing in Applied Probability 2019 |
47 |
Khimoum Noureddine Bibi Mohand Ouamer |
Primal-Dual Method for solving a Linear-Quadratic Multi-input Optimal Control Problem |
Optimization Letters 0.1007/s11590-018-1375-2 |
48 |
Bibi Mohand Ouamer Ikhneche Nacira Bentobache Mohand |
A Hybrid Algorithm for solving a convex quadratic problem |
International Journal of Mathematics in Operational Research DOI: 10.1504/IJMOR.2019.10019963 |
49 |
Zaitri Mohamed Abdelaziz Bibi Mohand Ouamer Bentobache Mohand |
A hybrid direction algorithm for solving optimal control problems |
Cogent Mathematics & Statistics .2019.1612614. |
50 |
GUEBLI Sofia OURBIH - TARI Megdouda ALOUI Abdelouhab |
Applying Refined Descriptive Sampling on the vibrating string model. |
International Journal of Computing Science and Mathematics oi/abs/10.1504/IJCSM.201 9.101097 |
51 |
BOUBALOU Meriem OURBIH - TARI Megdouda ALOUI Abdelouhab ZIOUI Arezki |
Comparing M/G/1 queue estimators in Monte Calro simulation through the tested generator "getRDS" and the proposed "getLHS" using variance reduction |
Monte Carlo methods and applications ma.2019.25.issue-2/mcma- 2019-2033/mcma-2019- 2033.xml?rskey=lTi4cA&result=1 |
52 |
TERFAS Imane SAGGOU Hafida OURBIH - TARI Megdouda |
Transient study of a queueing system with one unreliable server, batch arrivals, two types of verification, loss and vacation |
Communications in Statistics - Theory and Methods 0.1080/03610926.2018.147 2780?journalCode=lsta20 |
53 |
SAGGOU Hafida SADEG Ines OURBIH – TARI Megdouda EL-BAY Bourennane |
The analysis of unreliable M[X]/G/1 queuing system with loss, vacation and two delays of verification. Communications in Statistics |
Communications in Statistics - Simulation and Computation 0.1080/03610918.2017.141 4245 |
54 |
OUADHI Kahina OURBIH – TARI Megdouda |
Monte Carlo simulation of ordinary least squares estimator through linear regression adaptive refined descriptive sampling algorithm |
Communications in Statistics - Theory and Methods 0.1080/03610926.2017.141 9265 |
55 |
Antczak Tadeusz Slimani Hachem |
Higher-order duality results for a new class of nonconvex nonsmooth multiobjective programming problems |
FILOMAT 33(6), pp. 1619–1639 x.php/filomat/article/view/7226 |
56 |
Antczak Tadeusz Slimani Hachem |
Nondifferentiable minimax programming problem with second-order (p,r)-invex functions |
Journal of Nonlinear and Convex Analysis 20(2), pp. 229-249 /vol20/p229.html |
57 |
Akilal Karim Slimani Hachem Omar Mawloud |
A robust trust inference algorithm in weighted signed social networks based on collaborative filtering and agreement as a similarity metric |
Journal of Network and Computer Applications 126, pp. 123–132 /article/pii/S1084804518303679 |
58 |
Bouchebbah Fatah Slimani Hachem |
Levels propagation approach to image segmentation: application to breast MR images |
Journal of Digital Imaging 32(3), 433- 449 7/s10278-018-00171-2 |
59 |
Akilal Karim Slimani Hachem Omar Mawloud |
A very fast and robust trust inference algorithm in weighted signed social networks using controversy, eclecticism, and reciprocity |
Computers & Security 83, pp. 68-78 |
60 |
Brighen Assia Slimani Hachem Rezgui Abdelmounaam Kheddouci Hamamache |
Listing all maximal cliques in large graphs on vertex centric model |
The Journal of Supercomputing 75(8), 4918–4946 7/s11227-019-02770-4 |
61 |
Ouazine Kahina Slimani Hachem Nacer Hassina Bermad Nabila Zemmoudj Salah |
Reducing saturation and congestion in VANET networks: Alliance based approach and comparisons |
International Journal of Communication Systems DOI:10.1002/dac.4245 |
62 |
Akilal Karim Omar Mawloud Slimani Hachem |
Characterizing and using gullibility, competence, and reciprocity in a very fast and robust trust and distrust inference algorithm for weighted signed social networks |
Knowledge-Based Systems |
63 |
Bernine Nassima Nacer Hassian Aissani Djamil Hassen Alla |
Towards a Performance Analysis of Composite Web Services using Petri Nets |
International Journal of Mathematics and Operation Research hp?jcode=ijmor |
64 |
Amad Mourad Boudries Abdelmalek Lyes Badis |
ALM Based Services on HPM P2P Architecture, in International Conference on Computational Science & Engineering (accepted for publication |
in Scientific.Net, Publisher in Materials Science & Engineering), |
65 |
Stochastic Modeling of the Static and Dynamic Multichannel Access Methods Enabling 40/80/160 MHz Channel Bonding in the VHT WLANs |
Communications Letters (IEEE) 725568 |
66 |
Enhancement of the Dynamic Bandwidth Channel Access for IEEE 802.11ac WLANs |
International Journal of Wireless and Mobile Computing (inderscience) |
67 |
A Challenge based Countermeasure against the Spoofed PS-Poll based DoS Attack in IEEE 802.11 Networks |
International Journal of Critical Computer-Based Systems eneral/forthcoming.php?jcode=ijccbs |
68 |
Fateh Seghir · Abdallah Khababa · Fouzi Semchedine |
An interval‑ based multi‑ objective artificial bee colony algorithm for solving the web service composition under uncertain QoS |
The Journal of Supercomputing Springer Science+Business Media, LLC, part of Springer Nature 2019 02814-9 |
69 |
Seddik Rabhi1,2*, Fouzi Semchedine3 |
Localization in Wireless Sensor Networks Using DV- Hop Algorithm and Fruit Fly Meta-heuristic |
Advances in Modelling and Analysis B Vol. 62, No. 1, March, 2019, pp. 18-23 Journal homepage: |
70 |
Nassima Haroune-Belkacem , Fouzi Semchedine, Ahmed Al-Shammari, Djamil Aissani |
SMCA: An efficient SOAP messages compression and aggregation technique for improving web services performance |
Contents lists available at ScienceDirect J. Parallel Distrib. Comput. journal homepage: |
71 |
Samir Fenanir1, Fouzi Semchedine, Abderrahmane Baadache |
A Machine Learning- Based Lightweight Intrusion Detection System for the Internet of Things |
Revue d'Intelligence Artificielle Vol. 33, No. 3, June, 2019, pp. 203- 211 Journal homepage: |
72 |
Saouidih Kamel Belaid Ahror Ben Salem Douraied |
Automatic Forensic Identification using 3D sphenoid Sinus Segmentation and Deep Characterization |
Medical & Biological Engineering é Computing 2019 |
73 |
Sellami Lynda Sellami Khaled Tiako P.F |
Efficient Managementof Security for Supporting Intrusion Detection in Ubiquitous and Oervasive environnements |
Procedia Computer Science, 155, 402-409. 2019 |
74 |
Microstructure analysis and mechanical properties by instrumented indentation of Charonia Lampas Lampas shell |
Journal of the Mechanical Behaviour of Biomedical Materials 89, 114 (2019) e/article/pii/S1751616118310 300 |
75 |
GWLADYS Steciuk LUKٍS Palatinus JAN Rohlيček OUHENIA Salim |
Stacking sequence variations in vaterite resolved by precession electron diffraction tomography using a unified superspace model |
Scientific report, nature 8-019-45581-6 |
76 |
Microstructure analysis and mechanical properties by instrumented indentation of Charonia Lampas Lampas shell. |
Journal of the Mechanical Behavior of Biomedical Materials /article/pii/S1751616118310300 |
77 |
BENAIDA Meriem AIADI Kamel Eddine MAHTOUT Sofiane DJADI Soumaia RAMMAL W HARB Moussab |
Growth Behavior and Electronic Properties of Gen+1and AsGen(n = 1-20) Clusters: A DFT Study. |
Journal of Semiconductors 88/1674-4926/40/3/032101/pdf |
78 |
Structure, stability, and electronic properties of niobium-germanium and tantalum-germanium clusters |
Journal of Molecular Modeling 7/s00894-019-3988-5 |
79 |
MAFFEIS Ivan KOUDIA Seid GHARBI Abdelhakim PARIS Matteo |
Process estimation in qubit systems: a quantum decision theory approach. |
Quantum Information Processing 7/s11128-019-2320-8 |
80 |
ADNANE Hamza BINA Matteo ALBARELLI Francesco GHARBI Abdelhakim PARIS Matteo |
Quantum state engineering by nondeterministic noiseless linear amplification. |
PHYSICAL REVIEW A 1103/PhysRevA.99.063823 |
81 |
ADNANE Hamza ALBARELLI Francesco GHARBI Abdelhakim PARIS Matteo |
Characterizing non- deterministic noiseless linear amplifiers at the quantum limit. |
Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical 88/1751-8121/ab28b3 |
82 |
TEKLU Berihu ADNANE Hamza PARIS Matteo |
Quantum phase communication channels assisted by non-deterministic noiseless amplifiers. |
Journal of the Optical Society of America B bstract.cfm?uri=josab-36-11-2938 |
83 |
ADNANE Hamza PARIS Matteo |
Teleportation improvement by non-deterministic noiseless linear |
Quantum Information and Computation |
84 |
DJEHICHE Abdelmadjid BELABBAS Abdelmoumene BOUDA Ahmed |
On a Possible Quantum Manifestation of the PerihelionAdvance in HydrogenlikeAtom. |
Canadian Journal of Physics abs/10.1139/cjp-2019- 0059#.XgDYFutCfOQ |
85 |
New Study of the Astrophysicalreaction 12C (α, γ)16O. |
3éme Congres International de Physique et Chimie Quantique |
86 |
A researchStrategy by Combination of Electromagnetic and Gravitationalwave data. |
The Tenth International Conference on High Energy and AstroparticlePhysics |
87 |
DJEHICHE Abdelmadjid BELABBAS Abdelmoumene BOUDA Ahmed |
The geometricla aspect of electromagnetic interaction |
3éme Congres International de Physique et Chimie Quantique |
88 |
DJEHICHE Abdelmadjid, BELABBAS Abdelmoumene, BOUDA Ahmed |
Equivalence Principle of Electromagnetic Interaction |
The Tenth International Conference on High Energy and AstroparticlePhysics |
89 |
Radiative Capture of the 12C (α,γ)16 Onuclearreaction |
10th EuropeanSummerSchool on ExperimentalNuclearAstrophysics (Santa TeclaSchool |
90 |
Investigation of the effects of drying process on microstructural and luminescence properties of Al-doped ZnO thin films |
Journal of luminescence /article/pii/S0022231319315339 |
91 |
Optical waveguiding characteristics of TiO2 sol– gel thin films for photonic devices: effects of thermal annealing |
Optical Engineering ch?term=chibani |
92 |
Mouzaia Fatah Djouadi Djamel Chelouche Azeddine Hammiche Laid Touam Tahar |
Structural and optical investigations of pure and Al-doped ZnO nano-aerogels : effects of supercritical organic solvent |
Applied Physics A 125 (2019) 637-12 7/s00339-019-2929-6 |
93 |
Djouadi Djamel Slimi Ouidette Chelouche Azeddine Hammiche Laid Touam Tahar |
Structural and optical characterizations of (Cu, Ce) iso-co-doped ZnO aerogel structures grown in supercritical ethanol |
Journal of Porous Materials 26 (2019) 755–763 7/s10934-018-0673-5 |
94 |
Ait Abdelouhab Zina Djouadi Djamel Chelouche Azeddine Hammiche Laid Touam Tahar |
Effects of precursors and caustic bases on structural and vibrational properties of ZnO nanostructures elaborated by hydrothermal method |
Solid State Sciences 89 (2019) 93–99 /article/abs/pii/S1293255819300032 |
95 |
Haroun Salima Berkani Madjid Rycerz Leszek |
Synthesis of gadolinium(III) bromide and modeling by the experimental design method |
Iranian Journal of chemistry and Chemical Engineering |
96 |
Ait Merzag Farid Bezzi Nacer |
Optimization of the flotation parameters on the enrichment of phosphate ore (Algeria) |
Solide state Phtsics, Mineral Processing DOI: 10.29202/nvngu/2019-3-4 |
97 |
Tahri Turkia Bezzi Nacer Bouzenzah Abdellah |
Characterizatiob and homogenization of Bled El-Hadba phosohate ore, case of Djebel Onk (Algeria) |
Solide state Phtsics, Mineral Processing DOI: 10.29202/nvngu/2019-2-4 |
- Publications Nationales
N° |
Auteurs |
Titre |
Journal |
01 |
Azizi Tarek Beghdad Rachid |
Impact of network architecture and aggregation process on bandwidth allocation in wireless sensor networks |
Control and Cybernetics ts/ show/197?year |
02 |
Saouidih Kamel Belaid Ahror Ben Salem Douraied |
Automatic segmentation of the sphenoid sinus in CT-scans Volume with Deep medics 3D cnn architecture |
Medical Technologies Journal 3 (1), 334-346 |
N° |
Auteurs |
Titre |
Editeur |
01 |
Nacer Hassina |
Web sémantique et applications: du Web actuel au Web du futur |
Editions Universitaires Européennes s%C3%A9mantique-Applications-actuel- futur/dp/6139520118 |
Albane Saadia Slimani Hachem Kheddouci Hamamache |
Detection of Conflicts of Interest in Social Networks |
Chapitre du livre In H. Cherifi et al. (Eds.): COMPLEX NETWORKS 2019, SCI 882, pp. 179–190, Springer Nature Switzerland AG 3-030-36683-4_15 |
2- Communications
a- Communications internationales
N° |
Nom et Prénom |
Intitulée de la communication |
Intitulé, date et lieu de la manifestation |
01 |
Ziane Yasmina Adjabi Smail Zougab Nabil |
Approche bayesienne dans l'estimation de la densité des données heavy tailed à support non négatif |
9ème édition du colloque Tendances dans les Applications Mathématiques en Tunisie Algérie et Maroc 23-27 février 2019 Tlemcen, Algérie |
02 |
Adjabi Yasmina Zougab Nabil |
Réduction du biais dans l'estimation non paramétrique des densités heavy tailed par la méthode du noyau |
51 èmes journées de Statistique de la société Française de la Statistique. 02-07 juin 2019 Nancy, France |
03 |
Processus de long memoire a erreurs melangeantes |
MSS19, USTHB, Alger 2019 |
04 |
Local asymptotic normality for long-memory process with strong mixing noises |
MSS19, USTHB, Alger 2019 |
05 |
Modele de longue memoire pure a coefficients de memoire periodique |
MSS19, USTHB, Alger 2019 |
06 |
On the nonparametric conditional hazard function in the single functional index model in the α-mixing framework under censored data |
LICMA’19, 15 to 18 April 2019 Beirut, Lebanon |
07 |
Rahmoune Fazia |
Monopoly Pricing in an M/M/1 Unreliable Queue with Delayed Repairs. |
The 2019 International Conference on Decision Aid Sciences and Applications (TDAS‟19) and the 4th International Conference of the Tunisian Operational Research Society (TORS‟19) |
08 |
Rahmoune Fazia |
Stochastic Petri Nets Approach for the Analysis of the (s, Q) Retrial Inventory system with batch demands |
The 2019 International Conference on Decision Aid Sciences and Applications (TDAS‟19) and the 4th International Conference of the Tunisian Operational Research Society (TORS‟19) |
09 |
Rahmoune Fazia |
Analysis of the Unreliable M/G/1 Retrial Queue with Impatient Customers and Server Vacation |
International Conference on Mathematics 2019 |
10 |
Djabali Yasmina |
Stability of the Embedded Markov Chain In an M/PH/1 Queue. |
ICOM 2019 International Conference on Mathematics |
11 |
Cherfaoui Mouloud |
Analysis of a non-Markovian queuewith customers‟ impatience: Impact and application |
International Conference on Financial MathematicsTools and Applications 2019 |
12 |
Rahmoune Fazia |
A Discrete Simulation Approach for Retrial Inventory Model with Two Types of Demands |
International Conference on Financial Mathematics Tools and Applications 2019 |
13 |
Generalized Birnbaum- Sauders kernel for hazard rate function estimation |
9eme édition du colloque TAMTAM (Tunisie-Algérie- Maroc), Université Abou BekrBelkaid, Tlemcen (Algérie) 25-27 Février 2019 |
14 |
Hazard Rate function estimation using Généralized Birnbaum-Sauders Kernel. |
JDS (Journées Des Statistiques), Nancy (France) 03-07 Juin 2019. |
15 |
Estimation du taux de défaillance par les noyaux GénéralizedBirnbaum- Sauders (GBS). |
Séminaire au Laboratoire de Mathématiques LmB de Besançon, Université de Franche- Comté (France) le 17 Juin 2019 |
16 |
Lekadir Ouiza |
Modélisation et analyse de la communication RF dans les réseaux de capteurs via les files d’attente |
Colloque international MSS’2019, USTHB |
17 |
Lekadir Ouiza DEL-AISSANOU Karima |
Modélisation et analyse de la communication RF dans les réseaux de capteurs via les files d’attente |
Colloque international MSS’2019, USTHB. |
18 |
Bazizi Lydia Rahmoune Fouzia Lekadir Ouiza Labadi Karim |
Modélisation et simulation discrète d‟un système de gestion des stocks avec deux types de demandes et rappels |
Conférence internationale MOFA‟19, Université de Bejaia |
19 |
Lekadir Ouiza DEL-AISSANOU Karima |
Performance evaluation of IP networks with differentiated services, |
Colloque Cosi’2019, Université Mouloud Mammeri, Tizi-Ouzou |
20 |
Boukredera Djamila Adel-Aissanou Karima Ziane Amine Kherib Chafâa |
Allocation Dynamique des Ressources Radio Cognitive Basée sur la Négociation Multi-Agents |
Colloque sur l'Optimisation et les Systèmes d'Information COSI'2019, Tizi Ouzou (Algérie). |
21 |
Adel-Aissanou Karima Boukredera Djamila Bechar Katia Bouali Meriem |
Management of Smart Maritime Container |
ACM - 8th International Conference on Software Engineering and New Technologies, Hammamet, Tunisia, 2019 |
22 |
Hamani Mounir Boukredera Djamila Adel-Aissanou Karima |
A New Heuristic for Solving the Traveling Salesman Problem. |
The 13th International Conference on Multiple Objective Programming and Goal Programming (MOPGP), Marrakech, Maroc, 2019. |
23 |
Boukredera Djamila Adel-Aissanou Karima Ould Ali Karima |
A Multi-Agent Approach Towards an Intelligent Management of Logistics Platform. |
ACM - 8th International Conference on Software Engineering and New Technologies, Hammamet, Tunisia, 2019 |
24 |
MEDJBAR Sonia TAS Saadia |
Principe de comparaison pour une classe de systèmes non linéaires : cas critique et sous critique. |
Tendances des Applications en Mathématiques en Tunisie, Algérie et Maroc (TAMTAM), 25-27 février 2019, Université de Tlemcen. |
25 |
BOURENI Dalila TAS Saadia |
Résolutions d'une classe de problèmes elliptiques non linéaires dans un espace de Sobolev-Orlicz |
Workshop on differential equations and dynamical systems, 10-14 mars 2019, Université de Béjaia. |
26 |
Exponential inequalities in linear calibration problem with mixing random data. |
RAMA 11, Sidi Bel Abbès du 21 au 24 novembre 2019. |
27 |
Exponential inequalities in linear calibration problem with alpha mixing random data. |
International Congress on Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis. December 16 - 18, 2019, Meknes, Morocco. |
28 |
Boulahia Fatiha |
Uniform non-squareness property and extremes points (β) of the Besicovitch-Orlicz spaces of almost periodic functions. |
TAMTAM 2019. Tlemcen (ALGERIE) |
29 |
Mebarki Karima |
On the fixed point theory in cones for the sum of two operators and applications |
TAMTAM 2019. Tlemcen (ALGERIE) |
30 |
Mebarki Karima |
Multiple positive solutions of boundary value problem via a new multiple fixed point theorem for the sum of two operators |
International Conference on Computational Methods in Applied Sciences, Istanbul, Turkey 2019 |
31 |
Chebbab Mesbah |
Stabilité asymptotique d’une solution asymptotique périodique d’un système de réseau de neurones avec retards mixtes. |
TAMTAM 2019. Tlemcen (ALGERIE) |
32 |
Explicit limit cycles of polynomial vector fields |
International Conference on Computational Methods in Applied Sciences (IC2MAS19,), 12-16 July 2019, Istanbul, Turkey ICCMAS19 |
33 |
On the Burgers equation in conical domains |
9ème colloque, Tendances dans les Applications Mathématiques en Tunisie Algérie Maroc, 25– 27 Février, Université Abou Bekr Belkaid, Tlemcen, Algérie https://tamtam2019-univ- |
34 |
The use of the domain decomposition method in the resolution of the heat equation in non- cylindrical domains |
International Conference on Computational Methods in Applied Sciences, July 12-16, Istanbul Gelisim University, 5 Istanbul-Turkey CMAS19 |
35 |
Touche Nassim |
Weighted least squares method based on Schick estimator for Random coefficient autoregression |
International Conference on Computational Methods in Applied Sciences 2019 |
36 |
Boualem Mohamed |
Stochastic monotonicity of non-Markovian retrial queue with two types of customers |
International Conference on Computational Methods in Applied Sciences |
37 |
Cherfaoui Mouloud Mohamed Mohamed |
Analysis of a non-Markovian queue with customers‟ impatience: Impact and application |
International conference MFOA‟2019 |
38 |
Ameur Lounes |
Sensitivity analysis of M/M/1 retrial queue with working vacation and vacation Interruption |
9ème edition du Colloque TAMTAM Tlemcen 2019 |
39 |
Hameche Houssam Eddine |
Estimation du taux des rappels dans le système M/G/1 avec rappels linéaires. |
Colloque International MSS‟2019 USTHB |
40 |
KENDI Salima RADJEF Mohammed Said BRAHMI Mohamed BOURAS D |
Localisation-Allocation dans les Réseaux de Distribution des Produits Agro-Alimentaires |
Première Journée Méditerranéenne : Modélisation et Analyse Statistique et Economique . 019/08/23/1ere- journeemediterraneenne- modelisation-et-analyse- statistique-et-economique/ Beit-Al-Hikma à Carthage (Tunisie). 06 Décembre 2019 |
41 |
A cooperative game model for resource allocation: Canadian forest products case study |
CIGI QUALITA /fr/acceuil-1/ Montreal, Canada 2019, 25-28 June |
42 |
A cooperative game model for forest resource allocation |
Canadian Operational Research Society 61-st Annual Conference https://www.cors2019. ca/ SASKATOON, SASKATCHEWAN 2019, May 27-29 |
43 |
N. Yousfi, H. Lanseur and M. Cherrared. |
A multi-criteria approach for early-stage of concrete buildings |
The 8 th International Conference on Pure and Applied Mathematics (ICPAM 2019). Brussels, Belgium? July 22-25, 2019. |
44 |
ANZI Aicha RADJEF Mohammed Said |
A solution approach for a class of multiobjective bilevel programs |
International Conference on Computational Methods in Applied Sciences (IC2MAS19) ICCMAS19 Istanbul, Turkey July 07-12, 2019 |
45 |
Outamazirt Assia |
A New Analytical Model for Calculating Elasticity in Cloud Computing |
Colloque MSR'2019 (Modélisation des Systèmes Réactifs) |
46 |
Afroun Fairouz |
Estimation à noyau discret dans le modèle de stock de type(R,s,S) |
COSI’2019(Colloque d’Optimisation et des Systèmes d’Information) |
47 |
Touazi Atik |
Qualité de l’estimateur à noyau dans l’approximation de la probabilité de ruine |
Congrès International “CIGI/QUALITA’2019 |
48 |
Ikhlef Lyes |
Validation croisée non biaisée et estimation à noyau discret dans le modèle de stock de type (R,s,S |
Colloque international MSS’2019 (Modélisation Stochastique et Statistique) |
49 |
Afroun Fairouz |
Validation croisée non biaisée et estimation à noyau discret dans le modèle de stock de type (R,s,S |
Colloque international MSS’2019 (Modélisation Stochastique et Statistique) |
50 |
Boudane Khadidja Takhedmit Baya Abbas Karim |
Uncertainty Quantification in M/G/1/N Queue with Dependent Breakdowns |
2nd International Conference on Mathematical Modelling in Applied Sciences |
51 |
Cheurfa Fatah Soufit Massinissa Abbas Karim |
P-boxes for uncertainty analysis of classic risk model |
2nd International Conference on Mathematical Modelling in Applied Sciences 2019 |
52 |
Ameur Lounes Berdjoudj Louiza Abbas Karim |
Sensitivity Analysis of the M/M/1 Retrial Queue with Working Vacations and Vacation Interruption |
Tendances dans les Applications Mathématiques en Tunisie Algérie Maroc 2019 |
53 |
Soufit Massinissa Cheurfa Fatah Abbas Karim |
Approche par intervalle pour l’analyse de l’incertitude des options européennes |
International Conference on Financial Mathematics: Tools and Applications 2019 |
54 |
Mathematical modeling of IP networks with differentiated services |
Colloque international sur l'Optimisation et les Systèmes d'Information COSI'2019, 24 au 26 Juin 2019, Tizi Ouzou (Algérie). |
55 |
Approximation de la probabilité de ruine de modèles de risque: Approche semi-paramétrique |
International Conference “Financial Mathematics: Tools and Applications (MFOA‟2019)” |
56 |
Approximating the ruin probability in risk models by strong stability and semi- parametric techniques. |
International Conference on Computational Methods in Applied Sciences (ICCMAS 2019) |
57 |
Bibi Mohand Ouamer |
Lien dialectique existant entre l'Optimisation, l'Analyse et l'Algèbre « Conférence plénière » |
Colloque sur l’Optimisation et les Systèmes d’Information (COSI’2019), Université de Tizi Ouzou 2019 |
58 |
ALIOUA Imane Bibi Mohand Ouamer |
Calcul du temps minimal dans un problème de contrôle optimal par une méthode hybride |
Mathématiques Financières Outils & Applications, MFOA’2019, Bejaia |
59 |
AZI Mourad Bibi Mohand Ouamer |
Optimal Cash Management with Intermediate Phase Constraints |
Mathématiques Financières Outils & Applications, MFOA’2019, Bejaia |
60 |
GUERBANE Rima Bibi Mohand Ouamer |
Critère d’optimalité dans un problème dual de programmation linéaire avec une direction hybride |
Mathématiques Financières Outils & Applications, MFOA’2019, Bejaia |
61 |
ANDJOUH Amar Bibi Mohand Ouamer |
Minimisation d'une forme quadratique avec une seule valeur propre négative |
Colloque sur l’Optimisation et les Systèmes d’Information (COSI’2019), Bejaia |
62 |
HEBBACHE Abdelhak Bentobache Mohand Bibi Mohand Ouamer |
Nouvelle technique d’initialisation de la méthode adaptée pour la résolution des programmes linéaires à variables non négatives |
Mathématiques Financières Outils & Applications, MFOA’2019, Bejaia |
63 |
BAICHE Leila |
Maximum likelihood parametric estimation through RDS |
International Conference on Computational Methods in Applied Sciences (IC2MAS 2019) |
64 |
TAMITI Kenza |
Simulation of retrials queuing systems with RDS approach |
TAMTAM'2019 |
65 |
BAICHE Leila |
Parametric estimation through Refined Descriptive Sampling |
TAMTAM'2019 |
66 |
TAMTAM'2019 |
67 |
Comparing two generators Refind Descriptives Samplingand Latin Hypercube Sampling |
JAMA'19 |
68 |
Akilal Karim Omar Mawloud Slimani Hachem |
A wider picture of trust: confronting multi- contextual social traits for trust inference |
The 3rd International Conference on Future Networks and Distributed Systems (ICFNDS), p. 30. ACM |
69 |
Diboune Abdelhani Nacer Hassina Beghdad Bey Kadda Slimani Hachem |
Taxonomy of Community Models and Applications in Complex Networks |
International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Information Technology ICA2IT, March 4–6, Ouargla, Algeria |
70 |
Beghdad Bey Kadda Bouznad Sofiane Benhammadi Farid Nacer Hassina |
Improved Virus Optimization algorithm for two-objective tasks Scheduling in Cloud Environment |
Federated Conference on Computer Science and Information Systems, (FedCSIS), September 1-4, Leipzig, Germany pp. 109-11 |
71 |
Sellami Khaled, Rabah KASSA, |
“Workflow Scheduling based on Energy-Aware in a Cloud Computing environment using Non-dominated sorting genetic algorithm“, |
the sixth World Congress on Global Optimization WCGO 2019 which will be held in Metz, France , https://wcgo2019.event.univ- 08 to 10 July 2019. |
72 |
KASSA Rabah Sellami Khaled Halfoune Nadia Bouzidi Zair |
Immune genetic algorithm for IoT and mobile cloud technologies Service Scheduling based on Energy- Awareness“, |
73 |
Efficient Management of Channel Bonding in the Current IEEE 802.11ac Standard |
3rd International Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Renewable Energetic Systems (IC- AIRES’2019) |
74 |
Adaptive Virtual Collision Management in the Multichannel Access Functioning of the Future IEEE 802.11 WLANs |
1st International Conference on Networking Telecommunications, Biomedical Engineering and Applications (ICNTBA’19) |
75 |
An OFDMA MAC Protocol Aggregating Variable Length Data in the Next IEEE 802.11ax Standard |
International Conference on Innovative Trends in Computer Science (CITCS'2019) |
76 |
HOCINI Kenza YAZID Mohand |
Comparative Study of the Main Full Duplex MAC Protocols in the Future Generation of HEW WLANs |
International Conference on Innovative Trends in Computer Science (CITCS'2019) |
77 |
Hedjaz Sabrine Baadache Abderrahmane Semchedine Fouzi |
Comparative Study of Security Methods against DDOS Attacks in Cloud Computing Environment |
The 2019 inetrnational symposium on networks, computers and communications, Istabul, Turkey, Jun 18-20, 2019 |
78 |
Stability analysis of magnetic fluids in the presence of an oblique field and mass and heat transfer |
ICOME‟19 International Conference On Materials and Energy Hammamet-Tunisia, April 23-26, 2019 |
79 |
KOULALI Aimad MEZIANI Bachir SADAOUI Djamel ADNANI Massinissa |
Mixed Convection of Air in a Rectangular Enclosure With: - Alveolus filled by AL2- O3-Water Nanofluid |
ICOME‟19 International Conference On Materials and Energy, Hammamet-Tunisia, April 23-26, 2019 |
80 |
Nonlinear Klein-Gordon Equation and the Stability Criteria Via the Multiple- Scales Method |
Tenth International Conference on High Energy and Aetropartical Physics, Constantine, Algeria 2019 |
81 |
Study on Kelvin-Helmholtz instability with heat and mass transfer in magnetic fluids |
Vth International Conference on Energy, Materials, Applied Energetics and Pollution (ICEMAEP‟2019), 24-22 October 2019, Constantine, Algeria |
82 |
Relation de dispersion pour les fluides magnifiques dans un réservoir soumis à un camps magnétique vertical |
Congres Algérien de Mécanique Ghardaïa 2019 |
83 |
Stabilisation de l’interface de l’écoulement de Poiseuille bicouche |
24e Congrès Français de Mécanique 2019 |
84 |
NAMIR Ouahiba |
Elastic properties and sound velocities of calcite under hydrodtatic pressure |
3ème Congrès International de Physique et Chimie Quantique (CIPCQ2019). Bejaia (Algeria), November 4th – 6th, 2019 |
85 |
CHAHI Ghiles |
Etude des proprieties élastiques directionnelles du monohydrure de calcite sous pression |
3ème Congrès International de Physique et Chimie Quantique (CIPCQ2019). Bejaia (Algeria), November 4th – 6th, 2019 |
86 |
Frist-principales investigation of phases transitions in caCO3 |
La Conférence Internationale sur les Sciences et Génie des Matériaux et leur impact sur l'Environnement (ICMSE@2019) Sidi Bel Abbes (Algeria), du 26 au 28 Novembre, 2019. |
87 |
Etude par DFT des transitions de phases dans le caCO3 : effect des vibrations du point zéro |
3ème Congrès International de Physique et Chimie Quantique (CIPCQ2019). Bejaia (Algeria), November 4th – 6th, 2019 |
88 |
Mehidi Nadia Nouamar Naima Djessas Houria Boubalou Nabila |
Exploration du problem linéaire aux valeurs propres de l‟écoulement annulaire par les matrices de Riccati |
23ème congrès Français de mécanique, Brest (France) 2019 |
89 |
Djessas Houria Mehidi Nadia Boubalou Nabila Djema Amar |
Etude numérique de l‟instabilité capillaire dans l‟écoulement d‟un film mince sur une paroi verticale |
23ème congrès Français de mécanique, Brest (France) 2019 |
90 |
Boubalou Nabila Mehidi Nadia Djessas Houria |
Effets viscoélastiques sur les instabilités dans un écoulement annulaire à faible nombre de Reynolds |
3ième congrès international de Physique et Chimie Quantique (CIPCQ‟19) |
91 |
BOUFALA khaled OUHENIA Salim |
Structure and microstructure study of charonia lampas lampas shell |
32 nd European Crystallographic Meeting 2019 (ECM 32) In Vienna, Autriche. |
92 |
LASMI Mustapha ROUMILI Mohamed Akli MAHTOUT Sofiane RABILLOUD Franck |
Ab initio invistigation using DFT method of Germanium doped clusters |
Troisième Congrès International de Physique et Chimie Quantique (CIPCQ'2019) |
93 |
HAICHOUR Rachida MAHTOUT Sofiane |
Structural and electronic properties of Tin+1 and FeTin (n=1-7)clusters |
Troisième Congrès International de Physique et Chimie Quantique (CIPCQ'2019) |
94 |
Optoelectronicpropertiesof layered transition metal dichalcogenides. |
Troisième Congrès International de Physique et Chimie Quantique (CIPCQ'2019) |
95 |
First principal calculations of properties of iron doped arsenic clusters FeAsn ( n = 1 - 20). |
Troisième Congrès International de Physique et Chimie Quantique (CIPCQ'2019) |
96 |
SAFER Sofiane MAHTOUT Sofiane RABILLOUD Franck SIOUANI Chaouki |
A computational approach using the DFT theory to reveal the structural stability and physical properties of PdAsn (n = 1-20) clusters |
Troisième Congrès International de Physique et Chimie Quantique (CIPCQ'2019) |
97 |
TARIKET Yacine MAHTOUT Sofiane |
DFT study of electronic and magnetic properties of small doped Germanium MGen (M = Ca, Sr, Cs et Ba) clusters (n=1-12). |
Troisième Congrès International de Physique et Chimie Quantique (CIPCQ'2019) |
98 |
KOUDIA Seid GHARBI Abdelhakim |
Quantum state engineering within superposition of causal orders |
Vienna Graduate Conference on Complex Quantum Systems 2019 |
99 |
KOUDIA Seid GHARBI Abdelhakim |
Quantum NonGaussianity from an indefinite causal order of Gaussian operations. |
Austrian Quantum Information Conference 2019 |
100 |
KOUDIA Seid GHARBI Abdelhakim |
Discrimination of quantum processes in the presence of noise within a superposition of causal orders. |
Okinawa School in Physics: Coherent Quantum Dynamics |
101 |
MEHDAOUI Nabil KHODJA Lamine GHARBI Abdelhakim |
Non-commutative Scalar Field and Particle Production in Curved Spacetime. |
The Tenth International Conference on High Energy and Astroparticle Physics (TIC- HEAP 2019) |
102 |
ADNANE Hamza GHARBI Abdelhakim PARIS Matteo |
Action d‟une amplification non-déterministe linéaire et sans bruit sur la distillation de l‟intrication et de la téléportation des états cohérents de la lumière. |
3ème Congrès International de Physique et Chimie Quantique (CIPCQ'19) |
103 |
ADNANE Hamza GHARBI Abdelhakim PARIS Matteo |
Improving quantum phase- shift keying by noiseless linear amplification and nonMarkovianity. |
3ème Congrès International de Physique et Chimie Quantique (CIPCQ'19) |
104 |
MEHDAOUI Nabil KHODJA Lamine GHARBI Abdelhakim |
Equation de Dirac dans un Espace-temps Courbé et création de Paires de Particules. |
3ème Congrès International de Physique et Chimie Quantique (CIPCQ'19) |
105 |
BACHI Halima TOULOUM Samir GHARBI Abdelhakim |
Exact solutions for a relativistic generalized harmonic oscilltor using quan-tum Hamilton-jacobi approach. |
3ème Congrès International de Physique et Chimie Quantique (CIPCQ'19) |
106 |
ZAABAR Foudil |
Optoelectronic properties of layered transition metal dichalcogenides |
3 ème Congrès international de physique et de chimie quantique (CIPCQ‟19) Algérie |
107 |
BOUFALA Khaled |
Etude par le code siesta des propriétés électronique et magnétiques des nanorubans de carbone dopés par les atomes de bore et d‟azote. |
3 ème Congrès international de physique et de chimie quantique (CIPCQ‟19) Algérie |
108 |
Optical excitations of selected van der Waals heterostructures investigated by many-body perturbation theory. |
3 ème Congrès international de physique et de chimie quantique (CIPCQ‟19) Algérie |
109 |
CHELOUCHE Azeddine |
Investigation of the effects of PVP stabilizer ratio on the structural and optical properties of dip-coated silver nanoparticles/zinc oxide nanocomposites thin films |
International Conference on Chemical and Materials Science |
110 |
CHELOUCHE Azeddine |
Impact of acidic pH and annealing on the properties of TiO2 sol-gel thin films for photonic applications |
International Conference on Chemical and Materials Science |
111 |
Effects of rare earth (Ce, Er, Eu) doping on structural and optical properties of ZnO aerogels synthesized in supercritical isopropanol |
4th International Symposium on Materials and Sustainable Development ISMSD2019, November 12-14, 2019,Boumerdes - Algeria |
112 |
Effect of Supercritical Co- solvent on Structural and Optical Properties of Er- Doped ZnO Aerogels Nanostructures |
First International Workshop On Environmental Engineering (IWEE‟19), November 15-17, 2019,Setif- Algeria |
113 |
BARKA Fatiha |
Preparation and photocatalytic activity of iodine-doped ZnO nanostructures |
International conference on chemical and biochemical engineering (ICCBE) Saint petersbourg, Russian Federation 9th-10th September 2019 |
b- Communications nationales :
N° |
Nom et Prénom |
Intitulée de la communication |
Intitulé, date et lieu de la manifestation |
01 |
Estimation non paramétrique du taux de défaillance par la méthode du noyau |
Séminaire hebdomadaire de Béjaia, Unité de Recherche LaMOS, Université de Béjaia le 19 Février 2019 |
02 |
BOUSLA Sid Ali |
Effective bounds for the least common multiple of consecutive terms of Fibonacci sequence |
11ème rencontre d‟Analyse mathématique et applications (RAMA) 2019 |
03 |
BOURENI Dalila |
Résolution d’une classe de systèmes elliptiques non linéaires dans des espaces de Sobolev- Orlicz |
Workshop on differential equations and dynamical systems, Bejaia DESD 10-14 mars 2019, Algérie. |
04 |
LALILI Hadjira TAS Saadia |
Existence of radial solutions for some equations via degree theory. |
Journée Académique de Mathématiques Appliquées, 10 avril 2019, Université de Djelfa |
05 |
LALILI Hadjira TAS Saadia |
Existence of weak solutions for nonlinear equation with p(x)-Laplacian operator via topological method |
Journée de Mathématiques Appliquées, 28 avril 2019, Centre universitaire de Mila |
06 |
Chebbab Mesbah |
Stability of asymptotically w- periodic solution of recurrent neural networks with mixed delays under activation function Holder continuous. |
Workshop on differential equations and dynamical systems Bejaia.2019 |
07 |
Hassaine Slimane |
Sur les points extrêmes de l'espace de Besicovitch-Orlicz de fonctions presque périodiques |
Rencontre d'Analyse Mathématique et Applications RAMA11 |
08 |
Benzenati Lyna |
An extension of Krasnoselskii's cone foxed point theorem for a sum of two operators and applications to nonlinear boundary value problems |
Workshop on differential equations and dynamical systems Bejaia.2019 |
09 |
Benslimane Salim |
Sur la théorie de l'indice du point fixe pour la somme de deux opérateurs et applications en EDO |
Workshop on differential equations and dynamical systems Bejaia.2019 |
10 |
Global in Space Regularity Results for the Heat Equation with Robin-Neumann Type Boundary Conditions in Time-varying Domains |
Workshop on differential equations and dynamical systems, 10-14 Mars 2019, université de Bejaia |
11 |
Strong solutions for parabolic equations in non-cylindrical domains |
Trends in Partial Differential Equations and Related Fields, du 08 au 10 Avril 2019 à l‟université de sidi Bel Abbès |
12 |
Touche Nassim |
Analyse bayésienne MCMC du modèle GARCH asymétrique en puissance périodique |
Séminaire hebdomadaire du laboratoire LAMOS 2019 |
13 |
Les modèles mathématiques dans la radio cognitive |
Séminaire Mathématique de Béjaia |
14 |
Bouaouina Kenza |
Removal of methylene blue by adsorption onto waste |
Seminaire national sur les biotechnologies en Algerie: quelles biotechnologies pour un développement durable ? 2019 |
P.S. Facultés |
Publications |
Communications |
internationales |
Nationales |
internationales |
Nationales |
Faculté des Sciences Exactes |
97 |
02 |
113 |
14 |
226 |
production scientifique 2021
- Détails
- Catégorie : Non catégorisé
Production Scientifique 2021
Publications :
- Publications Internationales
- LaMos
N° |
Auteurs |
Titre |
Journal, numéro, volume, année, pages |
01 |
Badis L., Amad M., Aïssani D. and Abbar S |
"P2PCF:a ollaborative filtering based recommender system for Peer to Peer social networks. |
Journal of High Speed Networks IOS Press Editors, Vol. 27, Issue 1, 2021, pp. 13 - 31. DOI: 10.3233/JHS – 210649. |
02 |
Aïane N., Rahmoune F. and Aïssani D |
Modeling and Performance Evaluation in the (R,s,lnQ) Inventory System. |
IJMOR (International Journal of Mathematics and Operation Research)Inderscience Enterprise Ed., 2021. DOI: 10.1504/IJMOR.2021.10042002 |
03 |
Cherfaoui B and Laggoune R |
Optimal Periodic Inspection Policy for a Parallel System Subject to Continuous Bi-Levels Degradation. |
International Journal of Reliability Quality and Safety Engineering. Vol. 28, No. 05, 2150037 (2021). DOI: 10.1142/S0218539321500376 |
04 |
Azi M., and Bibi M. O |
Optimal control of a dynamical system with intermediate phase constraints and applications in cash management |
Numerical Algebra, Control and Optimization, 2021. |
05 |
Djeloud K., Bentobache M., and Bibi M. O |
A new method with hybrid direction for linear programming |
Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience, vol. 33, no. 1, p. e5836, 2021. DOI:10.1002/cpe.5836 |
06 |
Ghellab F. and Bibi M. O |
Optimality and sub optimality criteria in a quadratic problem of optimal control with a piece wise linear entry
1. International Journal of Mathematics in Operationa lResearch, vol. 19, no. 1, pp. 1-18, 2021. 2. |
07 |
Bibi M. O., Boussouira H. and Laouar A |
Solution of an Integer Linear Programming Problem via a Primal Dual Method Combined with a Heuristic |
3. 4. International Journal of Mathematical Modeling and Numerical Optimisation, Vol. 12, No. 1, 2021, pp 69-87 5. |
08 |
Harfouche Z & Bareche A |
Semi-parametric approach for approximating the ruin probability of classical risk models with large claims |
6. Communications in Statistics- Simulation and Computation, |
09 |
Lagha K., Djerroud L & Adjabi S |
Nonparametric sequential estimation of the cumulative function by orthogonal series and application in reliability |
Communications in Statistics- Simulation and Computation, |
10 |
Chekkal S., Lagha K & Zougab N |
Generalized Birnbaum–Saunders kernel for hazard rate function estimation |
Communications in Statistics- Simulation and Computation |
11 |
Ziane Y., Zougab N., and Adjabi S |
Body tail adaptive kernel density estimation for non negative heavy-tailed data |
Monte Carlo Methods and Applications, 27, 57-69. |
12 |
Medjider M&Lagha K |
Estimation non paramétrique à noyau dans les modèles Stress-Strength |
Algerian Journal of Engineering Architecture and Urbanism Journal AJEAU.Edited by ANEAU Association, ISSN :2588-1760, Pages 374-377, Vol 5, issue no. 2. |
13 |
Boualem M and Touche N
Stochastic monotonicity approach for a non-Markovian priority retrial queue |
Asian-European Journal of Mathematics, 14(09), Article No. 2150156.Doi: 10.1142/S1793557121501564. |
14 |
Bouchentouf A A, Cherfaoui M, Boualem M |
Analysis and performance evaluation of Markovian feedback multi-server queueing model with vacation and impatience |
American Journal of Mathematical and Management Sciences, 40(3), 261—282.DOI: 10.1080/01966324.2020.1842271. |
15 |
Bouchentouf A A, Cherfaoui M, Boualem M |
Modeling and simulation of Bernoulli feedback queue with general customers' impatience under variant vacation policy |
International Journal of Operational Research. |
16 |
Bouchentouf A A, Boualem M, Cherfaoui M, Medjahri L |
Variant vacation queueing system with Bernoulli feedback, balking and server's states-dependent reneging |
Yugoslav Journal of Operations Research. |
17 |
Kumar A, Boualem M, Bouchentouf A A |
Optimal Analysis of Machine Interference Problem with Standby, Random Switching Failure, Vacation Interruption and Synchronized Reneging Optimal Analysis of Machine Interference Problem |
Edited By Abhinav Goel, Anand Chauhan, A K Malik. Applications of Advanced Optimization Techniques in Industrial Engineering. ISBN 9780367545451, 1st Edition, CRC Press (Taylor & Francis Group). |
18 |
Bouchentouf A A , Medjahri L, Boualem M, Kumar A |
Mathematical analysis of a Markovian multi-server feedback queue with variant of multiple vacations, balking, and reneging |
Discrete and Continuous Models and Applied Computational Science. In Press. |
19 |
Mammeri S, Yazid M., Kacimi R. and Bouallouche-Medjkoune L |
Starvation avoidance-based dynamic multichannel access for low priority traffics in 802.11ac communication systems |
Computers and Electrical, 90, 2021. |
20 |
Alkama L. and Bouallouche- Medjkoune L |
IEEE 802.15.4 historical revolution versions, a survey |
International Journal Computing, Springer Ed., DOI : 10.1007/s00607-020-00844-3, 103:99–131,2021. |
21 |
Larbi-Mezeghrane W., Larbi A., Bouallouche-Medjkoune L. and Aïssani D |
Geometric and decentralized approach for localization in Wireless Sensor Network |
IJAIHC (Int. J. of Ambient Intelligence and Humanized Computing), Vol. 12, Issue 2, Springer Ed., 2021, pp. 1679 - 1691. DOI: 10.1007/s12652 – 020 – 02240-3. |
22 |
Bennai Y-A, Yessad S, Bouallouche-Medjkoune L |
A Flexible and Adaptive Medium Access Control Protocol for Improving Quality of Service in Vehicular Ad-Hoc Networks |
International Journal of Computers and Applications, |
23 |
Belamri F., Boulefkhar S. and Aïssani D |
A Survey on Qos Routing Protocols in Vehicular Ad Hoc Network (VANET) |
International Journal “Telecommunication Systems”, Springer Ed.,Vol: 78, Issue10, pp. 117-153; June 2021, pp. 1 – 37. |
24 |
Bounouni M, Bouallouche-Medjkoune L, Beraza A and Daoud A |
Eliminating Selective Dropping Attack in Mobile Ad hoc Networks |
[1] International Journal Wireless Personal Communications, (published online November 2021). |
25 |
Touloum S., Bouallouche-Medjkoune L., Yazid M., Moktefi M. and Aïssani D |
Performance modeling of the IEEE 802.15..4e TSCH enabling both shared and dedicaced links in industrial WSNs |
International Journal Computing, Springer Ed., 2021. |
26 |
Meziani K, Rahmoune F and Radjef M S |
Service pricing and customer behaviour strategies of Stackelberg’s equilibrium in an unobservable Markovian queue with unreliable server and delayed repairs |
International Journal of Mathematics in Operational Research, (2021). DOI: 10.1504/IJMOR.2021.10038485. |
27 |
Benhamida N., Bouallouche-Medjkoune L, and Aïssani D and Kouahla Z |
Dynamic Architecture for Collaborative Distributed Storage of Collected Data in Fog Environments |
International Journal WPC (Wireless Personal Communication), Springer Ed.,2021 |
Lakaour L., Aïssani D., Adel-Aïssanou K., Barkaoui K. and Ziani S |
An Unriable Single Server Retrial Queue with Collisions and Transmissions Errors
International Journal « Communications in Statistics: Theory and Methods », Taylor and Francis Ed., May 2020. |
29 |
Afroun F., Aïssani D. and Hamadouche D |
Non-parametric approximation of the characteristics of the D/G/1 queue with finite capacity |
International Journal IJCSM (Int. Journal of Computing Science and Mathematics), Inderscience Enterprise Ed., 2020, pp. 1 – 13. |
N° |
Auteurs |
Titre |
Journal, numéro, volume, année, pages |
01 |
O. Namir, J. Kioseoglou, Ph. Komninou, Th. Karakostasand I. Belabbas |
Large out-of-plane piezoelectric response of wurtzite InN under biaxial strain |
Modelling and Simulation in Materials Science and Engineering, 29, 065013,2021 |
02 |
L. Amer, S. Ouhenia, S. Gascoin, D. Chateigner and I. Belabbas |
The effect of a magnetic field on the precipitation of calcium carbonate |
Applied Physics A, 127, 716 2021 |
03 |
R. Belkofsi, G. Chahi, O. Adjaoud and I. Belabbas.
On the impact of zero-point vibrations in calcium carbonate |
Phase Transitions 94, 779 2021.
04 |
I. G. Vasileiadis, I. Belabbas, C. Bazioti, J. Smalc-Koziorοwska, Ph. Komninou, and G. P. Dimitrakopulos
Stacking fault manifolds and structural configurations of partial dislocations in InGaN epilayers |
Physica Status Solidi (b) 258,2170053 2021 |
05 |
S.Dahdouh, M.Mehenni, H.Ait-Amokhtar |
Kinetics of formation and propagation of type A Portevin-Le Chatelier bands in the presence of a small circular hole. |
Journal of Alloys and Compounds. Volume 885, 160982, 2021. |
06 |
I. Habila, M.Saoudi, F.Berrah, B. Benmerad, M. Boudraa, H. Merazig, S. Bouacida
Journal of Molecular Structure, 1244, 130903, 2021.
07 |
R. Maouche, S. Belaid, B. Benmerad,S. Bouacida, C.Daiguebonne, Y. Suffren, S. Freslon, K. Bernot, O. Guillou |
Highly Luminescent Europium-Based Heteroleptic Coordination Polymers with Phenantroline and Glutarate Ligands. |
Inorg. Chem., 60, 6, 3707–3718,2021.
08 |
R. Maouche, S. Belaid, B. Benmerad, S. Bouacida, C. Daiguebonne, Y. Suffren, O. Guillou
A new praseodymium-based coordination polymers with 1,10-phenantroline and glutarate ligands: Synthesis, crystal structure and luminescent properties. |
Journal of Molecular Structure,1225, 129164,2021.
09 |
F. Rabhi, F.Mutelet, H.Sifaoui
Solubility of Carbon Dioxide in Carboxylic Acid-Based Deep Eutectic Solvents |
J. Chem. Eng. Data, 66, 1, 702-711, 2021.
10 |
Extraction of butanol and acetonitrile from aqueous solution using carboxylic acid based deep eutectic solvents |
Journal of Molecular Liquids, 325, 115231, 2021.
11 |
S. Beldjoudi, K. Kouachi, S. Bourouina-Bacha, H. Bouchene, O. Deflaoui, G. Lafaye |
Experimental and theoretical investigation of a homogeneous Fenton process for the degradation of an azo dye in batch reactor |
Reaction Kinetics, Mechanisms and Catalysis, 133, 139-155, 2021. |
12 |
T.Kasmi-Belouzir, A.Soualah, K. Kouachi, S. Mignard, I.Batonneau-Gener |
Effect of acid treated HY zeolites in adsorption of mesosulfuron-methyl |
Journal of Environmental Health Science and Engineering, 19, 1435-1445, 2021. |
13 |
H.Benkhennouche-Bouchene, J. G. Mahy,C. Wolfs, B.Vertruyen, D. Poelman, P. Eloy,S.Hermans,M. Bouhali, A.Souici, S.Bourouina-Bacha, S. D. Lambert |
Green Synthesis of N/Zr Co-Doped TiO2for Photocatalytic Degradation ofp-Nitrophenol in Wastewater
Catalysts,11(2), 235, 2021.
14 |
Electronic, optical, and dielectric properties of OsP2 marcasite structure investigated by DFT calculations |
Materials Science in Semiconductor Processing, 123, 105564, 2021.
15 |
S.Smail, M.Benyoussef, K.Taïbi, B.Manoun, N.Bensemma, A.Souici, M.El Marssi, A.Lahmar |
Structural determination, dielectric and photoluminescence properties of Ba0.975Ln0.017(Ti0.95-xZrxSn0.05)O3 (Ln = Eu, Ho; x= 0.05, 0.20) |
Physica B: Condensed Matter, 623, 413365, 2021.
16 |
M. Mohamedi, F. Challali, T. Touam, A. Chelouche, S. Ouhenia, A. Souici, D. Djouadi
AZO thin films grown by confocal RF sputtering: role of deposition time on microstructural, optical, luminescence and electronic properties |
Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics, 32, 25288–25299, 2021.
17 |
D. Mendil, F. Challali, T. Touam, V. Bockelée, S. Ouhenia, A. Souici, D. Djouadi,A. Chelouche
Preparation of RF sputtered AZO/Cu/AZO multilayer films and the investigation of Cu thickness and substrate effects on their microstructural and optoelectronic properties |
Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 860, 158470, 2021.
18 |
Lynda Idjouadiene, Toufik A. Mostefaoui, Hocine Djermoune, Farid Ziat, Letizia Bonizzoni |
XRF analysis of ancient Numidian coins: a comparison between different kingdoms. |
The European Physical Journal Plus,Vol 136 NO 5, 2021, 1-17
19 |
Lynda Idjouadiene, ToufikA. Mostefaoui, Abdelyamine Naitbouda, Houcine Djermoune, Djamel Eddine Mechehed, Marco Gargano, Letizia Bonizzoni |
First applications of non-invasive techniques on Algerian heritage manuscripts: the LMUHUB ULAHBIB ancient manuscript collection from Kabylia region (Afniq n Ccix Lmuhub)
Journal of Cultural Heritage,Vol 49, 2021, 289-297
N° |
Auteurs |
Titre |
Journal, numéro, volume, année, pages |
01 |
R. Boukoucha |
Limit cycles explicitly given for a class of a differential systems |
Nonlinear studies, no 2, vol. 28, 2021, pp. 375-387. |
02 |
S. E. Hamizi and R. Boukoucha |
Stable hyperbolic limit cycles for a class of differential systems |
Russian Mathematics, no 9, vol. 65, 2021, pp. 41--51. |
03 |
S. E. Hamizi and R. Boukoucha |
On a family of planar differential systems. |
Nonlinear studies, no 1, vol. 28, 2021, pp.179-188. |
04 |
R. Boukoucha |
Explicit form of first integral and limit cycles for a class of planar Kolmogorov systems |
Proceedings of the YSU A: Physical and Mathematical Sciences, no 1, vol. 55 (254), 2021, pp. 1-11. |
05 |
S. E. Hamizi and R. Boukoucha |
A family of planar differential systems with explicit expression for algebraic and non algebraic limit cycles |
Mem. Differential Equations Math. Phys, vol. 83, 2021, pp. 71-81. |
06 |
R. Boukoucha
On the non existence of periodic orbits for a class of two dimensional Kolmogorov systems
e-Journal of Analysis and Applied Mathematics, vol. 2021, 2021, pp. 1-11
07 |
FARHI Bakir |
Nontrivial effective lower bounds for the least common multiple of a q-arithmetic progression |
Journal of Integer Sequences, 24 (2021), Article 21.3.7 |
08 |
A. Moussaoui J. Vélin |
Existence and boundedness of solutions for systems of quasilinear elliptic equations
Acta Mathematica Scientia 41 (2021), 397-412 |
09 |
U. Guarnotta S. A. Marano A. Moussaoui
Singular quasilinear convective elliptic systems in RN |
Advances Nonlinear Analysis (2021), Accepted for publication
10 |
H. Dellouche A. Moussaoui
Singular quasilinear elliptic systems with gradient dependence |
Positivity (2021), Accepted for publication
11 |
NadiaMohdeb NoureddineMehidi |
Homoclinic orbits in a degenerate differential system and their preservation after discretization by Euler’s method.
Palestine Journal of Mathematics, 11(1) (2022), 651-663, 2021. |
12 |
Nadia Mohdeb |
Qualitative analysis of an epidemic model with nonlinear incidence rate in the time of COVID-19
Journal of Interdisciplinary Mathematics, 2021, DOI : 10.1080/09720502.2021.1961983. |
13 |
Zair Bouzidi, Abdelmalek Boudries Mourad Amad |
Deep LSTM-based Automated Learning Environment using Smart Data to Improve Awareness and Education in Time Series Forecasting |
MC Medical Sciences vol. 01, issue 5, PP. 03-17, 2021. |
14 |
Zair Bouzidi, Abdelmalek Boudries Mourad Amad |
A Hybrid of Deep Convolutional Neural Network-LSTM based Model to improve Warning, Situational Awareness and Education in Managing Disaster : Case study of Covid-19. |
International Journal of Safety and Security Engineering, Vol., No., Month, 2021, pp. 1-9, Journal homepage:, Accepted |
15 |
Bouzidi Zair Abdelmalek Boudries Mourad Amad |
Deep Learning and Social Media for Managing Disaster: Survey. |
Arai K. (eds) Intelligent Systems and Applications. IntelliSys 2021. Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems, vol 294. Springer, Cham. |
16 |
EL MOUMEN Abdelkader ZEROUATI Halima DAHMANI Abdelnasser |
Confidence ellipses for simple regression parameters with strongly mixing errors |
FILOMAT, In editing |
17 |
Svetlin G. Georgiev Karima Mebarki
Existence of positive solutions for a class of boundary value problems with p-Laplacian in Banach spaces. |
Journal of Contemporary Mathematical, Vol. 56, No. 4(2021), pp. 208-211. |
18 |
Svetlin G. Georgiev Karima Mebarki
A new multiple fixed point theorem with applications |
Advances in the Theory of Nonlinear Analysis and its Application, Vol. 5,No. 3 (2021), pp. 393-411. |
19 |
Svetlin G. Georgiev Karima Mebarki
On fixed point index theory for the sum of operators and applications to a class of ODEs and PDEs
Applied General Topology, Vol. 22, No. 2 (2021), pp. 259-294. |
20 |
Svetlin G. Georgiev Karima Mebarki
Leggett-Williams fixed point theorem type for sums of operators and application in PDEs.
Differential Equations &applications. Vol. 13, No. 3 (2021), 321–344. |
21 |
Svetlin G. Georgiev Karima Mebarki Khaled Zennir |
Classical solutions for a class of nonlinear wave equations. |
THEORETICAL AND APPLIED MECHANICS, Vol. 48, No. 2 (2021), pp. 257–272 |
22 |
Lyna Benzenati Svetlin G. Georgiev Karima Mebarki
Existence of positive solutions for a class of BVPs in Banach spaces |
Studia Universitatis Babeş-Bolyai Mathematica,Vol. 66, No. 4 (2021), pp. 723-738 |
23 |
Oualid Saci and Megdouda Ourbih-Tari |
Refined descriptive ampleinferencein the estimation of the cumulative distribution function |
International Journal of Mathematics in Operational Research. 18(2), 2021. 264-287. |
24 |
Siham Kebaili, Megdouda Ourbih-Tari, Sofia Guebli and Abdelouhab Aloui
Adaptive refined descriptive sampling algorithm for dependent variables using Iman and Conover method in Monte Carlo simulation |
Communications in Statistics: Theory and Methods. 50(15), 2021. 3632-3644. |
N° |
Auteurs |
Titre |
Journal, numéro, volume, année, pages |
01 |
Mustafa Lasmi, Sofiane Mahtout, Franck Rabilloud |
Growthbehavior and electronic and opticalproperties of IrGen (n= 1–20) clusters |
Journal of Nanoparticle Research 23 (1), 1-12 (2021) |
02 |
FayssalMahrouche, Karim Rezouali, Sofiane Mahtout, FoudilZaabar, Alejandro Molina-Sánchez |
physicastatussolidi (b), 2100321 (2021) |
03 |
H Guergouri, T Foughali |
On the dynamics of spinning particle in nonline arrelativity |
International Journal of Modern Physics A 36 (06), 2150048 (2021) |
04 |
A Zaidi, S Aoudia |
Gravitation and Cosmology 27 (3), 247-268 (2021) |
05 |
H Bachi, S Touloum, FZ Ighezou, A Gharbi |
Bound states of Dirac equationusing the properquantizationrule |
Physica Scripta 96 (7), 075214 (2021) |
06 |
Mahrouche, F., Rezouali, K., Wang, Z.C., Fernández-Rossier, J., Molina-Sánchez, A. |
Electronic and magneticproperties of VOCl/FeOClantiferromagneticheterobilayers |
2D Materials, 2021, 8(4), 045008 |
07 |
Noncommutativescalarfield in de Sitter space-time and pair creation process |
International Journal of Modern Physics A, 2021, 36(2), 2150011 |
08 |
A Koulali, A Sahi, B Meziani, A Aissa, D Sadaoui, HM Ali |
CFD analysis of natural convection betweentwosuperposedfluids:role of corrugatedbottoms |
09 |
F Benissad, A Houari |
Electronic and Magnetic Properties of Transition‐Metal‐DopedScN for Spintronics Applications |
physicastatussolidi (b) 258 (2), 2000241 (2021) |
N° |
Auteurs |
Titre |
Journal, numéro, volume, année, pages |
01 |
M. Ayachi, H. Nacer and H. Slimani |
Cooperative game approach to form overlapping cloud federation based on inter-cloud architecture. |
Cluster Computing 24, pp.1551–1577 (2021). |
02 |
M. Ayachi, H. Nacer and H. Slimani |
Correction to: Cooperative game approach to form overlapping cloud federation based on inter-cloud architecture. |
Cluster Computing 24, pp. 1579–1582 (2021). |
03 |
S. Albane, H. Slimani and H. Kheddouci |
A graph grammar and K4-type tournament based approach to detect conflicts of interest in a social network. |
Knowledge and Information Systems63(2), pp. 497–539(2021).DOI:10.1007/s10115-020-01525-5 |
04 |
F. Bouchebbah and H. Slimani |
3D automatic levels propagation approach to breast MRI tumor segmentation. |
Expert Systems with Applications 165, 113965, (2021). |
05 |
S. Aissani, T. Fettioune, N. Maizia, M. Mohammedi, O. Mawloud. |
Secure and Efficient Key Exchange Mechanism for Heterogeneous Connected Objects. |
Wireless Personal Communication 120(4), pages 2631-2652, (2021). |
06 |
S. Belattaf, M. Mohammedi, O. Mawloud, R. Aoudjit |
Reliable and Adaptive Distributed Public‑Key Management Infrastructure for the Internet of Things |
Wireless Personal Communication 120, pages 113–137, (2021). |
07 |
M. Mohammedi, O Mawloud, D. Zamouche, K. Louiba, S. Ouared, K. Hocini |
Energy-aware key management and access control for the internet of things
World Wide Web 24 (4), pages 1089–1120, (2021). |
08 |
F. Cherifi, K. Amroun, O Mawloud |
Robust multimodal biometric authentication on IoT device through ear shape and arm gesture, |
Multimedia tools and applications, Vol 80 (10), pages 14807-14827, 2021. |
09 |
M. Kherbache, K. Amroun, D. Espes |
A new wrapper feature selection model for anomaly based instrusion detection systems, |
accepted in International Journal of Security and Networks, inderscience, 2021 |
10 |
F. Cherifi, O. Mawloud, K. Amroun |
An efficient biometric-based continuous authentication scheme with HMM prehensile movements modeling, |
Journal of Information Security and Applications, Volume 57, pages 102739, 2021 |
11 |
H. Ghilas, M. Gagaoua, A. K.Tari and M. Cheriet |
Spatial Distribution of Ink at Keypoints (SDIK): A Novel Feature for Word Spotting in Arabic Documents |
International Journal of Image and Graphics, 2021, doit: /S0219467822500358 |
12 |
M. Gagaoua, H. Ghilas, A. KTari, M. Cheriet |
Histogram of Marked Background (HMB) Feature Extraction Method for Arabic Handwriting Recognition |
International Journal of Image and Graphics, 2250015(2021). |
13 |
P. Alizadeh, A. Osmani, M. E.Khanouche, A. Chibani, Y. Amirat |
Reinforcement Learning for Interactive QoS-Aware Services Composition |
IEEE System Journal, vol. 15, n°1, pp. 1098-1108, 2021 |
14 |
A. Achroufene, M. Chalik, N. Bouadem |
Modified CSMA/CA protocol for real-time data fusion applications based on clustered WSN |
Computer Networks, pp. 108243, 2021. |
15 |
M.A. Ouamri, M. Azni, M‑E. Oteşteanu |
Coverage Analysis in Two‑tier 5G Hetnet Based on StochasticGeometry with Interference Coordination Strategy |
Wireless Personal Communications, 2021 |
16 |
D. Alkama, M.A. Ouamri, M.S. Alzaidi,R. Nath shaw , M. Aazni,D S. M. Ghoneim, |
Downlink Performance Analysis in MIMO UAV- Cellular Communication with LOS/NLOS. Propagation Under 3D Beamforming |
IEEE Access (2022).Vol. 10, pp. 6650-6659 Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/ACCESS.2022.3142529 |
17 |
K. Allem, E.B Bourennane, Y. Khelfaoui |
A Service-Oriented Component-Based Framework for Dynamic Reconfiguration Modeling Targeting SystemC/TLM |
International Journal of Reconfigurable Computing, Volume 2021, 31 pages. |
18 |
J. F. Torres, D. Hadjout, A. Sebaa,F. Martínez-Álvarez,., A Troncoso |
Deep learning for time series forecasting: a survey. |
Big Data, 9(1), (2021), 3-21. |
19 |
D.Hadjout, JF.Torres, A.Troncoso, A. Sebaa, F. Martínez-Álvarez |
Energy 243, 2021, 123060
20 |
O. Bentaleb, ASZ. Belloum, A. Sebaa, A. El-Maouhab |
Containerization technologies: Taxonomies, applications and challenges |
The Journal of Supercomputing 78 (1), 2021 1144-1181 |
21 |
B. Brahimi,M. Touahria, A. Tari |
Improving sentiment analysis in Arabic: A combined approach |
Journal of King Saud University-Computer and Information Sciences, 33(10), 1242-1250. (2021) |
22 |
A. Dabba, A.Tari, S. Meftali, |
A new multi-objective binary Harris Hawks optimization for gene selection in microarray data |
Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Humanized Computing, 1-20. (2021) |
23 |
D. E. Salhi, A. Tari, M. T Kechadi |
Email Classification for Forensic Analysis by Information Gain Technique |
International Journal of Software Science and Computationnel Intelligence (IJSSCI), 13(4), 40-53. (2021) |
24 |
D. E. Salhi, A. Tari,M. T.Kechadi, |
Using e-reputation for sentiment analysis: Twitter as a case study |
International Journal of Cloud Applications and Computing (IJCAC), 11(2), 32-47. (2021) |
25 |
A. Dabba, A. Tari, S. Meftali, R. Mokhtari, R. |
Gene selection and classification of microarray data method based on mutual information and moth flame algorithm |
Expert Systems with Applications, 166, 114012. (2021)
26 |
A. Dabba, A Tari,S.Meftali, |
Hybridization of Moth flame optimization algorithm and quantum computing for gene selection in microarray data |
Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Humanized Computing, 12(2), 2731-2750. (2021) |
27 |
D. E Salhi, A. Tari, M T. Kechadi. |
Using clustering for forensics analysis on internet of things |
International Journal of Software Science and Computational Intelligence (IJSSCI), 13(1), 56-71. (2021) |
- Publications Nationales
N° |
Auteurs |
Titre |
Journal, numéro, volume, année, pages |
01 |
S. Dahdouh, A.Sadeddine Et H. Ait-Amokhtar |
Temporal aspects of the Portevin- Le Chatelier effect in the Al-2.5Mg alloy. |
Algerian Journal of Engineering, Architecture and Urbanism (ISSN : 2588-1760), Vol.5 Issue n°3 (2021) 13-20. |
02 |
S. Dahdouh, H. Ait-Amokhtar et A.Sadeddine |
On the kinetics of the Portevin-Le Chatelier bands in the presence of a circular hole. |
Algerian Journal of Engineering, Architecture and Urbanism (ISSN : 2588-1760),, Vol.5 Issue n°5 (2021) 95-106. |
N° |
Auteurs |
Titre |
Journal, numéro, volume, année, pages |
01 |
Gharout Hacene Nourredine Akroune Abdelkaddous Taha |
Study of a symmetrically decoupled three dimensional point transformation |
Algerian Journal of Engineering Architecture and Urbanism 5 (2), 243-259. 2021.
02 |
S. E. Hamizi and R. Boukoucha,
Explicit expression for a hyperbolic limit cycles for a class of polynomial differential systems |
Algerian Journal of Engineering Architecture and Urbanism, no 2, vol. 5, 2021, pp. 166-174 |
03 |
Nadia Mohdeb |
Dynamical behaviors of prey-predator fishery model with nonlinear harvesting rate. |
Algerian Journal of Engineering, Architecture and Urbanism, Vol. 5 No. 2, 406-416, 2021. |
04 |
Siham Kebaili, Megdouda Ourbih-Tari |
Refined descriptive sampling with dependent variables |
Workshop on Interactions between Differential Equations and Probability Theory & Statistics. Bejaia 10-14 Octobre 2021 |
N° |
Auteurs |
Titre |
Journal, numéro, volume, année, pages |
01 |
B. Foudi, S. Azib, N. Kaid Tlilane |
La problématique de la sécurité sanitaire en Algérie : analyse à travers la politique pharmaceutique |
Les cahiers de MECAS, n°3 Volume 17, Juin 2021, pages 79-92. |
02 |
M. Ouchichi, H.Bouguenoune |
Crise économique et Covid-19 en Algérie. Une analyse institutionnelle. |
Revue ISSRA, Avril 2021, pages 1-10. |
03 |
A. Aggab, M. Ouchichi |
Analyse des contre-performances de l’Algérie en matière de recherche et d’innovation technologique. |
Les cahiers du MECAS n°4 Volume 17, Décembre 2021, Pages 227-241. |
Communications :
- Communications Internationales
- LaMos
N° |
Nom et Prénom |
Intitulé de la communication |
Intitulé, date et lieu de la manifestation |
01 |
Performance Enhancement of Cache Consistency Mechanism in Mobile Computing Environment" |
International Conference ISMSIT 2021, pp. 300-304, Ankara, Turkey, 2021. |
02 |
M’hamdi M S |
Application of pseudo almost automorphic functions to a new recurrent neural networks model with several delays |
The First Edition of the International Conference on Differential Equations and Dynamical Systems DEDS’2021, Morocco-Tunisia, July 26-27, 2021 |
03 |
Medjider M., Lagha K |
Estimation non paramétrique à noyau dans les modèles Stress-Strength. |
Communication orale au Séminaire International sur les mathématiques et l’informatique, organisé par Algerian Journal of Engineering, Architecture and Urbanism AJEAU le 05 et 06 Février 2021. |
04 |
Ikhlef L., Hakmi S., Lekadir O. and Aïssani D |
Modeling and Analysis of a Single Server Retrial Queueing Inventory System with Customers Search from Orbit using Petri Nets |
Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference ICRAMI’21 (Recent Advances in Mathematics and Informatics), Tebessa, September 2021 (To appear in the Journal of Informatics and Mathematical Sciences, special Issues : New Trends in Applied Mathematics and Computation). |
05 |
Ikhlef L., Lekadir O. and Aïssani D |
Numerical Analysis of (M/M/1/k1 +1 ---> M/M/1/k2 +1) System using Generalized Stochastic Petri Nets |
Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference ICRAMI’21 (Recent Advances in Mathematics and Informatics), Tebessa, September 2021 (To appear in the Journal of Informatics and Mathematical Sciences, special Issues : New Trends in Applied Mathematics and Computation). |
06 |
Adel – Aïssanou K., Lakaour L., Aïssani D., Boulahouad A. and Hani N |
Application d’une méthode d’approximation pour déterminer les conditions de négligence des collisions dans l’ évaluation des performances des réseaux de communication |
Actes du Colloque National MSR’21 (Modélisation des Systèmes Réactifs), CNAM, Paris, novembre 2021. |
07 |
Aïane N., Rahmoune F. and Aïssani D |
Stability bounds comparison in an (R,s,lnQ) inventory model |
Proceedings of a First International Conference ICMA'21 (Mathematics and Applicati.ons), Blida, November 2021 |
08 |
Belamri F., Boulefkhar S. and Aïssani D |
ACLSGO / Ant Colony Link State Aware Geographie Opportunistic Routing Protocolfor VANET |
Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference CSCI'2021 (Computational Science and Computational Intelligence), Las Vegas (USA), December, 2021. |
09 |
Outamazirt A., Barkaoui K. and Aïssani D |
A Novel Queuing Model for Maximizing Profit of Data Centers with Heterogeneous Services |
Proceedings of a National Conference CNTA'2021 (Télécommunications et Applications), Aïn Témouchent, Décembre 2021; |
N° |
Nom et Prénom |
Intitulé de la communication |
Intitulé, date et lieu de la manifestation |
01 |
R.Belkofsi and I. Belabbas |
Effet des vibrations du point zéro sur les transitions de phases dans le CaCO3 sous pression
First National Conference on Materials Sciences: from research to teaching (MSRT), Oran(Algeria), 23rd – 24th February 2021. |
02 |
J. Smalc-Koziorοwska, J. Moneta, P. Chatzopoulou, I. G. Vasileiadis,C.Bazioti, Ø. Prytz, I. Belabbas, G. P. Dimitrakopulos |
The mechanism for the emanation of a-type threading dislocations by stacking fault overlapping in III-nitride heterostructures
31st International Conference on Defects in Semiconductors Oslo (Norway) 26-30 July 2021.
03 |
Isaak G. Vasileiadis, Imad Belabbas, Joanna Moneta, JulitaSmalc-Koziorowska, George P. Dimitrakopulos |
Core structure and mobility of Shockley partial dislocations in GaN by aberration-corrected HRTEM |
Microscopy Conference. Joint Meeting of Dreilandertagung& Multinational Congress on Microscopy (MC2021) Vienna (Austria) 22-26 August 2021. |
04 |
I. G. Vasileiadis, I. Belabbas, J. Moneta, J. Smalc-Koziorowska, G. P. Dimitrakopulos |
Structural units of the core structures of Shockley partial dislocations in GaN
European Congress and Exhibition on Advanced Materials and Processes (EUROMAT 2021) Graz (Austria) September 12th -16th, 2021. |
05 |
S. Dahdouh, A.Sadeddine,H.Ait-Amokhtar |
Aspects temporels de l’effet Portevin- Le Chatelier dans l’alliage Al-2.5Mg à température ambiante |
Séminaire International sur l'Industrie et la Technologie, U.S.T. Oran 12 et 13 Mars 2021. |
06 |
S. Dahdouh, H. Ait-Amokhtar, A. Sadeddine |
Cinétique de formation et de propagation des bandes Portevin-Le Chatelier en présence d'un trou circulaire |
2ème Séminaire international sur les sciences de la matière (Physique et Chimie), U.S.T. Oran,17-18 Septemre2021. |
M. Berkani, A. Zamouche,Y. Bounouri,S. Haroune,N. Belhadj, A. Soualah. |
Synthèse et caractérisation d’halogénures de lanthanides LnX3(Ln = La, Nd, Pr, Gd et X = Cl, Br) |
51èmesJournées de Calorimétrie et d’Analyse Thermique, JCAT 51, 21 - 24 juin 2021, Webinaire (France). |
08 |
Lynda Idjouadiene, Toufik A. Mostefaoui, Marco Gargano, Letizia Bonizzoni |
Identification of black inks on Algerian manuscripts using XRF and other spectroscopic techniques.
1st International Summer School on Total-reflection X-Ray Fluorescence (ISS-TXRF) 20th-24th of September 2021, University of Bari (Italy)
N° |
Nom et Prénom |
Intitulé de la communication |
Intitulé, date et lieu de la manifestation |
01 |
Hacene Gharout Nourredine Akroune |
Evolution of a three-dimensional endomorphism towards hyper chaos |
Africain Conference on Dynamical Systems and Ordinary Differential Equations (ACDSODE’21), organisé du 20 au 23 Mars 2021 par l’université A/Mira de Bejaia. |
02 |
Hacene Gharout Nourredine Akroune |
Study of a symmetrically decoupled three-dimensional point transformation |
Séminaire International sur les Mathématiques et l’Informatique, organisé le 5 et 6 Fevrier 2021, par Algerian Journal of Engineering, Architecture and Urbanism, Université d’Oran, Algérie. |
03 |
Nadia Mohdeb |
Stability analysis of a prey-predator population model with nonlinear harvesting rate. |
Conference on Mathematical Population Dynamics and Evolution MPDEE’21, Université Aix-Marseille, 26-30 avril 2021.
04 |
Nadia Mohdeb |
Qualitative analysis of an epidemic model with nonlinear incidence rate in the time of Covid-19. |
1st International Conference on Pure and Applied Mathematics, Université de Ouargla, 26-27 mai 2021. |
05 |
Nadia Mohdeb |
Dynamical behaviors of prey-predator fishery model with nonlinear harvesting rate, Séminaire International sur les Mathématiques et l’Informatique. |
Algerian Journal of Engineering, Architecture and Urbanism, 05-06 Février 2021. |
06 |
MezianiTinhinane Mohdeb Nadia |
Etude de la dynamique d’un modèle biomathématique régi par un sytème d’équations différentielles ordinaires. |
African Conference on Dynamical Systems and Ordinary Differential Equations ACDSODE’21, Université de Béjaia, 20-23 mars 2021.
07 |
Bouzidi Zair Mourad Amad Abdelmalek Boudries |
A Survey on Deep Learning in Big Data and its Applications |
International Conference on Innovations in Energy Engineering & Cleaner Production (IEECP21), Califormia, USA, 2021. |
08 |
Bouzidi Zair Abdelmalek Boudries Mourad Amad |
Deep Learning and Social Media for Managing Disaster : Survey |
Intelligent Systems Conference 2-3 September, 2021, (IntelliSys 2021), Amsterdam, The Netherlands, DOI : 10.1007/978-3-030-82193-7_2 |
09 |
Bouzidi Zair Abdelmalek Boudries Mourad Amad |
LSTM-based automated learning with smart data to improve marketing fraud detection and financial forecasting |
5th International Scientific Conference on Economics and Management, (EMAN 2021), Serbia. |
10 |
Bouzidi Zair Abdelmalek Boudries Mourad Amad |
Enhancing Crisis Management because of Deep Learning, Big Data and Parallel Computing Environment: Survey |
International Conference on Electrical, Communication, and Computer Engineering (ICECCE), 2021, pp. 1-7. |
11 |
Locally asymptotically optimal test for PARFIMA model |
12 |
Adaptive estimates for parfima models. |
1st International Conference on Mathematics and Applications. (ICMA21). 7-8 Dec 2021 Blida (Algeria) |
13 |
On Fractional Autoregressive Model Of Order 1 With A Periodic Coefficient |
1st International Conference on Pure and Applied Mathematics IC-PAM’21, May 26-27, 2021, Ouargla, Algeria (Virtual conference) |
14 |
SEBA Djillali BELAIDE Karima |
On Fractional Autoregressive Process Of Order 1 With Strong Mixing Errors. |
1st International Conference on Pure and Applied Mathematics IC-PAM’21, May 26-27, 2021, Ouargla, Algeria (Virtual conference) |
15 |
Rezki Chemlal |
Periodic factors of endomorphisms of the shift |
Africain Conference on Dynamical Systems and Ordinary Differential Equations (ACDSODE’21), organisé du 20 au 23 Mars 2021 par l’université A/Mira de Bejaia. |
16 |
Redha Taguelmimt, Samir Aknine, Djamila Boukredera, Narayan Changder |
Code-based Algorithm for Coalition Structure Generation
2021 IEEE 33rd International Conference on Tools with Artificial Intelligence (ICTAI), 2021, pp. 1075-1082, doi: 10.1109/ICTAI52525.2021.00170. |
17 |
Redha Taguelmimt, Samir Aknine, Djamila Boukredera, Narayan Changder |
FACS: Fast Code-based Algorithm for Coalition Structure Generation
Proceedings of the AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence, 35(18), 15907-15908. Retrieved from |
18 |
Djamila Boukredera, Karima Adel-Aissanou
Agent-Based Modeling of Resource Allocation in Cloud Computing |
31st European Conference on Operational Research, 11-14 July 2021
19 |
La reduction de R. Smith et application, |
African Conference on Dynamical Systems and Ordinary Differential Equations ACDSODE’21, Université de Béjaia, 20-23 mars 2021. |
20 |
Oualid SACI, Leila BAICHE and Megdouda OURBIH-TARI
A new efficient sampling method based on the Latin hypercube method |
Second National Mathematics Seminar’2021. 02 juin 2021. Constantine Algérie |
N° |
Nom et Prénom |
Intitulé de la communication |
Intitulé, date et lieu de la manifestation |
01 |
N. Battat, A. Makhoul, D. Laiymani and H. Kheddouci |
Continuous energy-efficient monitoring model for mobile ad hoc networks |
In 2021 International Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing (IWCMC), pp. 1587-1592. IEEE, 2021.doi:10.1109/IWCMC51323.2021.9498848 |
02 |
M. Kherbache, D. Espes and K. Amroun, |
An Enhanced approach of the K-means clustering for Anomaly-based intrusion detection systems," |
In 2021 International Conference on Computing, Computational Modelling and Applications (ICCMA), Brest, France, 2021 pp. 78-83.doi:10.1109/ICCMA53594.2021.00021 |
03 |
Nadim Elsakaan and Kamal Amroun |
A comparative study of binary Machine learning binary classification methods for botnets detection |
International Conference on Applied CyberSecurity Dubai EAU 2021 |
04 |
Hidra Younes |
Impact de la motorisation sur les accidents de la route en Algérie. Etude prospective à l’horizon 2022 |
1er Colloque international Sécurité Routière au Maghreb. État des lieux, enjeux et perspectives 8-9 novembre 2021, ESSAI, Hôtel El Mouradi, Gammarth, Tunis, Tunisie. |
05 |
Y. Hidra, N. Kendi N. Kaid Tlilane |
Analyse des causes des accidents de la route en Algérie : Exploitation des résultats d’enquête |
1er Colloque international Sécurité Routière au Maghreb État des lieux, enjeux et perspectives 8-9 novembre 2021, ESSAI, Hôtel El Mouradi, Gammarth, Tunis, Tunisie. |
06 |
M. Djermoune, M. Harkouk, Y Hidra |
Etude des facteurs de risque des accidents de la route en Algérie et en Tunisie |
1er Colloque international Sécurité Routière au Maghreb État des lieux, enjeux et perspectives 8-9 novembre 2021, ESSAI, Hôtel El Mouradi, Gammarth, Tunis, Tunisie. |
07 |
A.Dermel, Y. Hidra M. Bensalem |
Evaluation économique des coûts des accidents de la route professionnelle : Cas d’une entreprise de transport marchandises, Bejaia logistique. |
1er Colloque international Sécurité Routière au Maghreb État des lieux, enjeux et perspectives 8-9 novembre 2021, ESSAI, Hôtel El Mouradi, Gammarth, Tunis, Tunisie. |
08 |
T. Cheurfa T N. Kaid Tlilane |
La problématique des inégalités d’accès aux services de santé en Algérie : Une étude exploratoire du renoncement aux soins dans la Wilaya de Bejaia. |
XXXVème Journées du développementdel’AssociationTiers-Monde (ATM) intitulées "Croissance, développement et inégalités. Un développement de plus en plus inégal ?"qui se sont tenuesen visioconférence les 26 et 27 mai 2021à Rennes. |
09 |
S. Chalane N. Kaid Tlilane |
Les inégalités sociales et territoriales d’accès aux services de soins maternels dans la wilaya de Bejaia. |
XXXVème Journées du développementdel’AssociationTiers-Monde (ATM) intitulées "Croissance, développement et inégalités. Un développement de plus en plus inégal ?" qui se sont tenuesen visioconférence les 26 et 27 mai 2021 à Rennes. |
10 |
D. Hadjout, J.F. Torres, A. Sebaa, F. Martínez-Álvarez
International Workshop on Soft Computing Models in Industrial and Environmental Applications. Pages 739-748in Bilbao (Spain),in September 2021. |
11 |
S. Chibani-Sadouki, S. Ait Hacene-Ouhadda. |
Elephant Herding Optimization Metaheuristic to Minimize Electricity Cost in a Smart House. |
5th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Renewable Energetic System. Novembre 22-24, 2021 Tipasa, ALGERIA. |
12 |
A. Akilal, M. T. Kechadi |
A Forensic-Ready Intelligent Transportation System |
EAI PFSM 2021 - EAI International Conference on Privacy and Forensics in Smart Mobility. Novembre 24-26, (2021) |
13 |
H. El Bouhissi, M. Adel, A. Ketam, A. B. M Salem,. |
Towards an Efficient Knowledge-based Recommendation System.
In The 2nd International Workshop on Intelligent Information Technologies & Systems of Information Security (pp. 38-49). March 24-26 2021 --+,Khmelnitsky, Ukraine. |
14 |
H. El Bouhissi |
Towards Semantic Big Data to Improve Healthcare Decision: Approach Based on Machine learning |
In International Congress on Robotics and Artificial Intelligence, Osaka, Japan, March, 2021. |
15 |
N. Bair, L. Hamza, L. Ouali |
Costs Technique for Analysis Attacks Graphs in Computer Systems. |
The 24th International Conference on Computer and Information Technology, December 18-20, Dhaka, Bangladesh, (2021). |
16 |
D. Saadi, L. Hamza, M. Nassou |
Anti-Spam Filter based on Machine Learning. |
International Conference on Advances in Communication Technology, Computing and Engineering, March 24-26, Morocco, (2021). |
17 |
C. Aissani, Y-F Akroun, M. Yazid, S. Bouchelaghem |
Smart Home Danger Prediction System to ensure People with Alzheimer's Disease Safety |
The 2nd International Workshop on Human-Centric Smart Environments for Health and Well-being, Febuary 9-10, Boumerdes, Algeria, (2021). |
18 |
N. Elsakaan, K. Amroun |
Distributed and Reliable Leader Election Framework for Wireless Sensor Network (DRLEF) |
International Conference on Applied Cyber Security Dubai EAU 2021 |
- Communications Nationales
- LaMos
N° |
Nom et Prénom |
Intitulé de la communication |
Intitulé, date et lieu de la manifestation |
01 |
Hameche H E and Berdjoudj L |
Estimation du taux des rappels dans le système M/G/1 avec rappels linéaires
Workshop on Interaction between Differential Equations and Probability Theory & Statistics. 10-14 octobre 2021, Université de Bejaia. |
02 |
M’hamdi M S |
Existence of a unique pseudo almost-periodic solution of a competition and cooperation model of two enterprises with proportional delay |
Algerian Mathematicians Mini Congress 2021 (MCMA’2021), M’sila, 27 - 28 Octobre 2021 |
03 |
Kendi S, Radjef M S, Hammoudi A et Laib F |
Réduction des externalités négatives du transport de marchandises (émission de gaz, …) par la localisation optimale des marchés de gros des produits agro-alimentaires |
Colloque national : « Transport Urbain Durable : Réalités et Défis », qui aura lieu le 13 et 14 Décembre2021 à l’université de Bejaia (Algérie). |
04 |
Brahmi S and Yazid M |
Towards an Efficient Allocation of Resource Units in Multi-User OFDMA Communications |
Fifth International Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Renewable Energetic Systems (IC-AIRES’2021), 22-24 November 2021, Tipasa, Algeria. |
05 |
Brahmi S and Yazid M |
Towards a Hybrid Access to Resource Units in Multi-User OFDMA communications |
Fifth International Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Renewable Energetic Systems(IC-AIRES’2021), Accepted, 22-24 November2021, Tipasa, Algeria. |
06 |
Aïssani C, Akroun Y-F., Yazid M and Bouchelaghem S |
Smart Home Danger Prediction System to ensure People with Alzheimer’s Disease Safety |
2nd International Workshop on Human-Centric Smart Environments for Health and Well-being (IHSH’2020), 09-10 February2021, Boumerdès, Algeria. IEEE Xplore |
07 |
Hocini K and Yazid M |
Towards a Full Duplex MAC protocol efficiently handling the imbalance between the lengths of data streams in High Efficiency WLANs |
. 2nd International Workshop on Human-Centric Smart Environments for Health and Well-being (IHSH’2020), 09-10 February 2021, Boumerdès, Algeria. |
08 |
Medjider M., Lagha K |
Estimating Reliability of a Stress-Strength Model using gamma kernels |
Mini-Congrès des Mathématiciens Algériens MCMA’2021 M’SILA 27 – 28, Octobre 2021. |
N° |
Nom et Prénom |
Intitulé de la communication |
Intitulé, date et lieu de la manifestation |
01 |
Algebraic and non-algebraic limit cycles of differential systems.
First Conference On Mathematics and Applications of Mathematics, du 30 Juin au 01Juillet 2021, Université de Jijel, Algeria. |
02 |
Algebraic and non-algebraic limit cycles of a family of planar differential systems».
African Conference On Dynamical Systems and Ordinary Differential Equations, du 20 au 23 Mars 2021, Université de Bejaia, Algeria. |
03 |
On the non-existence of limit cycles for a class of Kolmogorov systems».
Workshop on Interactions Between Differential Equations and Probability Theory and Statistics, du 10 au14 Octobre 2021. Université de Bejaia, Algeria. |
04 |
On the dynamics of a class of differential systems with two limit cycles » |
The First National Conference on Mathematics and Its Applications (1st NCMA 2021), du 13 au 14 Décembre 2021, Université de Bordj Bou Arréridj, Algeria. |
05 |
« Algorithme stochastique de Mann avec erreur alpha- mélangeante pour une fonction réelle contractante
WORKSHOP (IDEPT ‘20), « Interactions between Differential Equations and Probability Theory & Statistics . Béjaia le 10- 14 octobre 2021. |
06 |
Approche stochastique pour la résolution d'un problème mal posé» |
Workshop on Interactions between Differential Equations and Probability Theory & Statistics,Bejaia, 2021. |
07 |
Inégalité exponentielle pour la résolution d’un problème mal posé . |
The First National Conference on Mathematics and Its Applications (1st NCMA 2021) December 13 -14, Bordj Bou Arréridj, Algeria, |
8 |
Asymptotic proprieties of the estimators for periodic AFRIMA model |
Second National Mathématics Siminars . June 2, Mentouri university Constantine Algeria |
09 |
SEBA Djillali BELAIDE Karima |
Local Asymptotic Normality property for ARIMA model |
Mini congrés des Mathématiciens Algériens MCMA’2021, Msila Algérie |
10 |
La non existence de solution périodiques pour un système différentiel d’ordre 5, |
Workshop on Interaction between Differential Equations and Probability Theory et Statistics (IDEPT’20), Université de Béjaia, 10-14 octobre 2021. |
N° |
Nom et Prénom |
Intitulé de la communication |
Intitulé, date et lieu de la manifestation |
01 |
S. Albane, H. Slimani and H. Kheddouci |
An approach for translating Tinagh Berber texts into Latin and Arabic alphabets |
Colloque National "Tamazight et l’Informatique : Défis, Opportunités et Perspectives" les 06 et 07 Décembre 2021, Centre de Recherche en Langue et Culture Amazighes, Université A. Mira de Bejaia, Algérie. |
02 |
L. Hamza |
Lecture et rédaction d’articles scientifiques : trucs et astuces. |
Principes et méthodologies de recherche, Université de M’sila, 13-14 Décembre Algérie, (2021). |
03 |
N. Kendi, Y. Hidra |
L’aménagement de l'espace public urbain pour une mobilité sûre des piétons : quelle appréciation des piétons de la commune de Bejaia ? |
Colloque national Transport urbain durable : Réalités Et Défis. 24-25 novembre 2021, Université de Bejaia, Algérie. |
04 |
A. Dermel, L. Meziane, Y. Hidra, M. Bensalem |
Evaluation économique des coûts des accidents de la route professionnels : Cas d’une entreprise de transport marchandises, Numilog agence Bejaïa |
Colloque national Transport urbain durable : Réalités Et Défis. 24-25 novembre 2021, Université de Bejaia, Algérie. |
05 |
D. Alkama, M. A Ouamri M. Azni |
Coverage Probability Analysis of a Multi-UAV Assisted Heterogeneous Networks With Hotspots |
Première journée doctorale de la faculté de technologie, 15/12/2021, Université de Bejaia |
06 |
Y. Ouazziz |
Study of the effect of intercell interference On KPIs in 5G NR. |
Première journée doctorale de la faculté de technologie, 15/12/2021, Université de Bejaia |
production scientifique 2020
- Détails
- Catégorie : Non catégorisé
- Faculté des Sciences Exactes :
-1- Publications :
- Publications Internationales
N° |
Auteurs |
Titre |
Journal |
01 |
A Survey on QoS Routing Protocols in Vehicular Ad Hoc Network (VANET) |
Telecommunication Systems Journal 2020 |
02 |
Saida Cherfaoui, Amor Kessab, Arezki Kheloufi |
Study of a 2m-th order parabolic equation in non- symmetric conical domains |
Hacettepe Journal of Mathematics & Statistics, Volume 49 (1), 2020, 180- 194. DOI : 10.15672/hujms.546340 |
03 |
Louanas Bouzidi, Arezki Kheloufi |
Global in Time Results for a Parabolic Equation Solution in Non-rectangular Domains |
Journal of Siberian Federal University. Mathematics & Physics 2020, 13(3), 1– 18. DOI: 10.17516/1997-1397-2020-13-3-1-18 |
04 |
H. Didi, A. Moussaoui |
Multiple positive solutions for a class of quasilinear singular elliptic systems |
Rendiconti del Circolo Matematico di Palermo 69 (2020), 977–994 |
05 |
P. Candito, R. Livrea, A. Moussaoui |
Singular quasilinear elliptic systems involving gradient terms |
Nonlinear Analysis : Real World Applications 55 (2020), 1203142 |
06 |
H. Didi, B. Khodja, A. Moussaoui |
Singular quasilinear elliptic systems with (super-) homogeneous condition |
Journal Siberian Federal Univ. Mathematics Physics 13 (2) (2020), 151-159. |
07 |
Linda KHALFI Megdouda OURBIH |
Stochastic risk analysis in Monte Carlo simulation : a case study |
Communications in Statistics – Simulation and computation Numéro : 11 Volume : 49 Page : 3041-3053 Année : 2020 |
08 |
Sid Ali BOUSLA et Bakir FARHI |
Identités et estimations concernant le plus petit commun multiple de suites à forte divisibilité |
C. R. Math, 358, n°4, 2020, p. 481-487. |
09 |
Sid Ali BOUSLA et Bakir FARHI |
Nontrivial effective lower bounds for the least common multiple of some quadratic sequences |
J. Integer Sequences, 23 2020, Article 20.6.6. |
10 |
HADDAD Soraya & BELAIDE Karima |
Local asymptotic normality for long memory process whit strong mixing noises, |
Communication in Statistic Theory and Methods, vol. 49 N°12, pp 2817-2830 2020 |
11 |
AMIMOUR Amine & BELAIDE Karima |
Local asymptotic normality for a periodically time varying long memory parameter |
Communication in Statistic Theory and Methods, DOI:10.1080/03610926.2020.1784435 |
12 |
Zair Bouzidi, Mourad Amad, Abdelmalek Boudries |
Intelligent and Real-time Alert Model for Disaster Management based on Information Retrieval from Multiple Sources |
International Journal of Advanced Media and Communication (IJAMC), Inderscience, vol. 07, issue 4, pp. 309- 330, 2020. |
13 |
Zahia Bensalah Azizou, Abdelmalek Boudries, Mourad Amad |
Decentralized service discovery and localization in Internet of Things applications based on ant colony algorithm |
International Journal of Computing and Digital Systems (IJCDS), vol. 09, issue 5, pp. 941-950, 2020. |
14 |
Zair Bouzid, Abdelmalek Boudries, Mourad Amad |
Towards a Smart Interface- Based Automated Learning Environment Through Social Media for Disaster Management and Smart Disaster Education. |
Arai K., Kapoor S., Bhatia R. (eds) Intelligent Computing. SAI 2020. Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, vol 1228. pp 443-468, Springer, Cham. |
15 |
Yousra Djabri, Fazia Bedouhene Fatiha. Boulahia, |
"Further properties of Stepanov--Orlicz almost periodic functions |
Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae,
vol. 61, no. 3 (2020), pp. 363-382. |
16 |
Touloum S., Bouallouche- Medjkoune L., Aïssani D. and Oanteur C. |
Performance analysis of the IEEE 802.15..4e TSCH CSMA-CA algorithm under non-ideal channel |
IJWMC (Int. J. of Wireless and Mobil Computing), Vol. 18, n° 1, Inderscience Ed., 2020, pp. 1 – 15. DOI: 10.1504/IJWMC.2020.104765.. icle.php?artid=104765 |
17 |
Bernine N., Nacer H., Aïssani D. and Alla H. |
Towards a Performance Analysis of a Composite Web Services using Petri Nets |
IJMOR (International Journal of Mathematics and Operation Research), Vol. 17, n° 4, Inderscience Enterprise Ed., 2020, pp. 467 - 491. DOI: 10.1504/IJMOR 2020.10026807. |
18 |
Ouazine K., Slimani H., Nacer H., Bermad N. and Zemmoudj S. |
Reducing saturation and congestion in VANET networks: Alliance‐based approach and comparisons |
International Journal of Communication Systems (2020) 33:e4245. 10.1002/dac.4245 |
19 |
Cherfaoui M. and Bareche A. |
An optimal approximation of the characteristics of the GI/M/1 queue with two-stage service policy |
Oper. Res. Int. J., 20(2), 959-983, 2020. |
20 |
Bouchentouf A. A. and Boualem M. |
Analysis and performance evaluation of Markovian feedback Multi-Server queueing model with vacation and impatience |
American Journal of Mathematical and Management Sciences. Doi: 10.1080/01966324.2020.1842271. |
21 |
Boualem M. |
Stochastic Analysis of a Single Server Unreliable Queue with Balking and General Retrial Time |
Discrete and Continuous Models and Applied Computational Science. Vol 28, No 4 (2020); Pages: 319-326; DOI: 4670-2020-28-4-319- 326 e/view/25179 |
22 |
Bouchentouf A., Cherfaoui M. and Boualem M. |
Modeling and simulation of Bernoulli feedback queue with general customers' impatience under variant vacation policy |
Int. J. of Operational Research. DOI: 10.1504/IJOR.2020.100 34866 neral/forthcoming.php?jcode=ijor#9636 3 |
23 |
Aknouche A., Demmouche N., Dimitrakopoulos S. and Touche N. |
Studies in Nonlinear Dynamics & Econometrics, 24 (4), 2020, pages 1-24. |
24 |
Hocini K. and Yazid M. |
Full Duplex Radio Communications in High Efficiency WLANs: Study and Comparison of the Main MAC Protocols |
International Journal of Informatics and Applied Mathematics (DergiPark), 3(1): 1-21, 2020. |
25 |
Bedouhene K. and Zougab N. |
Bayesian procedure for bandwidth selection in circular kernel density estimation |
MonteCarloMethodsAppl.2020;26(1):69 –82. |
26 |
Bedouhene K. and Zougab N. |
Nonparametric multiplicative bias correction for von Mises kernel circular density estimator. |
Communications in Statistics - Simulation and Computation, DOI: 10.1080/03610918.2019.1659358 |
27 |
Harfouche L., Zougab N. and Adjabi S. |
Multivariate generalized gamma kernel density estimators and application to nonnegative data |
International Journal of Computing Science and Mathematics. Vol. 11, No 2, 2020, 137-157 |
28 |
Amroun S., Djerroud L. and Adjabi S. |
Bayesian approach to smoothing parameter selection in spline estimate for regression curve |
International Journal of Computing Science and Mathematics. DOI: IJCSM-204051. |
29 |
Djerroud L., Kiessé T. S. and Adjabi S. |
Semiparametric multiple kernel estimators and model diagnostics for count regression functions |
Communications in Statistics - Theory and Methods, 49:9, 2131-2157. |
30 |
Larbi-Mezeghrane W., Larbi A., Bouallouche-Medjkoune L. and Aïssani D. |
Geometric and decentralized approach for localization in Wireless Sensor Network. |
IJAIHC (Int. J. of Ambient Intelligence and Humanized Computing), Springer Ed., 2020, pp. 1 – 13. DOI: 10.1007/s12652 – 020 – 02240-3. |
31 |
Lakaour L., Aïssani D., Adel- Aïssanou K., Barkaoui K. and Ziani S. |
An Unriable Single Server Retrial Queue with Collisions and Transmissions Errors |
International Journal « Communications in Statistics : Theory and Methods », Taylor and Francis Ed., May 2020. 1758943 |
32 |
Boukredera D. and Adel- Aissanou K., |
Modeling and Performance Analysis of Cognitive Radio Networks Using Stochastic Timed Colored Petri Nets |
Wireless Personal Communications, DOI 10.1007/s11277- 020-07121-8 (2020). modeling-and-performance-analysis-of- cognitive-radio-networks-us/17597426 |
33 |
Sayad L., Aïssani D. and Bouallouche-Medjkoune L. |
A Chemical Reaction Algorithm to solve the router node placement in Wireless Mesh Networks. |
International Journal Mobile Network and Applications. Vol. 25, Issue 5, Springer Ed., October 2020, pp. 1915 - 1928. |
34 |
Afroun F., Aïssani D. and Hamadouche D. |
Non-parametric approximation of the characteristics of the D/G/1 queue with finite capacity. |
International Journal IJCSM (Int. Journal of Computing Science and Mathematics), Inderscience Enterprise Ed., 2020, pp. 1 – 13. |
35 |
Bachi K., Abbas K. and Heidergott B. |
Robust Power Series Algorithm for Epistemic Uncertainty Propagation in Queues with Breakdowns and Repairs |
Stochastic Models, Taylor & Francis, Vol. 36, Issue 1, 2020, pp. 20 - 47. Digital Object Identifier (doi): 10.1080/15326349.2019.1683751 BFRQR2HJ2GDX3WMA69/full?target |
36 |
Alkama L. and Bouallouche- Medjkoune L. |
IEEE 802.15.4 historical revolution versions, a survey, |
International Journal Computing,October 2020 DOI :10.1007/s00607-020-00844-3. /s00607-020-00844-3 |
37 |
Alkama L., Bouallouche- Medjkoune L. et Bachiri L. |
Modeling and Performance Evaluation of the IEEE 802.15.4K CSMA/CA withPriority Channel Access MechanismUnder Fading Channel |
Wireless Personal Communications (WPC), Springer Ed., 115(1) : 527-556, 2020, DOI: 10.1007/s11277-020-07584-9. modeling-and-performance-evaluation- |
38 |
Souadih Semchedine F. |
Energy-efficient coverage and connectivity of wireless sensor network in the framework of hybrid sensor and vehicular network |
International Journal of Computers and Applications, 1-11. 1808346 .1080/1206212X.2020.1808346 |
39 |
Ghellab F. and Bibi M.O. |
Optimality and suboptimality criteria in a quadratic problem of optimal control with a piecewise linear entry. |
International Journal of Mathematics in Operational Research. DOI : 10.1504/IJMOR. 2020. 10031516 |
40 |
Djeloud K., Bentobache M. and Bibi M.O. |
A new method with hybrid direction for linear programming. |
Concurrency Computat. Pract. Exper. 2020; e5836. |
41 |
Kendi S., Radjef M Hammoudi A. |
Optimisation des Réseaux de Distribution des Produits Agroalimentaires: Modélisation et Application. |
New Medit, article “in press”. DOI: imisation-des-reseaux-de-distribution- des-produits-agroalimentaires- modelisation-et-application/ |
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TouatiS., RadjefMS. and Sais L. |
A Bayesian Monte Carlo method for computing the Shapley value: Application to weighted voting and bin packing games |
Res. 125: 105094 (2021). |
43 |
Anzi A. and Radjef M. S. |
Solving a class of multiobjective bilevel problems by DC programming |
International Journal of Operational Research 37 (2), 157-173. |
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Anzi A., Kasri R., Lenouar H. and Radjef M.S |
An Experimental Study of a DC Optimization Algorithm for Bimatrix Games. |
Asian-European Journal of Mathematics, 2020. 1436 /10.1142/S1793557121501436 |
45 |
Mohamed Boualem, and NassimTouche |
Stochastic monotonicity approach for a non- Markovian priority retrial queue |
Asian-European Journal of Mathematics, 2150156, DOI: 10.1142/S1793557121501564 In press September 2020 |
46 |
Amina Angelika Bouchentouf, MouloudCherfaoui, Mohamed Boualem |
Analysis and Performance Evaluation of Markovian Feedback Multi-Server Queueing Model with Vacation and Impatience |
American Journal of Mathematical and Management Sciences, DOI:10.1080/01966324.2020.1842271ht tps:// 10359, In pressOctober 2020 |
47 |
Khanouche Mohamed Essaid Gadouche Hania Farah Zoubeyr Tari Abdelkamel |
Flexible QoS-aware services composition for service computing environments |
Comput. Networks 2020 rticle/abs/pii/S1389128619307169 |
48 |
Khanouche Mohamed Essaid Atmani Nawel Cherifi Asma |
Improved Teaching Learning- Based QoS-Aware Services Composition for Internet of Things |
IEEE Syst. J. 2020 |
49 |
Gadouche Hania Farah Zoubeyr Abdelkamel Tari |
A correct-by-construction model for attribute-based access control |
Clust. Comput. 2020 |
50 |
Bali Mouadh Tari Abdelkamel abdellah Almutawakel Kazar Okba |
Smart Design for Resources Allocation in IoT Application Service based on multi-agent system and CSP |
Informatica 2020 ormatica/article/view/2962 |
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Sklab Youcef Aknine Samir Shehory Onn Tari Abdelkamel |
Coalition formation with dynamically changing externalities |
Eng. Appl. Artif. Intel 2020 rticle/abs/pii/S0952197620300580 |
52 |
Gadouche Hania Zoubeyr Farah Tari Abdelkamel |
A Valid and Correct-by- Construction Formal Specification of RBAC |
Int. J. Inf. Secur. Priv. 2020 valid-and-correct-by-construction- formal-specification-of-rbac/247426 |
53 |
K. Akilal, M. Omar and H. Slimani, |
Characterizing and using gullibility, competence, and reciprocity in a very fast and robust trust and distrust inference algorithm for weighted signed social networks. |
Knowledge-Based Systems 192, 105345 (2020). 2019.105345 |
54 |
K. Ouazine, H. Slimani, H. Nacer, N. Bermad and S. Zemmoudj, |
Reducing saturation and congestion in VANET networks: Alliance based approach and comparisons. |
International Journal of Communication Systems 33, e4245 2020. |
55 |
Towards an Efficient Monitoring in Multi-hop Mobile Ad Hoc Networks. |
Ad Hoc Sens. Wirel. Networks 48(1- 2): 93-120 (2020). |
56 |
Mohamed Amine Ouamri and Mohamed Azni |
New optimization method to minimize overshooting problem in LTE using genetic algorithms based on Laplace crossover. |
Int. J. Ultra Wideband Communications and Systems, Vol. 4, No. 2, 2020. pp. 49-56. DOI: 10.1504/ijuwbcs.2020.110544. |
57 |
Mohamed Amine Ouamri, Marius-Emil Oteşteanu, Alexandru Isar, Mohamed Azni |
Coverage, Handoff and cost optimization for 5G Heterogeneous Network. |
Physical Communication 39, pp.1-8. DOI: 10.1016/j.phycom.2020.101037 |
58 |
Nabil Kadjouh, Ahcène Bounceur, Madani Bezoui, Mohamed Essaid Khanouche, Reinhardt Euler, Mohammad Hammoudeh, Loïc Lagadec, Sohail Jabbar, and Fadi Al- Turjman |
A Dominating Tree based Leader Election Algorithm for Smart Cities IoT Infrastructure |
Mobile Networks and Applications, DOI:10.1007/s11036-020-01599-z, Aug. 2020 |
59 |
Pegah Alizadeh, Aomar Osmani, Mohamed Essaid Khanouche, Abdelghani Chibani and Yacine Amirat |
Reinforcement Learning for Interactive QoS-Aware Services Composition |
IEEE Systems Journal, DOI:10.1109/JSYST.2020.2997069, Early Access, pp. 1–11, Jun. 2020. |
60 |
Mohamed Essaid Khanouche, Nawel Atmani and Asma Cherifi |
Teaching Learning-based QoS-aware services composition for Internet of Things |
IEEE Systems Journal, vol. 14, no. 3, pp. 4155–4164, Sep. 2020 |
61 |
Hania Gadouche, Farah Zoubeyr and Abdelkamel Tari |
A correct-by-construction model for attribute-based access control |
Cluster Computing vo. 23, no. 3pp. 1517-1528, 2020 |
62 |
Hania Gadouche, Farah Zoubeyr, Abdelkamel Tari |
A Valid and Correct-by- Construction Formal Specification of RBAC |
International Journal Information Security and Privacy, vol. 14, no.2, pp. 41-61, 2020 |
63 |
Lamia Cheklat, Mourad Amad, Mawloud Omar, and Abdellah Boukerram |
CHEARP: Chord-based Hierarchical Energy-Aware Routing Protocol for Wireless Sensor Networks |
Computer Science and Information Systems, no. 00, p. 43-43, 2020 |
64 |
Mustapha SADI, Mourad AMAD, Nadjib BADACHE |
Hierarchical Trust and Fault Tolerant Group Key Agreement for MANETs, |
Ad Hoc & Sensor Wireless Networks (AHSWN), 47(1): p.199-225, Old City Publishing, 2020. |
65 |
Mustapha SADI, Mourad AMAD, Nadjib BADACHE |
Improving performance overhead of a trust-clustering key management protocol in ad hoc networks |
Int. J. Electronic Security and Digital Forensics (IJESDF), 12(2): p.214-228, DOI:10.1504/IJESDF.2020.106319, InderScience, 2020. |
66 |
Lamia Hamza |
Intruder model for generating attack scenarios in computer systems |
International Journal of Information and Computer Security, num.(3-4), Vol.13, 2020. |
67 |
Siham Bouchelaghem, Mawloud Omar |
Secure and efficient pseudonymization for privacy-preserving vehicular communications in smart cities |
Computers & Electrical Engineering, vol.82, 2020 |
68 |
Mohammed Nafi, Samia Bouzefrane, Mawloud Omar |
Matrix-based key management scheme for IoT networks |
Ad Hoc Networks, vol.97, 2020. |
69 |
Sofia Zebboudj, Hizia Djoudi, Dalila Lalaoui, Mawloud Omar |
Authenticated semi-quantum key distribution without entanglement |
Quantum Information Processing, num.3, vol.19, 2020. |
70 |
Sofiane Aissani, Bournane Abbache |
Secure Key Management System Integrated in Cell- LEACH (SKMSI-CL) |
Wireless Personal Communications, 4, 112, 2020. |
71 |
Malika Yaici, Salima Sabri, Wissam Azni, Faiza Boudjemil |
Contextual data classification for a ubiquitous intelligent environment |
SN Applied Sciences,2,4,2020. |
72 |
Abdelaziz Mansour, Kamal Amroun, Zineb Habbas |
Artificial Intelligence and Its Application in Insulin Bolus Calculators |
Chapter in Advances in Multidisciplinary Medical Technologies─ Engineering, Modeling and Findings, Pages 55-76, Springer |
73 |
Khiat, A., Tari, A., & Guérout, T. |
MFHS: A modular scheduling framework for heterogeneous system |
Software: Practice and Experience, 50(8), 1463-1497, 2020 |
74 |
Dabba, A., Tari, A., & Meftali, S. |
Gene Selection and Classification Using Quantum Moth Flame Optimization Algorithm |
American Journal of Innovation and Entrepreneurship, 1(2), 16-20, 2020 |
75 |
Brahimi, B., Touahria, M., & Tari, A. |
Improving Arabic Sentiment Classification Using a Combined Approach |
Computación y Sistemas, 24(4), 2020 |
76 |
Khanouche, M. E., Gadouche, H., Farah, Z., & Tari, A. |
Flexible QoS-aware services composition for service computing environments |
Computer Networks, 166, 106982, 2020 |
77 |
Dabba, A., Tari, A., & Zouache, D. |
Multiobjective artificial fish swarm algorithm for multiple sequence alignment |
INFOR: Information Systems and Operational Research, 58(1), 2020 |
78 |
Meftali, S., Dabba, A., & Tari, A. |
Gene Selection and Classification of Microarray Data Method Based on Mutual Information and Moth Flame Algorithm |
Expert Systems with Applications, 166, 114012, 2020 |
79 |
Medileh, S., Laouid, A., Euler, R., Bounceur, A., Hammoudeh, M., AlShaikh, M., ... & Khashan, O. A. |
A flexible encryption technique for the internet of things environment. |
Ad Hoc Networks, 106, 102240. 2020 |
80 |
Sayah, Z., Kazar, O., Lejdel, B., Laouid, A., & Ghenabzia, A. |
An intelligent system for energy management in smart cities based on big data and ontology. |
Smart and Sustainable Built Environment2020 |
81 |
Kamal Souadih, Ahror Belaid, Douraied Ben Salem, Pierre- Henri Conze |
Automatic Forensic Identification using 3D Sphenoid Sinus Segmentation and Deep Characterization |
Medical & Biological Engineering & Computing, Volume58, Pages 291–306, 2020 |
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Essai d‟évaluation de la contribution de la santé à la croissance économique en Algérie |
Revue de Recherches en Économie et Management Africain, numéro 8, volume 8, Septembre 2020. |
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84 |
G. Chahi, D. Bradai andI. Belabbas. |
Structural and elastic properties of CaCO3hydrated phases: a dispersion corrected density functional theory study |
Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids, 2020,138, 109295. |
85 |
S. Giaremis, J. Kioseoglou, P. Desmarchelier, A. Tanguy, M. Isaiev,I. Belabbas, Ph. Komninou and K. Termentzidis. |
Decorated dislocations against phonon propagation for thermal management |
ACS Applied Energy Materials,2020,3, 2682. |
86 |
S. Sebaihi, Y. Khelfaoui, M. Bououdina,I. Belabbasand Y. Bouhadda |
Dependence of NiTi hydride stability by co-substitution by (Zr,Mg) onto Ti and (Cr,Cu) onto Ni: First-principles study |
Philosophical Magazine, 2020, 100, 2458. |
87 |
J. Smalc-Koziorοwska, J. Moneta, P. Chatzopoulou ,I. G. Vasileiadis, C. Bazioti, Ø. Prytz, I. Belabbas, Ph. Komninou, and G. P. Dimitrakopulos. |
The heterogeneous nucleation of threading dislocations on partial dislocations in III-nitride epilayers. |
Nature Scientific Reports, 2020, 10, 17371. |
88 |
Photoluminescence properties of nano-sized (Lu1-xYx) PO4: Pr3+ (x = 10, 20, 30, 40, 50 at. %) phosphor powders |
Optical Materials, 2020, 109, 110252. |
89 |
S. Alnujaim, A. Bouhemadou, A. Bedjaoui, S. Bin-Omran, Y. Al-Douri, R. Khenata, S. Maabed |
Ab initio prediction of the elastic, electronic and optical properties of a new family of diamond-like semiconductors, Li2HgMS4 (M =Si, GeandSn) |
Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 843 (2020) 155991 |
90 |
Oussalah Asma BOUKERROUI A/hamid |
Alginate‑bentonite beads for efficient adsorption of methylene blue dye |
Euro-Mediterranean Journal for Environmental Integration 2020 00165-z |
91 |
Oussalah Asma BOUKERROUI A/hamid |
Removal of cationic dye using alginate– organobentonite composite beads. Euro- Mediterranean |
Journal for Environmental Integration 2020 |
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B. Letribot, W. Redjdal, B. Benmerad, F. Le Bideau, M. Alami and S. Messaoudi |
Synthesis of N-Glycosyl-2- oxindoles by Pd-Catalyzed N- Arylation of 1-Amidosugars |
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R. Maouche, S. Belaid,B. Benmerad, S. Bouacida,S. Freslon, C. Daiguebonne, Y. Suffren, G. Calvez, K. Bernot, |
Luminescence properties of lanthanide complexes–based molecular alloys |
InorganicaChimica Acta2020, 501, 119309. |
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S. Beldjoudi, K. Kouachi, S. Bourouina-Bacha, G. Lafaye andA. Soualah. |
Kinetic Study of Methyl Orange Decolorization by Fenton Process Based on Fractional Factorial Design |
Reaction kinetics Mechanism and Catalysis, 2020,130, 2, 1123-1140 |
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F. Bedhouche, D. Djouadi andA. Soualah |
Effects of rare earth (Ce, Er, Eu) doping on structural and optical properties of ZnO aerogels synthesized in supercritical isopropanol |
Nano technology and Advanced Materials, 2020, 63-70 |
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S. Dekkar, S. Tezkratt, D. Sellam, K. Ikkour, K. Parkhomenko and A. Martinez- Martin |
Dry Reforming of Methane over Ni–Al2O3 and Ni–SiO2 Catalysts: Role of Preparation Methods |
Catalysisletters, 2020,150, 2180–2199. |
97 |
S. Rabah, K. Kouachi, P.A.B. Ramos, A.P. Gomes, A. Almeida, A. Haddadi- Guemghar, K. Madani, A.J.D. Silvestre and A.A.O. Santos |
Unveiling the bioactivity of Allium triquetrum L. lipophilic fractions: chemical characterization and in vitro antibacterial activity against methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus |
Food & Function, 2020, 11, 5257. |
98 |
N. Yahi, K. Kouachi, H. Akram and I. Rodriguez-Ramos |
Catalytic Reforming of Methane over Ni-La2O3 and NiCeO2 Catalysts Prepared by Sol-Gel Method |
Springer proceedings in Energy - Hydrogen and other sustainable energy carriers,2020. https// 6595-3_7 |
99 |
S. Haroune,M. Berkani, Y. Bounouri, A. Danczak, L. Rycerz and J. Kapala. |
Phase diagram and thermodynamic properties of the GdBr3–CsBr binary system. |
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Y. Bounouri,M. Berkani, A. Zamoucheand L. Rycerz. |
Optimization and modeling of synthesis parameters of neodymium (III) bromide by dry method using full factorial design analysis. |
Arabian Journal of Chemistry, 2020, 13, 1, 366-376. |
101 |
S. Haroune, M. Berkani and L. Rycerz. |
Synthesis of Gadolinium (III) Bromide and Modeling by the Experimental Design Method. |
Iranian Journal of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering (IJCCE), 2020, 39, 3, 49-59. |
102 |
Zouaoui, F.; Bourouina-Bacha, S.; Bourouina, M.; Abroa- Nemeir, I.; Ben Halima, H.; Gallardo-Gonzalez, J.; El Alami El Hassani, N.; Alcacer, A.; Bausells, J.; Jaffrezic- Renault, N.; Zine, N.; Errachid, |
Electrochemical impedance spectroscopy determination of glyphosate using a molecularly imprinted chitosan. |
Sens. Actuators B Chem.2020, 309, 127753 doi:10.1016/j.snb.2020.127753 |
103 |
Zouaoui, F.; Bourouina-Bacha, S.; Bourouina, M.; Jaffrezic- Renault, N.; Zine, N.; Errachid, |
A. Electrochemical sensors based on molecularly imprinted chitosan: A review |
TrAC Trends in Analytical Chemistry2020, 115982, doi:10.1016/j.trac.2020.115982 |
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Zouaoui, F.; Bourouina-Bacha, S.; Bourouina, M.; Alcacer, A.; Bausells, J.; Jaffrezic-Renault, N.; Zine, N.; Errachid, |
A. Experimental Study and Mathematical Modeling of a Glyphosate ImpedimetricMicrosensor Based on Molecularly Imprinted Chitosan Film. |
Chemosensors2020, 8, 104, doi:10.3390/chemosensors8040104 |
105 |
S.Amra , T. Bataille, Bourouina-Bacha, S ,M.Bourouina et D.Hauchard |
Nanostructured Modified Carbon Paste Electrode as Voltrammetric Sensor for Isoproturon Trace Analysis in Water |
Electroanlysis, Volume32, Issue6 June 2020, Pages 1346-1353 |
106 |
L.Taouri, M.Bourouina,Bourouina- Bacha, S, Didier Hauchard, |
Fullerene-MWCNT nanostructured-based electrochemical sensor for the detection of Vanillin as food additive, |
Journal of Food Composition and Analysis, 2021, 103811 |
107 |
Hayoun, B.; Bourouina, M.;Pazos, M.; Sanromán, M.A.; Bourouina-Bacha, S. |
Equilibrium Study, Modeling and Optimization of Model Drug Adsorption Process by Sunflower Seed Shells. |
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108 |
BERRABAH Abdelghani FOUGHALI Taoufik BOUDA Ahmed |
Electrodynamics in Fock Lorentz linear fractional relativity |
International Journal of Modern Physics A 2020 |
109 |
M. Lasmi, S. Mahtout, F. Rabilloud |
The effect of palladium and platinum doping on the structure, stability and optical properties of germanium clusters: DFT study of PdGen and PtGen (n = 1–20) clusters |
Computational and Theoretical Chemistry 1181 (2020) 112830 |
110 |
M. Benaida, K. E. Aiadi, S. Mahtout, M. Harb |
Theoretical Study of the Physicochemical Characteristics for Boron- Germanium BGen (n = 1-20) Clusters |
Computational and Theoretical Chemistry 1186 (2020) 112909 |
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M. Benaida, K. E. Aiadi, S. Mahtout, O. Bentouila, S. Djaadi, M. Harb |
DFT-based investigation of differentproperties for transition metal-doped germanium TMGen (TM = Ru, Rh; n = 1–20) clusters |
Journal of Molecular Modeling (2020) 26:343 |
112 |
N. Hamici, A. Sahi, D. Sadaoui |
Combined Mixed Convection and Radiation Heat Transfer in the Presence of Participating Medium in a Square Cavity with an Inside Heated Plate |
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113 |
Koulali, B. Meziani, D. Sadaoui, A. Sahi, M. Adnani. |
Numerical investigation of conjugate heat transfer in the presence of two fluid separated by a rigid wall |
Heat Transfer. 2020;1–21. |
- Publications Nationales
N° |
Auteurs |
Titre |
Journal |
01 |
Idres L., Lassassi M., Djani F.and Yousfi-Halimi N. |
Algerian Perception on COVID-19 and its Impact on Post Lockdown Mobility: A Survey Study. |
Les Cahiers du Cread -Vol. 36 - n° 03 - 2020. |
02 |
Bernine N., NacerH., Adel- Aissanou K. et Aissani D. |
Evaluation des Performances d'une Architecture pour la Découverte et la composition des Web Services, |
chapitre de livre dans "Approximations dans les Modèles Stochastiques", Publications de l'Unité de recherche LaMOS, pp 203-209, (2020). |
03 |
Adel-Aïssanou K., Lekadir O. and Aïssani D. |
Modélisation mathématique de l‟évolution de la pandémie Covid-19 : synthèse de la littérature |
Revue « Séminaire Mathématique de Béjaia (LaMOS) », Volume 18, 2020, pp. 1 – 27. ISSN : 1112 – 9433.. 19). [voir également Le Quotidien d‟Oran n° 7798, 13 juillet 2020, pp. 18 – 19 (et 2ème partie, Le Quotidien d‟Oran n° 7799, 14 juillet 2020, pp. 19)]. |
04 |
Cheurfa, T., KaidTlilane, N., &Chalane, S. (2020) |
Les inégalités sociales et territoriales d‟accès aux services de soins maternels dans la wilaya de Bejaia |
,ِغٍخ اٌجبؽش فٟ اٌؼٍَٛ اإلَٔبٔ١خ ٚ اإلعزّبػ١خ 12(7),471-484. |
05 |
Cheurfa, T.,&KaidTlilane, N. (2020) |
La problématique des inégalités sociales de santé en Algérie : Une étude exploratoire du renoncement aux soins dans la Wilaya de Bejaia |
Les cahiers du MECAS, 16(1), 153-170. |
06 |
Mourad Ouchichi et Hamid Bouguenoune |
Crise économique et Covid-19 en Algérie :Une gestion révélatrice de la fragilité institutionnelle. |
Institute for Social Science Research on Algeria (ISSRA), Septembre 2020 |
2- Communications
a- Communications internationales
N° |
Nom et Prénom |
Intitulée de la communication |
Intitulé, date et lieu de la manifestation |
01 |
Khaled Sellami, PF Tiako, Lynda Sellami, Rabah Kassa |
Energy Efficient Workflow Scheduling of Cloud Services Using Chaotic Particle Swarm Optimization |
2020 IEEE Green Technologies Conference (GreenTech), 2020/4/1, Oklahoma, USA. ct/document/9289818 |
02 |
Khaled SELLAMI, Lynda Sellami, Rabah KASSA, Pierre F Tiako |
Workflow Scheduling based on Energy-Aware in a Cloud Computing environment using Non-dominated sorting genetic algorithm (NSGA-II) |
34th conference of ORBEL, the Belgian Operational Research (OR) Society, Member of EURO (tORBEL 34 ) , 30 to 31 January 2020, Lille, France. gdetail.php |
03 |
Berdjoudj L., Ameur L. and Bahiou O. |
Stochastic Analysis of M/G/1/1 retrial queue with impatience in the orbit |
Modern Stochastic Models and Problems of actuariat Mathematics , September 25, 2020, Karshi, Usbekistan |
04 |
Ameur L. and Berdjoudj L. |
Performance analysis of queueing system under uncertainty based on Chao polynomials |
Modern Stochastic Models and Problems of actuariat Mathematics. September 25, 2020, Karshi, Usbekistan |
05 |
Belkacem N., Semchedine F. and Aïssani D. |
Classification of XML Compression Techniques, |
Proceedings of ICMCS‟20 (7th International Conference on Multimedia Computing and Systems), Tetouan (Morocco), October 2020 |
06 |
Aïssani D. |
Les rapports historiques Béjaia – Montpellier |
Conférence plénière, Maison des Sciences de l‟Homme, Université de Montpellier, 24 février 2020. |
07 |
A. Brighen, H. Slimani, A. Rezgui and H. Kheddouci |
A distributed large graph coloring algorithm on Giraph |
2020 5th International Conference on Cloud Computing and Artificial Intelligence: Technologies and Applications (CloudTech), Marrakesh, Morocco, 2020, pp. 1-7, doi: 10.1109/CloudTech49835.2020. 9365872 |
08 |
A. Ouhab, A. Thiago, H. Slimani and A. Mellouk. |
Energy-efficient clustering and routing algorithm for large-scale SDN-based IoT monitoring |
IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC), 2020.DOI: 10.1109/ICC40277.2 |
09 |
Achour Achroufene, Abdelghani Chibani, Yacine Amirat |
IEEE International Conference on Fuzzy Systems (FUZZ-IEEE), 19-24 July 2020, Glasgow, UK |
10 |
Siham Bouchelaghem, Abdelmadjid Bouabdallah, Mawloud Omar |
Autonomous Vehicle Security: Literature Review of Real Attack Experiments |
The 15th International Conference on Risks and Security of Internet and Systems, 2020. |
11 |
Mohammed Nafi, Samia Bouzefrane, Mawloud Omar |
Efficient and Lightweight Polynomial-Based Key Management Scheme for Dynamic Networks |
International Conference on Mobile, Secure, and Programmable Networking, 2020. |
12 |
Kherbache Meriem, Espes David and Amroun Kamal |
New Wrapper Feature Selection Algorithm for Anomaly-based Intrusion Detection Systems |
FPS 2020, 1-3 Décembre 2020 Montréal Canada |
13 |
Soufia Bennai, Kamal Amroun, Samir Loudni |
Exploitation des techniques de fouille de données pour la compression de contraintes table |
EGC 2020, 27-31 Janvier 2020, Bruxelles, Belgique |
14 |
FOUDI Brahim |
Enjeux et obstacles opérationnels à la coordination des acteurs du système de santé algérien |
Colloque International Intitulé:l‟entreprenariat: quels défis pour le management public? Atelier 13 : « Territoires et santé », Montpellier (France) le 12 et 13 Octobre 2020 (à distance) |
15 |
Dalila Kessira, Mohand-Tahar Kechadi |
Multi-objective Clustering Algorithm with Parallel Games |
2020 International Multi- Conference on: “Organization of Knowledge and Advanced Technologies” (OCTA), Tunis, Tunisia doi:10.1109/octa49274.2020.915 1867 |
16 |
Hicham Messaoudi, Ahror Belaid, Mohamed Lamine Allaoui, Ahcene Zetout, Mohand Said Allili, Souhil Tliba, Douraied Ben Salem, Pierre-Henri Conze |
Efficient embedding network for 3D brain tumor segmentation |
MICCAI 2020 BraTS. Brain Tumor Segmentation (BraTS) Challenge, arXiv:2011.11052 |
17 |
Belabbas Imad |
Atomistic scale investigation of dislocations in III-nitride materials. |
13èmes Journées internationales de chimie théorique et computationnelle (JCTC‟13 2020)Biskra (Algeria), 2nd – 4th February 2020. Invited talk |
18 |
Belabbas Imad |
Radiation-enhanced glide of 30° Shockley partial dislocations in gallium nitride heterostructures |
31st European Symposium on Reliability and Electron Devices, Failure Physics and Analysis (ESREF2020)Athens (Greece), 4th-8th October 2020. Oral presentation |
19 |
F. Zouaoui, S. Bourouina- Bacha, M. Bourouina, H. Ben Halima, N. Jaffrezic-renault, N. Zine, A. Errachid. |
Electrochemical impedance spectroscopy microsensor based on CS-MIPs/PPy[3,3- Co(1,2-C2B9H11)2]/Au for the sensitive detection of GLY |
World congress on materials science and nanotechnology, 14- 15 June 2021, Barcelona, Spain |
20 |
F. Zouaoui, S. Bourouina- Bacha, M. Bourouina, A. Alcacer, j. Bausells, N. Zine, A. Errachid, N. Jaffrezic-Renault. |
Experimental Study and Mathematical Modeling of a Glyphosate ImpedimetricMicrosensorBas ed on Molecularly Imprinted Chitosan Film. |
13th international workshop on impedance spectroscopy 2-4 december2020, Chemnitz, Germany |
21 |
Amra, S., Bourouina, M., Bourouina-Bacha, S and Hauchard, D. |
Carbon paste electrode as voltammetric sensor for trace analysis of diclofenac in water |
13th international congress of GRUTTEE, Rennes,18-20 02 2020, France, |
22 |
Amra, S., Bourouina, M., Bourouina-Bacha, S and Hauchard, D. |
Nanostructured cavity micro- electrode as selective sensor for EE2 trace analysis in water and urine |
3rdInternational Symposium On Material, Electrochemistry & Environment, CIMEE20, September 17-19, 2020; CCIAT, Tripoli, Lebanon. |
23 |
Taouri, L., Bourouina, M., and Hauchard, D. |
Electrochemical sensor nanostructured with carbon material for the determination of vanillin additive in food samples; |
3rdInternational Symposium On Material, Electrochemistry & Environment, CIMEE20, September 17-19, 2020; CCIAT, Tripoli, Lebanon. |
24 |
L. Taouri, M. Bourouina, D. Hauchard ; |
Nanostructured mocro-cavity electrode for trace analysis of ciprofloxacin in urine ; |
9iéme Symposium onElectrochemistry in Nanoscience, ELECNANO9; November 23-24, 2020; Paris, France |
b- Communications nationales :
N° |
Nom et Prénom |
Intitulée de la communication |
Intitulé, date et lieu de la manifestation |
01 |
Hocini K. and Yazid M. |
Towards High Performance Full Duplex MAC protocol in High Efficiency WLANs. |
4th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Renewable Energetic Systems (IC- AIRES‟2020), Accepted, 22-24 November2020, Tipasa, Algeria. |
02 |
Hocini K. and Yazid M. |
Toward a MAC Protocol Overcoming Hidden Stations Issue in IEEE 802.11ax Unidirectional Full Duplex Radio Communications |
Second International Conference on Embedded & Distributed Systems (EDiS‟2020), Accepted, 12-13April 2020, Oran, Algeria. |
03 |
Brahmi S., Yazid M. and Omar M. |
Multiuser Access via OFDMA Technology in High Density IEEE 802.11ax WLANs: A Survey. |
Second International Conference on Embedded & Distributed Systems (EDiS‟2020), Accepted, 12-13April 2020, Oran, Algeria. |
04 |
Moktefi M., YazidM.andBouallouche- Medjkoune L. |
Multichannel Access Control in the IEEE 802.11ad WiGig Networks: Proposal and Analytical Analysis. |
IEEE 1st International Conference on Communications, Control Systems and Signal Processing (CCSSP‟2020),16-17 Mars 2020, pp.56-61, El-Oued, Algeria |
05 |
Aïssani D. |
De l‟Application des Mathématiques aux Mathématiques Appliquées, Conférence plénière |
IDM‟2020 Béjaia (International Day of Mathematics), Célébration de la Journée Internationale des Mathématiques, Ministère de l‟Education Nationale, Bibliothèque d‟Aamriw, Béjaia, 12 mars 2020. |
06 |
Aïssani D., Amara A. et Bekli M.R. |
Audience et Influence des traités du mathématicien de Biskra al-Akhdari (vers 1512 – vers 1575) ». |
Actes du Colloque National « Histoire des Sciences et des Techniques au Maghreb (9e – 19e siècles », Centre des Etudes Andalouses, Tlemcen, 04 – 05 mars 2020, pp. |
07 |
Aïssani D. |
Les mathématiques maghrébines, |
Conférence plénière, IDM‟2020Algeria (International Day of Mathematics), Célébration Nationale de la Journée Internationale des Mathématiques, USTHB/S.A.M., Bab Ezzouar – Alger, 14 mars 2020. |
08 |
Aïssani D., Mechehed D.E. et Bekli M.R. |
Analyse des copies du manuscrit du mathématicien Algéro-Ottoman Ibn Hamza al-Jaza‟iri (mort en 1614) |
In the Book « Histoire des Sciences et des Techniques au Maghreb (9e – 19e siècles », Centre des Etudes Andalouses, Tlemcen, 04 – 05 mars 2020, pp. |
09 |
Belkacem N., Semchedine F., Aïssani D. and Al-Shammari A. |
NTSOAP : A Robust Approach for Non-redundancy Tags of SOAP messages » |
Proceedings of the IC – AIRES (4th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Renewable Energetic Systems), Tipaza (Smart City of Sidi Abdellah), 2020. |
10 |
KENDI Nabila |
Education pour la santé et sensibilisation sur lesméfaits du tabagisme en Algérie : études de cas dans la wilaya de Bejaia |
Communication au premier colloque national à distance : « Culture Sanitaire et sensibilisation sociétale », organisé par Ibn Khaldoun Center For Research and Studies, Laghouat (Algérie) qui a eu lieu en visioconférence par Google Meet les 30-31 Décembre 2020. |
c- Ouvrages ou participation à la rédaction d‟un ouvrage:
N° |
Nom et Prénom |
Intitulé |
Ouvrage |
01 |
Rabta B., Lekadir O. and Aïssani D. |
Strong stability of queueing systems and networks: a survey and perspectives |
In the Book “Advanced Trends in Queueing Theory”, Vladimir Anisimov and Nikolas Limnios Editors, “Mathematics and Statistics” series, Sciences, in ISTE & J. Wiley, London, New York, 2020. |
02 |
Belkacem N., Semchedine F., Aïssani D. and Al-Shammari A. |
NTSOAP: A robust approach for non-redundancy tags of SOAP messages. |
In the Book “Artificial Intelligence and Renewables Towards and Energy Transition”, serie “Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems”, Springer Ed., 2020, pp. |
03 |
Rabta B., Lekadir O. et Aïssani D. |
Stabilité forte des systems et réseaux de files d‟attente: synthèse et perspectives. |
In the Book “Théorie des Files d‟Attente I : tendances avancées”, Vladimir Anisimov et Nikolas Limnios Editeurs, ISTE Editions Ltd, London, UK., 2020. |
04 |
Aïssani D. et Lekadir O. |
Approximations dans les Modèles Stochastiques : stabilité forte, développement en série de Taylor, décomposition stochastique, monotonie, processus régénératifs, |
LaMOS Ed., 2020, 245 pages. ISBN : 978- 9931-9140- 4- 4. Dépôt légal : 4258 – 2014. |
P.S. Facultés |
Publications |
Communications |
internationales |
Nationales |
internationales |
Nationales |
Faculté des Sciences Exactes |
121 |
06 |
24 |
10 |
161 |
Production Scientifique 2018
- Détails
- Catégorie : Non catégorisé
-1- Publications :
- Publications Internationales
N° |
Auteurs |
Titre |
Journal |
01 |
Condition based opportunistic preventive maintenance policy for utility systems with both economic and structural dependencies− application to a gas supply network. |
International Journal of Pressure Vessels and Piping, i/S0308016118300887 2018 |
02 |
Rabta B. and Aïssani D |
., Perturbation Bound for Markov Chains with General State Space. |
Journal of Mathematical Sciences, Vol. 228, n°5, Springer Verlag – Kluwer, N.Y., February 2018, pp. 510 - 521. DOI: 1072-3374/18/2285-0510. 017-3640-9 |
03 |
Larbi A., Bouallouche – Medjkoune L., Aissani D |
., Improving cache effectiveness based on cooperative cache management in MANETs, |
International Journal Wireless Personal Communications, Vol. 98, Isuue 3, Springer Ed., February 2018, pp. 2497 – 2519.. 017-4984-7 |
04 |
Atmani M., Aïssani D. and Hadjadj – Aoul Y. |
, Towards Bandwidh and Energy Optimization in IEEE 802.15.4 Wireless Sensor Networks, |
International Journal ―Computing‖, Springer Ed., Vol. 100, Issue 6, 2018, pp. 597 - 620. DOI: 4 7-017-0583-4 |
05 |
Benhamida N., Bouallouche-Medjkoune L, and Aïssani D |
., Simulation Evaluation of a Relative Frequency Metric for Web Cache Replacement Policies, |
International Journal EVOS (Evolving Systems), Vol. 9, Issue 3, Springer Ed., September 2018, pp. 245 - 254. doi:10.1007/s12530-017-9194-8 -017-9194-8 |
06 |
Sayad L., Bouallouche- Medjkoune L. and Aïssani D |
., A Simulated Annealing Algorithm for Dynamic Mesh Routers Placement in a Wireless Mesh Network with Mobile Clients. |
International Journal Internet Technology Letters, Wiley Ed., Vol. 1, Issue 5, October 2018, Doi: 10.1002/itl2.35. |
07 |
Djabali Y., Rabta B. and Aïssani D |
., Approximating Service-time distributions by phase-type distributions in single-server queues: a strong stability approach. IJMOR |
International Journal of Mathematics and Operation Research), Inderscience Enterprise Ed., Vol. 12, n° 4, 2018, pp. 507 – 531. ode=IJMOR#issue |
08 |
; Taylor series expansion approach for pistemic uncertainty propagation in queueing‐inventory models; |
Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences, John Wiley & Sons, Ltd., Vol. 41, Issue 18, pp. 9164 - 9175. doi: 10.1002/mma.5120
09 |
Bousba N., Rebai M., Bouallouche-Medjkoune L., Aïssani D. and Khoukhi L |
., A Novel MILP model for timely message delivery in real – time WSNs. IJEC |
International Journal of Electronics and Communications) AEÜ,Elsevier Ed., n° 95, 2018, pp. 88 – 96. |
10 |
M. Boualem, A. Bareche, M. Cherfaoui |
, Approximate Controllability of Stochastic Bounds of Stationary Distribution of an M/G/1 Queue with Repeated Attempts and Two-Phase Service. |
International Journal of Management Science and Engineering Management (TMSE). 10.1080/17509653.2018.1488634. Taylor & Francis Publishing |
11 |
Outamazirt A., Escheikh M., Aïssani D., Barkaoui K. and Lekadir O., |
Performance Analysis of the M/G/c/c+rQueueing System for Cloud Computing Data Centers, IJCCBS |
(International Journal of Critical Computer- Based Systems), Vol. 8, n° ¾, Inderscience Publisher, 2018, pp. 234 – 257. |
12 |
Amad M.,Aïssani D.,Meddahi A., Merabet A. And Sekhriou N |
Pancake graphs for lookup acceleration and optimization in P2P networks. |
International Journal Web Intelligence, Vol. 16, ISO Press Ed., 2018, pp. 221 – 232. DOI: 10.3233/WEB- 180390.. |
13 |
Benouaret Z. and Aïssani D |
., Stability Bound of Ruin Probability in a Reduced Two-Dimensional Risk Model.IJPMS |
(International Journal of Physical and Mathematical Sciences), Waset Ed., Vol. 12 n° 5, 2018, pp. 81 – 84. |
14 |
K. MEZIANI, F. Rahmoune, and M.S. Radjef |
. Monopoly pricing in an M/M/1 unreliable queue with strategic customers. |
Submitted for Stochastic Analysis and Applications Journal, November 2018 |
15 |
A. Bounceur, S. Djemai, B. Brahmi, M. O. Bibi and R. Euler. |
A classification approach for an accurate analog/ RF BIST Evaluation Based on the Process Parameters. – |
Journal of Electronic Testing, Vol. 34 (3), pp. 321-335, 2018. |
16 |
Bibi M. O., Ikheneche N. and Bentobache M. |
A hybrid direction algorithm for solving a convex quadratic problem. - |
Int. J. Mathematics in Operations Research. Accepted paper, 2018 |
17 |
Khimoum Noureddine and Bibi Mohand Ouamer. |
Primal-Dual Method for Solving a Linear-Quadratic Multi-input Optimal Control Problem. - |
Paper under review in the international Journal "Optimization Letters", septembre 2018. |
18 |
Yazid, M., & Ksentini A |
Modeling and Performance Analysis of the main MAC and PHY Features of the 802.11ac Standard: |
A-MPDU Aggregation Vs Spatial Multiplexing. IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology (IEEE), 67(11), 10243-10257. 2018 |
19 |
A. Bareche, M. Cherfaoui |
Sensitivity of the Stability Bound for Ruin Probabilities to Claim Distributions, Methodology and Computing in Applied Probability |
20 |
F. Zidani, F. Semchedine, M. Ayaida, |
" Estimation of Neighbors Position privacy scheme with an Adaptive Beaconing approach for location privacy in VANETs", |
Computers and Electrical Engineering, No. 71. pp.359–371, 2018 |
21 |
Geographic routing protocols for Vehicular Ad hoc NETworks (VANETs): |
A survey.Vehicular Communications, 2018. |
22 |
a proactive-optimal-path selection with coordinator agents assisted routing for vehicular ad hoc networks. |
International Journal of High Performance Computing and Networking, 2018, vol. 11, no 2, p. 129-144. |
23 |
Issaadi B., Abbas K. and Aïssani D |
., A Weak Perturbation Theory for Approximations of Invariant Measures in M/G/1 Model. |
International Journal RAIRO – Operations Research, Vol. 52, n° 4, EDP Sciences Ed., October – December 2018, pp. 1411 - 1428. DOI: 10.1051/ro/2018027. https://www.rairo- 51/ro/2018027 |
24 |
Yasmina Ziane, Nabil Zougab, Smail Adjabi |
., Birnbaum–Saunders power- exponential kernel density estimation and Bayes local bandwidth selection for nonnegative heavy tailed data., |
Computational Statistics Volume 33, Issue 1, pp 299–318 017-0712-8 |
25 |
Lynda Harfouche, Smail Adjabi, Nabil Zougab |
Benedikt Funke., Multiplicative bias correction for discrete kernels., |
Statistical Methods & Applications 2018., Volume 27., N° 2.,PP 253-276., Éditeur Springer Berlin Heidelberg 260-017-0395-x |
26 |
Nawal Belaid, Smail Adjabi, Célestin C Kokonendji, Nabil Zougab |
Bayesian adaptive bandwidth selector for multivariate discrete kernel estimator., |
Journal Communications in Statistics - Theory and Methods ., Volume 47, 2018 - Issue 12 |
27 |
Nora Saadi.,Smail Adjabi ., Ali Gannoun., |
The selection of the number of terms in an orthogonal |
Statistical Papers 2018, Volume 59, Issue 1, pp 127–152. |
series cumulative function estimator., | 2-016-0756-9 |
28 |
Lamia Djerroud, Tristan Senga Kiessé, Smail Adjabi |
A multivariate non- parametric kernel estimator for global sensitivity analysis., |
Revue Communications in Statistics-Simulation and Computation 2018 ., Volume 47., Numéro 6., PP 1606-1622., Éditeur Taylor & Francis. 610918.2017.1309430 |
29 |
N Zougab, L Harfouche, Y Ziane, S Adjabi |
Multivariate generalized Birnbaum—Saunders kernel density estimators., |
Journal Communications in Statistics - Theory and Methods Volume 47, 2018 - Issue 18., 610926.2017.1377252 |
30 |
Bounouni, M., & Bouallouche-Medjkoune |
Hybrid Acknowledgment Punishment Scheme Based on Dempster-Shafer Theory for MANET.. |
In Computational Intelligence and Its Applications: 6th IFIP TC 5 International Conference, CIIA 2018, Oran, Algeria, May 8- 10, 2018, Proceedings 6 (pp. 436-447). Springer International Publishing |
31 |
Bounouni, M., & Bouallouche-Medjkoune, L |
Adaptive credit-based stimulation scheme for dealing with smart selfish nodes in mobile ad hoc network. |
In Programming and Systems (ISPS), 2018 International Symposium on (pp. 1-5). IEEE. |
32 |
Bounouni, M., & Bouallouche-Medjkoune, L |
Acknowledgment-based punishment and stimulation scheme for mobile ad hoc network. . |
The Journal of Supercomputing, 1-26 2018 |
33 |
Bounouni, M., Bouallouche-Medjkoune, L., Choulak, E., & Chiker, M. |
Acknowledgment-based Approach for Coping with Node Misbehavior in Mobile Ad hoc Network. |
In The Third International Symposium on Informatics and its Applications (ISIA'2018). |
34 |
Arezki Kheloufi |
On some boundary value problems for the heat equation in a non-regular type of a prism of RN+1 |
Georgian Mathematical Journal, 2018; 25(3):427-439. |
35 |
F. Boulkouane, A. Kheloufi |
On a second order linear parabolic equation with variable coefficients in a non- regular domain of R3 |
Journal of Siberian Federal University. Mathematics & physics 2018, 11(4), 416- 429. mathematics_physics |
36 |
S. Cherfaoui, A. Kessab, A. Kheloufi |
Study of 2m-th order parabolic equation in non- symmetric conical domains ofRN+1 |
Accepted for publication in Hacettepe journal of Mathematics and Statistics. |
37 |
Fixed Point Theory for Sums of Operators |
Journal of Nonlinear and convex analysis, Vol. 19, N 6, 2018, 1029-1040 |
38 |
Boudref M. A |
Some new stochastic forms of Gronwall-Bellman inequalities and their applications. Random Oper. Stoch. Equ.. |
(De Gruyter) 2018, 1-10 |
39 |
Boudref M. A. , Berboucha A.,Osmanov H. I. O |
An extension of Massera‘s theorem for N-dimensional stochastic differential equations. |
IntechOpen, Chapter 3 of Differential Equations, 2018, 57-68. |
40 |
Bakir FARHI |
On the possible quantities of Fibonacci numbers that occur in some types of intervals, |
Acta. Math. Univ. Comenianae, 87 (2018),p. 291-299. |
41 |
Arezki CHEMLAL |
Some Spectral Properties of One Dimensional Cellular Automata. |
JCA Volume 13, number 1-2 2018. p. 159-172. /journals/jca- home/jca-issue-contents /jca-volume-13-number-1-2-2018/ |
42 |
Khaled SELLAMI, Lynda Sellami, Pierre F Tiako |
Reconfigurable ubiquitous computing infrastructure for load balancing |
World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology International Journal of industrial and Manufacturing Engineering 2018, Volume 12 no 3. |
43 |
Megdouda Ourbih-Tari, Sofia Guebli and Abdelouhab Aloui. |
Applying Refined Descriptive Sampling on the vibrating string model. |
International Journal of computational statistics and mathematics. 2018. Article in press. /info/ingeneral/forthcoming. php?jcode=ijcsm |
44 |
Linda Khalfi and Megdouda Ourbih-Tari. |
Stochastic risk analysis in Monte Carlo Simulation: A case study. |
Communications in Statistics: Simulation and Computation. 2018. |
45 |
Kenza Tamiti, Megdouda Ourbih-Tari, Abdelouhab Aloui and Khelidja Idjis |
The use of variance reduction, relative error and bias in testing the performance of M/G/1 retrial queues estimators in Monte Carlo simulation. |
Monte Carlo Methods and Applications. 2018. 24(3): 165–178 |
46 |
Imane Terfas, Hafida Saggou & Megdouda Ourbih-Tari |
Transient study of a queueing system with one unreliable server, batch arrivals, two types of verification, loss and vacation. |
. Communications in Statistics:Theory and Methods. |
47 |
Nassim Brahimi, Abdellah Salhi, Megdouda Ourbih-Tari |
Convergence analysis of the plant propagation algorithm for continuous global optimization. |
RAIRO-Operations Research 52 (2), 429-438. 2018. |
48 |
Kahina Ouadhi & Megdouda Ourbih-Tari. |
Monte Carlo simulation of ordinary least squares estimator through linear regression adaptive refined descriptive sampling algorithm. |
Communications in Statistics: Theory and Methods. |
49 |
Hafida Saggou, Ines Sadeg, Megdouda Ourbih-Tari & El-Bay Bourennane |
The analysis of unreliable M[X]/G/1 queuing system with loss, vacation and two delays of verification. |
Communications in Statistics: Simulation and Computation. |
50 |
D. Motreanu, V. V. Motreanu & A. Moussaoui |
Location of nodal solutions for quasilinear elliptic equations with gradient dependence, |
Disc. Cont. D. Systems-S 11 (2) (2018), 293–307. |
51 |
D. Motreanu, A. Moussaoui & D. S. Pereira |
Constant-sign and nodal solutions for quasilinear non variational elliptic systems, |
Mediterranean J. Math. (2018), doi : 10.1007/s00009-018-1133-9. |
52 |
A. Moussaoui & J. Vélin |
Existence and a priori estimates of solutions for quasilinear singular elliptic systems with variable exponents |
J. Elliptic Parabolic Eqts. (2018), doi : 10.1007/s41808-018-0025-2. |
53 |
A. Moussaoui & J. Vélin |
On the first eigenvalue for a (p(x), q(x))- Laplacian elliptic system, Electron. |
J. Qual. Theory Differ. Equ., to appear. |
54 |
S. A. Marano, G. Marino & A. Moussaoui |
Singular quasilinear elliptic systems in RN, Annali |
Matematica Pura App., to appear |
55 |
Exponential inequalities for Mann‘s iterative scheme with functional random errors. |
Sequential Analysis: Design Methods and Applications. 31: 1, 2018, pp. 18-30. |
56 |
Regularization of Ill-Posed Problems with Both Data and Operator are Perturbed. |
Iranian Journal of Science and Technology, Transactions A: Science, 2018, doi : 10.1007/s40995-018-0563-3 |
57 |
A self-managing volatile key scheme for wireless sensor networks. |
Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Humanized Computing, 0772-9. |
58 |
LALILI Hadjira, TAS Saadia and DJELLIT Ali |
Positive solutions for nonvariational systems with asymptotically homogeneous operators. |
Mediterranean Journal of Mathematics. (2018) 15:56 |
59 |
LALILI Hadjira, TAS Saadia and DJELLIT Ali |
Existence of Solutions for Critical Systems with Variable Exponents. |
Mathematical Modelling and Analysis, Volume 23, Issue 4, 596-610, 2018. |
60 |
ABDELMALEK Brahim, DJELLIT Ali and TAS Saadia |
Existence of Solutions for an Elliptic p(x)−Kirchhoff-type Systems in Unbounded Domain. |
Bol. Soc. Paran. Mat. (3s.) v. 36 3 (2018): 193– 205. |
61 |
CHERGUI Thiziri, TAS Saadia |
Existence of solutions for nonlinear Schrödinger systems with periodic data perturbations. |
Journal of Applied Analysis, 2018; aop. |
62 |
R. Boukoucha |
On the non existence of periodic orbits for a class of two dimentional Kolmogorov systems, |
Izvestiya Vysshikh Uchebnykh Zavedenii. Matematika. Vol. 2018, No. 1, pp. 3-9. URL: rnid=ivm&paperid=9313&option_lang=eng |
63 |
N. Mohdeb, A. Fruchard, N. Mehidi |
Elliptic sectors and Euler discretization, |
Electronic journalof differential equations, Vol. 2018 (2018), No. 183, pp. 1-14. |
64 |
Siham Bouchelaghem, Mawloud Omar |
Reliable and Secure Distributed Smart Road Pricing Framework for Smart Cities |
IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, 2018 |
65 |
Bournane Abbache, Sofiane Aissani, Mawloud Omar, Sarah-Farah Ouada, Nawel Yessad, Mohamed Azni, Abdelkamel Tari |
Dissimulation-based and load-balance-aware routing protocol for request and event oriented mobile wireless sensor networks |
Journal of Electronics and Communications, 2018 |
66 |
Karim Akilal, Hachem Slimani, Mawloud Omar |
A robust trust inference algorithm in weighted signed social networks based on collaborative filtering and agreement as a similarity metric |
Journal of Network and Computer Applications, 2018 |
67 |
Salah Zemmoudj, Nabila Bermad, Mawloud Omar |
Context aware pseudonym and authorization model based on trust, context and role in smart hospital |
Ambient Intelligence and Humanized Computing, 2018 |
68 |
Mawloud Omar, Imene Belalouache, Samia Amrane, Bournane Abbache |
Efficient and energy-aware key management framework for dynamic sensor networks |
Journal of Computers & Electrical Engineering |
69 |
Assia Hammamouche, Mawloud Omar, Nabil Djebari, Abdelkamel Tari |
Lightweight reputation- based approach against simple and cooperative black-hole attacks for MANET |
Journal Information Security and Applications, 2018 |
70 |
Mohamed Mohammedi, Mawloud Omar, Abdelmadjid Bouabdallah |
Secure and lightweight remote patient authentication scheme with biometric inputs for mobile healthcare environments |
Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Humanized Computing, 2018 |
71 |
Sofiane Aissani, Mawloud Omar, Abdelkamel Tari, Feriel Bouakkaz |
MuKMS: Micro Key Management System for WSNs |
IET Wireless Sensor Systems, 2018 |
72 |
Hayet Benkerrou, Mawloud Omar, Fatah Bouchebbah, Younes Ait- Mouhoub |
A dependable and lightweight trust proliferation approach for the collaborative IoT systems |
International Journal of Internet Technology and Secured Transactions, 2018 |
73 |
Sofia Zebboudj, Mawloud Omar |
Deterministic MDI QKD with two secret bits per shared entangled pair |
Quantum Information Processing, 2018 |
74 |
Malika BENDECHACHE, Abdelkamel TARI and M-Tahar KECHADI |
Parallel and distributed clustering framework for big spacial data mining. |
Internal journal of parallel, emergent and distributed systems: DOI: 10.1080/17445760.2018.1446210 (2018). |
75 |
Abderrazak Sebaa, Fatima Chikh, Amina Nouicer, AbdelKamel Tari |
Medical Big Data Warehouse: Architecture and System Design, a Case Study: Improving Healthcare Resources Distribution. |
J. Medical Systems 42(4): 59:1-59:16 (2018) |
76 |
S. Ait Taleb, H. Slimani, H. Kheddouci. |
(N; p)-equitable b-coloring of graphs. |
Discrete Applied Mathematics 235, pp. 1–15 |
77 |
S. Albane, H. Slimani, H. Kheddouci |
Graph grammars according to the type of input and manipulated data: A survey. Computer |
A survey. Computer Science Review 28, pp. 178–203 (2018). DOI 10.1016/j.cosrev.2018.04.001 |
78 |
Belaid Ahror, Boukerr oui Djamal |
Local maximum likelihood segmentation of echocardiographic images with Rayleigh distribution. |
Signal, Image and Video Processing (2018). |
79 |
Ouamri Mohamed Amine, Zenadji Sylia, Khellaf Sylia, Azni Mohamed |
Optimal base station location in LTE heterogeneous network using non-dominated sorting genetic algorithm II |
International Journal of Wireless and Mobile Computing. Inderscience Publishers, 2018 |
80 |
Sebaa, A., Atroune, H., Chefai, K., Hammouche, N., Khiati, Y., & Abbas, L. |
Designing and Implementing a Telemedicine System. |
Medical Technologies Journal, 2(4), 277- 284. vol2iss1p277-284 (2018). |
81 |
K. Adi, L. Hamza and L. Pene |
Automatic security policy enforcement in computer systems. |
Computers & Security 73, pp. 156-171 |
82 |
Alliance based approach for reducing saturation and congestion in VANETs |
Kahina Ouazine , Hachem Slimani, Hassina Nacer , Jugurta Oudia, Nadira Maouche |
DOI 10.1109_ISPS.2018.8379003 (2018) |
83 |
Souraya Yahiaoui, Mawloud Omar, Abdelmadjid Bouabdallah, Enrico Natalizio, Yacine Challal |
An energy efficient and QoS aware routing protocol for wireless sensor and actuator networks |
Journal of Electronics and Communications, 2018 |
84 |
Nawel Yessad, Mawloud Omar |
Reliable and efficient data communication protocol for WBANbased healthcare systems |
International Journal of E-Health and Medical Communications, 2018 |
85 |
Nawel Yessad, Mawloud Omar, Abdelkamel Tari, Abdelmadjid Bouabdallah |
QoS-based routing in wireless body area networks: A survey and taxonomy |
Computing, 2018 |
86 |
Mohamed Haddadi & Rachid Beghdad |
EDPACS, 57:5, 1-26 |
87 |
88 |
Mahtout Sofiane Siouani Chaouki Rabilloud Franck |
Growth behavior and electronic structure of noble metal-doped germanium clusters |
Journal of Physical Chemistry A 9887 2018 |
89 |
Djadi Soumaia Ayadi Kamal Eddine Mahtout Sofiane |
First principles study of structural, electronic and magnetic properties of SnGen (0, ±1) (n = 1–17) clusters |
Journal of Semiconductors -4926/39/4/042001, 2018 |
90 |
Belache Boukhalfa Khelfaoui Youcef Bououdina Mohamed Souier Tawfik |
Structural and optical properties of silica single- layer films doped with ZnS quantum dots: Photoluminescence monitoring of annealing- induced defects. |
Materials Science in Semiconductor Processing |
91 |
TAKKA Naimi BOUDA Ahmed |
Exact form of Maxwell‘s Equations and Dirac magnetic monopole in Fock‘s nonlinear relativity |
Modern Physics Letters A, Vol 33 N° 30, 1850173 (2018)
92 |
WahibAggoune, CaterinaCocchi, DmitriiNabok, Karim Rezouali, Mohamed Akli Belkhir, and Claudia Draxl |
Dimensionality of excitons in stacked van der Waals materials: The example of hexagonal boron nitride |
Phys. Rev. B 97, 241114(R) (2018). doi: |
93 |
A. Lalaoua and F. Naït Bouda |
Numerical investigation of the onset of axisymmetric and wavy Taylor-Couette flows between combinations of cylinders and sphero- cylinders |
Eur. Phys. J. Plus (2018) 133: 383 DOI 10.1140/epjp/i2018-12240-6 |
94 |
K.Termentzidis, M. Isaiev, A. Salnikova, I.Belabbas , D. Lacroix and J. Kioseoglou |
Impact of Screw and Edge Dislocations on the Thermal Conductivity of Individual Nanowires and Bulk GaN: a Molecular Dynamics study. |
Physical Chemistry and Chemical Physics, 20, 5159 (2018) |
95 |
S. Belarouci,T. Ouahrani, N. Benabdallah, A. Morales-Garcia and I. Belabbas |
Two-Dimensional Silicon Carbide structure under uniaxial strains, electronic and bonding analysis |
Computational Materials Science 151, 288 (2018) |
96 |
S. Giaremis, Ph. Komninou, I. Belabbas, J.Chen and J. Kioseoglou |
Structural and electronic properties of a-edge dislocations along <1- 100> in GaN. |
Journal of Applied Physics 123, 244301 (2018) |
97 |
R. Belkofsi, O. Adjaoud, I. Belabbas |
Pressure induced phase transitions and elastic properties of CaCO3 polymorphs: a density functional theory study |
Modelling and Simulation in Materials Science and Engineering, 26, 065004 (2018) |
98 |
L.Pizzagalli, I.Belabbas J.Kioseoglou and J.Chen |
First-principles calculations of threading screw dislocations in AlN and InN |
Physical Review Materials, 2, 064607 (2018) |
99 |
L. Amer, S. Ouhenia, I. Belabbas, D. Chateigner |
Effect of ergocalciferol on the precipitation of calcium carbonate. |
Journal of Crystal Growth, 49, 501 (2018) |
100 |
Redjdal Wafa, Ibrahim Nada Benmerad Belkacem Alami Mouad Messaoudi Samir |
Convergent Synthesis of N,S- bis Glycosylquinolin-2-ones via a Pd-G3-XantPhos Precatalyst Catalysis |
Molecules 23, 3 (2018), 519. 2018 |
101 |
Benmahdjoub Sara Ibrahim Nada Benmerad Belkacem Alami Mouad |
One-Pot Assembly of Unsymmetrical Biaryl Thioglycosides through Chemoselective Palladium-Catalyzed Three- Component Tandem Reaction |
Organic letters, 20, 13 (2018), 4067-4071 tt.8b01624 |
102 |
T. Kasmi, A. Soualah, S. Mignard, I. Batonneau-Gener |
Effect of Brønsted acidity of HY zeolites in adsorption of methylene blue and comparative study with bentonite |
Journal of Environmental Health Science and Engineering, December 2018, Volume 16, Issue 2, 239–247 |
103 |
Hocine Sifaoui, Fadhila Rabhi, Driss Dafri, Ahmed Ait-Kaci and Marek Rogalski |
Experimental measurement and prediction by the UNIFAC and the DISQUAC models of the solid–liquid equilibrium diagrams of piperidine + benzene and piperidine +n-octane systems. |
Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry (2018) 132:1183–1188 |
104 |
Yassine Bounouri Madjid Berkani Abdelmalek Zamouche Anna Dańczak Ida Chojnacka Leszek Rycerz |
Thermodynamic properties of the NdBr3–MBr binary systems (M = Na, K) |
Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry (2018) 133: 1589–1596 |
- Publications Nationales
N° |
Auteurs |
Titre |
Journal |
01 |
2- Communications
a- Communications internationales
N° |
Nom et Prénom |
Intitulée de la communication |
Intitulé, date et lieu de la manifestation |
01 |
Sebaa, A., Atroune, H., Chefai, K., Hammouche, N., Khiati, Y., & Abbas, L. |
Telemedicine system design and implementation. Internation al Congress on Health Sciences and Medical Technologies |
(ICHSMT'18): 21-23 October 2018, Algiers, Algeria. p- content/uploads/2018/10/Progra m.pdf (2018) |
02 |
L. Hamza, |
Modèle d'intrus pour générer des attaques complexes dans les systèmes informatiques |
In 2018International Symposium ISKO-Maghreb, pp. 81-86, 2018 |
03 |
L.Hamza, A.Rili, K.Taraki, , |
A technique for analyzing attack graphs |
In International Conference on Multimedia Information processing (CITIM), pp. 1-4. 2018 |
04 |
Yousfi Smail Boumaza Rachid |
A sensory analysis using a functional principal component analysis by probability density function |
ICOM 2018 Istanbul, Turkey, 2018 |
05 |
Sofiane Aissani, Tarek Fettioune, Nafaa Maizia, Mohamed Mohammedi, Mawloud Omar |
Overheadless Key Exchange Mechanism for Heterogeneous Connected Objects |
The seventh International Symposium ISKO-Maghreb on Knowledge Organization in the perspective of Digital Humanities: Research and Application, Algeria, 2018 |
06 |
Lamia Cheklat, Mourad Amad, Mawloud Omar, Abdellah Boukerram |
Energy efficient physical proximity based Chord protocol for data delivery in WSNs |
International Conference on Applied Smart Systems, Algeria, 2018 |
07 |
Mohamed Mohammedi, Mawloud Omar, Abdelmadjid Bouabdallah |
Automatic removal of ocular artifacts in EEG signals for driver's drowsiness detection: a survey |
The seventh International Conference on Smart Communications in Network Technologies, Algeria, 2018 |
08 |
Mohamed Mohammedi, Mawloud Omar, Wassila Aitabdelmalek, Abla Mansouri, Abdelmadjid Bouabdallah |
Secure and lightweight biometric-based remote patient authentication scheme for home healthcare systems |
The thirteenth IEEE International Symposium on Programming and Systems, Algeria, 2018 |
09 |
Hania, Gadouche, Zoubeyr Farah, Abdelkamel Tari |
A Correct-by-Construction Model for Attribute-Based Access Control |
International Conference on Model and Data Engineering, Maroc, 2018 |
10 |
Zoubeyr Farah, Hania, Gadouche, Abdelkamel Tari |
A Correct-by-Design Role- Based Access Control Model for Healthcare Information Systems |
5 th International Conference on Automation, Control Engineering & Computer Science, Maroc, 2018 |
11 |
Samiha Ait Taleb, Hachem Slimani, Mohamed Essaid Khanouche |
A routing approach based on (N, p)-equitable b-coloring of graphs for Wireless Sensor Networks |
7th IEEE International Conference on Smart Communications in Network, Algeria, 2018 |
12 |
Arezki Kheloufi |
On a high-order parabolic equation in unbounded non- cylindricaldomains |
International Conference On Mathematics « An Istanbul Meetingfor World Mathematicians‖, du 3 au 6juillet 2018, Istanbul |
13 |
Arezki Kheloufi |
Etude de certains problèmes paraboliques dans des domaines à géométrie non régulière |
CIMPA researchschoolheld in Beirut, Lebanon, 26 February- 7 March, 2018 |
14 |
MEBARKI Karima |
On the index fixed point in cone of Banach spaces |
CIMPA Research School : Elliptic problems and applications in geometry,Lebanese University à Beirut du 26 février au 07 mars 2018 |
15 |
MEBARKI Karima |
On the Index Fixed point Theory for Sum of Two Operators |
International Conference on Mathematics, tenu à Istanbul, Turquie du 03 au 06 Juillet 2018 |
16 |
Boudref M. A |
Résolution de l‘équation de Kolmogorov par la méthode de Fourier |
Congrès des mathématiciens algériens, CMA 2018, Boumerdes, 12-13 mai 2018 |
17 |
Boudref M. A |
Convergence of the Fourier transformation. |
Workshop sur les systèmes dynamiques, les équations différentielles et leurs applications, « SDEDA », Oum El Bouagui, 14-15 novembre 2018. |
18 |
Boudref M. A |
Titchmarsh‘s theorem version of Hankel transform. |
Workshop sur les mathématiques pures et appliquées, « WPAM », M‘sila 17-18 décembre 2018. |
19 |
Arezki CHEMLAL |
Topological properties of one dimensional cellular automata. |
International Conference on Topology and its Applications.7- 11 juillet 2018. Nafpaktos, Grèce. |
20 |
A Chaotic Particle Swarm Optimization for workflow scheduling based on energy-aware in cloud computing environment |
21 |
Khaled SELLAMI, Lynda Sellami, Pierre F Tiako |
Dual Protection Mechanisms for Supporting Intrusion Detection in Ubiquitous and Pervasive Environments |
The 3rd Edition of International Conference on E-Learning & Innovative Pedagogies (E- LIP'18). Tetuan, Morocco on December 2018. |
22 |
Long memory process under strong mixing errors |
4th International Researchers Statisticians and Yong Statisticians Congress: 28-30 April 2018,Izmir, Turkey |
23 |
Climate change impact on Bejaia citrus production from 1983 to 2016 |
ICMS 2018, Istanbul, 31 July 2018-6 August 2018.Turkey. |
24 |
Kenza Tamiti, Megdouda Ourbih-Tari. |
Variance reduction in Monte Carlo simulation of M/G/1 retrial queuing system. |
INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON MATHEMATICS―An Istanbul Meeting for World Mathematicians‖ Minisymposium on Approximation Theory &Minisymposium on Math Education. 3-6 July 2018, Istanbul, Turkey. |
25 |
Leila Baiche and Megdouda Ourbih-Tari |
Using refined descriptive sampling in integration |
INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON MATHEMATICS―An Istanbul Meeting for World Mathematicians‖ Minisymposium on Approximation Theory &Minisymposium on Math Education. 3-6 July 2018, Istanbul, Turkey. |
26 |
Siham Kebaili and Megdouda Ourbih-Tari |
Refined descriptive sampling with dependent variables. |
INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON MATHEMATICS―An Istanbul Meeting for World Mathematicians‖ Minisymposium on Approximation Theory &Minisymposium on Math Education. 3-6 July 2018, Istanbul, Turkey. |
27 |
A. Moussaoui |
Nodal solutions to a Neumann problem for a class of (p1 ,p2)-Laplacian nonvariational systems |
International Conference on Nonlinear Analysis and Boundary Value Problems Université de Santiago de Compostella (Espagne)04-07 septembre 2018 |
28 |
MOULAI Aberrrezak, BOUHMILA Fatah and TAS saadia |
Existence result for quasilinear singular elliptic system with p-Laplacian in noncooperative case. |
7th International Conference on Applied Analysis and Mathematical Modeling, june 20- 24 2018, Istanbul, Turkey. |
29 |
R. Boukoucha |
Explicit limit cycles of a family of polynomial differential systems |
An Istanbul Meeting for World Mathematicians Minisymposium on Approximation Theory &Minisymposium on Math Education‖ 03-06 July 2018, à Istanbul, Turkey URL : bd07-277d-49b2-a60d- a8bb2f2ea1b3/files/Draft_Versio n_Of_Short_Abstract_Book.pdf |
30 |
Zair Bouzidi, Abdelmalek Boudries, Mourad Amad |
A New Efficient Alert Model for Disaster Management |
The first edition of the International Conference on Artificiel Intelligence and its Application (AIAP'18), December, 4-5th, 2018, El Oued University, Algeria. |
31 |
M‘hamdi Mohammed Salah |
.Pseudo Almost Automorphic Solutions for Multidirectional Associative Memory Neural Network with Mixed Delays." |
Neural Processing Letters (2018): 1-26. |
32 |
; Approche semi- paramétrique pour l'approximation de la probabilité de ruine de modèles de risque; |
conférence internationale « 50èmes Journées de Statistique (JDS 2018) », qui aura lieu à Paris (France), du 28 Mai au 01 Juin 2018. |
33 |
K. MEZIANI, F. Rahmoune, and M.S. Radjef |
; Monopoly pricing in an M/M/1 unreliable queue with strategic customers; |
The International Conference of the African Federation of Operational Research Societies "AFROS 2018" », Tunis (Tunisie), du 02 au 04 Juillet 2018 |
34 |
TOUCHE Nassim |
; A method for estimating RCA models; 2nd |
International Conference of Mathematical Sciences (ICMS 2018), Istanbul (Turquie), du 31 Juillet au 06 Aout 2018 |
35 |
TOUCHE née ANZI Aicha |
; Numerical solutions for a class of bilevel problems; |
2nd International Conference of Mathematical Sciences (ICMS 2018) », Istanbul (Turquie), du 31 Juillet au 06 Août 2018. |
36 |
Kamel Tebessi, Fouzi Semchedine: |
Two Vice-Cluster Selection Approach to Improve Leach Protocol |
in WSN. UNet 2018: 108-115, Tunisie 3-5 Mai 2018. |
37 |
Fouzi Semchedine, Naima Bouandas: |
Improving Cross-Layer Routing in Wireless Sensor Networks. |
UNet 2018: 247-256, Tunisie 3-5 Mai 2018. |
38 |
Touche N, Aknouche A. and Demouche N |
Analyse Bay esienne MCMC du mod ele GARCH asym etrique en puissance p eriodique. |
50e journ ees de statistique de la SFdS. Paris Saclay-France, juin 2018. |
39 |
S. Mammeri, M. Yazid, L. Bouallouche-Medjkoune and T. Belkhir: |
Enhancing 802.11ac Dynamic Access method for Increasing the Throughput of Low Priority Access Categories BK and BE. |
International Symposium on Networks, Computers and Communications (ISNCC), Accepted, June 2018, Rome, Italy. |
40 |
Outamazirt A., Barkaoui K. and Aïssani D., |
Maximizing profit in cloud computing using M/G/c/k queuing model. |
Proceedings of the ISPS’2018, 13th International Symposium on Programming and System, Zeralda – USTHB Algiers, April 2018. pp. 30 – 35. DOI:10.1109/ISPS.2018.837900 8. https://ieeexplore |
41 |
Sayad L., Aissani D. and Bouallouche-Medjkoune L |
A Placement optimization of wireless mesh routers using firefly optimization algorithm, |
Proceedings of the 7th IEEE Iinternational Conference of Smart Communications in Network Technologies (SacoNet’2018), El Oued, October 2018 |
42 |
Guerouahane N., Aïssani D., Farhi N. and Bouallouche L |
. Modélisation Stochastique et Simulation du Trafic Routier. |
Actes de la 19èmeConférence ROADEF, Société Française de Recherche Opérationnelle et Aide à la Décision, Lorient, 2018. |
43 |
Aïssani D., |
Les savants Mashdaly à l’époque médiévale. |
Actes du Colloque scientifique international « la famille dans le monde musulman : parenté, pouvoir et marginalité », Hammamet – Tunis, Avril 2018. |
44 |
Outamazirt A., Barkaoui K. and Aïssani D., |
Performance evaluation of cloud services with profit optimization using queuing model. |
Proceedings of the ICCBDC’2018, 2th InternationalConference on Cloud and Big Data Computing), Barcelona, August 2018. |
45 |
Aïssani D., |
« Les routes du savoir entre l’Afrique et l’Europe ». |
Conférence à l‘Espace Débat du Festival des Continents consacré à l‘Afrique, Querqueville (Cherbourg – Normandie), Juillet 2018 ; |
46 |
Zaabar Foudil Rezouali Karim Mahtout Sofiane Rabilloud Franck |
Spin-orbit effect on the electronic structure of MoSe2/WSe2 heterobilayer |
International Conference on Materials Science ICMS2018 2018, Université Farhat Abbas setif 1, Algérie. |
47 |
M. LASMI, S. Mahtout, F. Rabilloud |
First principal DFT study of structural, electronic and magnetic properties of PdGen (n=1-11) clusters |
International Conference on Materials Science ICMS2018, Université Farhat Abbas setif 1, Algérie. 2018 |
48 |
M. A. Roumili, S. Mahtout, K. Baddari, F. Rabilloud |
First principal calculations of properties of Cobalt doped Phosphorus clusters CoPn (n = 1 - 24) |
International Conference on Materials Science ICMS2018, Université Farhat Abbas setif 1, Algérie. 2018 |
49 |
F. Mahrouche, K. Rezouali, S. Mahtout, F. Rabilloud |
Structural, vibrational and electronic properties of MoSe2/ WSe2 van der Waals heterobilayer, |
International Conference on Materials Science ICMS2018, Université Farhat Abbas setif 1, Algérie. 2018 |
50 |
M. LASMI, S. Mahtout, M.A. Roumili, F. Rabilloud |
ab initio study of structural, electronic and magnetic properties of Gen (n=1-19) clusters doped by transition metal atoms using DFT |
2nd International Workshop on Magnetic Materials and Nanomaterials MMN-2018, 1-4 octobre 2018 Boumerdes, Algérie. |
51 |
F. Mahrouche, K. Rezouali, S. Mahtout, F. Zaabar, F. Rabilloud |
A comparative study of lattice dynamics of heterobilayer MoSe2/WSe2 and its isolated MoSe2 and WSe2 monolayers, |
2nd International Workshop on Magnetic Materials and Nanomaterials MMN-2018, 1-4 octobre 2018 Boumerdes, Algérie. |
52 |
F. Zaabar, K. Rezouali, S. Mahtout, F. Mahrouche, F. Rabilloud |
ab intio calculation of structural, electronic and optical properties of layerd transition metal dichalcogenid (LTMDs) |
2nd International Workshop on Magnetic Materials and Nanomaterials MMN-2018, 1-4 octobre 2018 Boumerdes, Algérie |
53 |
F. Mahrouche, K. Rezouali, S. Mahtout, F. Rabilloud |
Phonon Dispersion of MoSe2/WSe2 Van der Waals Heterobilayer, |
1st International Conference on Nanomaterials & Renewable Energies (ICNRE 2018) 15-17 October 2018, Skikda, Algeria. |
54 |
Zaabar Foudil Rezouali Karim Mahtout Sofiane Rabilloud Franck |
ab intio calculation of structural, electronic and optical properties of layerd transition metal dichalcogenid (LTMDs) |
2nd International Workshop on Magnetic Materials and Nanomaterials MMN-2018 2018, Université de Boumerdes, Algérie. |
55 |
Siouani Chaouki Mahtout Sofiane Safer Sofiane Rabilloud Franck |
First Principles Study Of The Physicochemical Properties Of The NbGen (N = 1-19) Nanomaterials |
1st International Conference on Nanomaterials & Renewable Energies (ICNRE 2018) 2018, Université de Skikda, Algérie |
56 |
Siouani Chaouki Mahtout Sofiane Franck Rabilloud |
Ab initio DFT study of the properties of the Gen+1 and GaGen nanomaterials |
International Conference on Materials Science ICMS2018 2018, Université Farhat Abbas setif 1, Algérie. |
57 |
Safer Sofiane Mahtout Sofiane Rabilloud Franck |
First principles simulation of properties of arsenic doped by transition metal atoms As10-nMn (n= 0-10, M= Mn, Ni ) clusters. |
International Conference on Materials Science ICMS2018 2018, Université Farhat Abbas setif 1, Algérie. |
58 |
KOUDIA Seid GHARBI Abdelhakim PARIS Matteo |
Process estimation in qubit systems in the presence of noise |
'Advances in open systems and fundamental tests of quantum mechanics', Germany 2018 |
59 |
Natural convection in rectangular cavity with an alveolus of different positions |
International Conference on Advanced Mechanics and Renewable Energies ICAMRE2018 November 28 & 29, 2018 Boumerdes – Algeria |
60 |
Caractérisation du transfert chaleur de deux fluides newtoniens dans une double cavité ventilée |
International Conference on Advanced Mechanics and Renewable Energies ICAMRE2018 November 28 & 29, 2018 Boumerdes – Algeria |
61 |
Free surface waves in Magnetic fluid sloshing ubject to magnetic field |
5th International Conference on Pure and Applied Sciences, 29- 30 June 2018 Dubai, IAU |
62 |
Bouchara Lydia, Ait Abderrahmane Hamid, Amatousse Nawel et Ourrad Ouerdia |
Modeling Instabilities of the controlled interface Separating Two Fluids Flowing Through a Channel |
International Conference on Healthcare, Applied Science, Technology and Engineering, Marrakech, Maroc 2018 |
63 |
N. Mehidi Bouam, H. Djessas, A. Djema |
Contrôle de l‘instabilité interfaciale dans un écoulement annulaire |
CFD-Tech Alger 2018 |
64 |
H. Djessas, N. Mehidi Bouam, A. Djema |
Instabilité aux grandes ondes d‘un écoulement le long d‘une conduite cylindrique |
CFD-Tech Alger 2018 |
65 |
I.Belabbas , L.Pizzagalli, J.Kioseoglou and J.Chen |
Screw dislocations in indium nitride |
International conference on Extended Defects in Semiconductors (EDS2018). Thessaloniki, Greece , 24th -29th June, 2018 |
66 |
I. Vasileiadis,J. Smalc- koziorowska, I. Belabbas, J. Kioseoglou, J. Chen, and G. P. Dimitrakopulos |
Structural characterization of Shockley partial dislocations in GaN by aberration-corrected HRTEM |
International conference on Extended Defects in Semiconductors (EDS2018). Thessaloniki, Greece , 24th -29th June, 2018 |
67 |
S. Giaremis, Ph. Komninou, I. Belebbas, J. Chen, and J. Kioseoglou |
Computational investigation of a – type edge dislocations along the [10-10] direction in GaN |
International conference on Extended Defects in Semiconductors (EDS2018). Thessaloniki, Greece , 24th -29th June, 2018 |
68 |
L. Amer, S. Ouhenia, I. Belabbas and D. Chateigner |
The biomineralisation process of Calcium carbonate: effect of the Vitamin D2. |
Congrès de l‘Association Française de Cristallographie, à Lyon (France) 10-13 Juillet 2018 |
69 |
G. Chahi, I. Belabbas and D. Bradai |
Elastic properties of ikaite and their pressure dependence: a DFT corrected Van der Waals study |
International Conference on Materials Science (ICMS2018) Setif (Algeria), 12-14 September 2018 |
70 |
S. Giaremis, Ph. Komninou, I. Belabbas, J.Chen and J. Kioseoglou. |
Modelling of a-type Edge Dislocations in GaN by Computational Analysis |
International Workshop on Nitride Semiconductors (IWN 2018) Kanazawa (Japan), 11–16 November 2018 |
71 |
R. Belkofsi and I. Belabbas |
Etude par DFT des transitions de phases dans le CaCO3 |
International conference on nanomaterials and renewable energies (ICNRE2018) Skikda (Algeria)15-17 October 2018 |
72 |
Ahcène SOUALAH, Ghania FOURA, Mattéo GUIDOTTI |
Degradation of Organic Pollutants in Aqueous Solution by Catalysts M- TiO2 / (M = Fe, W) |
ICAMP-2018, Montréal, CANADA, Oct. 31st- Nov. 2nd, 2018 |
73 |
Chibane Nouara |
Analyse des conditions critiques pour l‘apparition de l‘effet Portevin-Le Chatelier. |
Conférence Matériaux 2018, 19 au 23 Novembre 2018 à Strasbourg, France. |
74 |
ZAMOUCHE Abdelmalek, BOUNOURI Yassine, BERKANI Madjid, RYCERZ Leszek |
Optimization and modeling of synthesis parameters of lanthanum trichloride using full factorial design analysis |
International Conference on Materials Science (ICMS2018) UFAS1 / SETIF 12–14 September 2018 |
b- Communications nationales :
N° |
Nom et Prénom |
Intitulée de la communication |
Intitulé, date et lieu de la manifestation |
01 |
Cherfaoui Bachir Laggoune Radouane |
Politique d‘inspection pour un système à deux composants parallèles sujets à une dégradation |
SMB Bejaia Bejaia, 2018 |
02 |
KABYL Kamal |
Sur la dimension cubique des arbres binaires équilibrés ayant 2n sommets. |
SMB Bejaia Bejaia, 2018 |
03 |
KABYL Kamal |
Sur la dimension cubique des arbres récursifs |
SMB Bejaia Bejaia, 2018 |
04 |
O. Bounab, Z. Laiadi, M. Cherfaoui et M.E.M. Bentchikou |
Identification des ressources phylogénétiques de la vigne autochtone algérienne (vitis vinifera l.), |
Journée Scientifique nationale sur la recherche et la valorisation des plantes d‘intérêts ecologique, économique et Patrimonial. Le 06 octobre 2018, Université Iben Kheldoun- Tiaret. |
05 |
Bibi Mohand Ouamer |
. Lien dialectique existant entre l‘Optimisation, l‘Analyse et l‘Algèbre. - |
Conférence plénière à la Journée Nationale sur les Mathématiques Appliquées JNMA‘18, 21 Novembre 2018, Université de Skikda. |
06 |
Guerbane R. and Bibi M. O. |
Critère d‘optimalité dans un problème dual de programmation linéaire avec une direction hybride. - |
Poster accepté à la Journée Nationale sur les Mathématiques Appliquées JNMA‘18, 21 Novembre 2018, Université de Skikda. |
08 |
Laouar Abdelhek et Bibi Mohand Ouamer |
. Algorithme de résolution pour un problème de programmation quadratique avec presolving. - |
Rapport interne, présenté au séminaire hebdomadaire de l‘Unité de Recherche LaMOS, Université de Bejaia, 2018. |
09 |
Tariket Yacine Mahtout Sofiane Rabilloud Franck |
Contribution à l‘étude des propriétés structurales, électroniques et magnétiques des nanomatériaux métalliques CuNin (n=1-14) : calculs ab initio par voie de la DFT. |
12ème congrès national de la physique et de ses applications CNPA‘2018. Université des Sciences et Technologie Houari Boumediene USTHB ; Alger. |
10 |
Y. Tariket, S. Mahtout, F. Rabilloud, |
Étude à travers la DFT des propriétés structurales, électroniques magnétiques des nanomatériaux métalliques CuNin (n = 1 – 14) |
Le 12èmeCongrès National de la Physique et de ses Applications CNPA‘2018 |
11 |
M. Lasmi, S. Mahtout, F. Rabilloud, |
First principal DFT study of structural and electronic properties of AgGen (n=1-11) clusters |
Le 12èmeCongrès National de la Physique et de ses Applications CNPA‘2018 |
12 |
Belache Boukhalfa Khelfaoui Youcef Bououdina Mohamed |
Synthèse et caractérisation de couches minces de silice co- dopées points quantiques de ZnS/cuivre |
International symposium on materials chemistry Université de Boumerdes, Algérie. 2018 |
13 |
BACHI Halima TOULOUM Samir GHARBI Abdelhakim |
Solutions exactes de l'équation de Klein-Gordon pour le potentiel du double ring- shapedKratzer |
12ème Congrès National de la Physique et de ses Applications USTHB Algérie, 2018 |
14 |
KOUDIA Seid GHARBI Abdelhakim PARIS Matteo |
Process estimation in qubit systems |
1st Jijel Meeting on Theoretical Physics Université de Jijel Algérie, 2018 |
15 |
MEHDAOUI Nabil KHODJA Lamine GHARBI Abdelhakim |
Sur l'équation de Klein- Gordon Non Commutative Dans l'espace dS1+1 |
1st Jijel Meeting on Theoretical Physics Université de Jijel Algérie, 2018 |
16 |
ADNANE Hamza GHARBI Abdelhakim PARIS Matteo |
Génération d‘états non- classiques et non-gaussiens moyennant l‘application d‘une amplification non-déterministe linéaire et sans bruit sur des états de vide comprimés |
1st Jijel Meeting on Theoretical Physics Université de Jijel Algérie, 2018 |
17 |
Génération d‘états quantiques moyennant un amplificateur non-déterministe linéaire et sans bruit |
CNPA2018 USTHB Algérie |
18 |
An entanglement measure in the symplectic geometry framework |
CNPA2018 USTHB Algérie |
19 |
Propriétés de stabilité du ballottement des fluides magnétiques en présence d‘un champ magnétique horizontale et / ou vertical |
12ème Congrès National de la Physique et de ses Applications, USTHB, Alger, 13-15 Novembre 2018 |
20 |
Caractéristiques de ballottement linéaire dans un réservoir rectangulaire en présence un bloc immergé |
12ème Congrès National de la Physique et de ses Applications, USTHB, Alger, 13-15 Novembre 2018 |
21 |
Fréquences de ballottement linéaire dans un réservoir rectangulaire bidimensionnel contenant un fluide à deux couches |
12ème Congrès National de la Physique et de ses Applications, USTHB, Alger, 13-15 Novembre 2018 |
22 |
Effet d‘un champ magnetique oblique applique au ballottement des ondes de surface libres dans le fluide magnetique |
Conférence Nationale sur les CFD et la Technologie Draria, 2018. Centre de Recherche Nucléaire de Draria, Alger |
23 |
Effet de la forme géométrique d‘une paroi sur la convection naturelle de deux fluides dans une cavité carrée séparée. |
Conférence Nationale sur les CFD et la Technologie Draria, 2018. Centre de Recherche Nucléaire de Draria, Alger |
24 |
Determination du facteur astrophysique S(E) de la réaction 12C(a,γ)16O aux différents rayons de voie |
Acte du congrès CNPA 2018 Alger |
25 |
I. Belabbas |
Etude par simulations atomistiques des dislocations dans les matériaux nitrures-III |
Les 4èmes Journées des Doctorants (JDD18) Tizi Ouzou (Algérie) 25-26 mars 2018 |
26 |
R.Belkofsi, I. Belabbas |
Transitions de phases dans le CaCO3 : Etude par DFT. |
Les 4èmes Journées des Doctorants (JDD18) Tizi Ouzou (Algérie) 25-26 mars 2018 |
27 |
O. Namir, I. Belabbas |
Etude par DFT des propriétés élastiques du nitrure de gallium. |
Les 4èmes Journées des Doctorants (JDD18) Tizi Ouzou (Algérie) 25-26 mars 2018 |
28 |
O. Namir et I. Belabbas |
Étude par DFT des propriétés élastiques des polymorphes du nitrure de gallium |
9ème Congrès National de la Société Algérienne de Chimie 2018 Mai 08 - 10, 2018, Alger, Algérie |
29 |
L. Amer, S. Ouhenia et I. Belabbas |
Effet de la glycine sur la précipitation du carbonate de calcium. |
9ème Congrès National de la Société Algérienne de Chimie 2018 Mai 08 - 10, 2018, Alger, Algérie |
30 |
O. Namir, I. Belabbas |
Etude par DFT des propriétés élastiques et électroniques de trois polymorphes de GaN. |
12ème Congrès National de la Physique et ses Applications (CNPA‘2018) 13-14 Novembre 2018, Alger, Algérie. |
31 |
G. Chahi, I. Belabbas, D. Bradai |
Etude des propriétés élastiques directionnelles de l‘ikaite sous pression hydrostatique. |
12ème Congrès National de la Physique et ses Applications (CNPA‘2018) 13-14 Novembre 2018, Alger, Algérie. |
32 |
RABHI Fadhila, SIFAOUI Hocine et Fabrice Mutelet |
Extraction de l‘ortho-cresol d'un milieu aqueux en utilisant un liquide ionique |
9ème Congrès National de la Société Algérienne de Chimie 2018, Mai 08 - 10, 2018, Alger, Algérie. |
33 |
Intrusion Detection and Machine Learning |
Poster, the 1st International Workshop on Deep Learning: Methods and Applications. Bejaia, Algérie, 2018. |
P.S. Facultés |
Publications |
Communications |
internationales |
Nationales |
internationales |
Nationales |
Faculté des Sciences Exactes |
104 |
00 |
74 |
33 |
211 |
- Détails
- Catégorie : Non catégorisé

Procédure de dépôt des dossiers de soutenance
- Détails
- Catégorie : Non catégorisé
A compter du 01 Juin 2021, les dossiers de soutenance de thèses de doctorat classique et LMD seront obligatoirement déposés au Vice Décanat chargé de la Post Graduation de la Faculté. Le Vice Doyen de la Post Graduation sera chargé de la vérification de la conformité administrative et de la recevabilité scientifique (revues) des dossiers de soutenance déposés. Une fois la versification terminée, les dossiers seront transmis, accompagné d’un courrier explicitant la recevabilité et la conformité des dossiers ainsi que les réserves relevées, aux Comités Scientifiques des Départements qui vont statuer sur le contenu scientifique du dossier ainsi que la proposition d’un jury composé d’experts pour examiner le travail.
Le dossier de soutenance doit contenir :
1- Le manuscrit de la thèse.
2- Le rapport d’expertise du directeur de thèse (Annexe 01 et 02).
3- Dans le cas où la thèse est codirigée par un autre encadreur (co-directeur de thèse), ce dernier doit fournir soit un rapport d’expertise de la thèse (Annexe 05) ou bien co-signé le rapport d’expertise élaboré par le directeur de thèse (Annexe 01).
4- L’annexe 03 regroupant les inscriptions du candidat de la première jusqu’à la dernière année (l’année en cours).
5- Le ou les article(s) publié(s) dans le cadre de la thèse, accompagnés chacun par la fiche de l’article (formulaire disponible sur le site du Vice Rectorat chargé de la PG de l’université).
6- Les communications réalisées par le candidat dans le cadre de sa thèse (Attestation de participation + résumé de la communication).
7- Lettre de demande d’approbation d’un jury de soutenance adressée à Monsieur le Recteur de l’Université A/MIRA de Bejaia, S/C de la voie hiérarchique. La composition des jurys doit respecter les proportions suivantes :
Pour un Doctorat classique (98) : le jury est composé de 4 à 6 membres s’il n y a pas un co-encadreur et de 5 à 6 membres s’il y a un co-encadreur. Minimum 1/2 maximum 2/3 de ces membres sont affiliés à des établissements extérieurs à Bejaia.
Pour un Doctorat LMD : le jury est composé de 4 à 6 membres s’il n y a pas un co-encadreur et de 5 à 6 membres s’il y a un co-encadreur. 1 à 2 de ces membres sont affiliés à des établissements extérieurs à Bejaia.
8- Les doctorants LMD inscrits à partir de 2017 doivent aussi fournir le carnet du doctorant dans lequel la formation et les points cumulés dans la production scientifique du candidat sont validés par le comité de formation doctorale (CFD).
9- Les dossiers doivent être déposés au minimum 72 heures (3 jours) avant la date de la tenue du Comité Scientifique du Département du candidat.