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Dr. Abderrahmane SIDER Senior Lecturer Class A /
Laboratoire de l’informatique Médicale Professional E-mail: Personnal E-mail: Phone: Université de Bejaia, 06000 Bejaia, Algérie. |
Research keywords : Load balancing, Parallel computing, distributed cumputing, distributed algorithms, GPU computing
Biography :
(A short one)
Graduated from the University Mouloud Mammeri of Tizi-Ouzou in Computer Science Engineering.
Postgraduated (Bac+7) In Netowrks and distributed Systems at the doctoral school of Bejaia in 2005.
I am teaching and conducting research activities since 2006 at the computer science department of the university of Bejaia and member of the LIMED Laboratory since its creation in 2013.
I hold a Ph.D Thesis in Networking and Distributed Systems since 2011. Worked under Supervision of Pr. Raphaël COUTURIER from the University of Franche-Comte, France on "Contributions to load blancing: a most to least loaded strategy and influence of delays on load transfers".
Since February 2018, holding an Habilitation Universitaire (Equivalent to french HdR). I am also leading a research team within the LIMED on paralle and distributed computing and security applications.
Reseach interests : High Performance Computing paradigms, programming and applications in imaging, applied mathematics and security. GPU Coomputing, Synchronous and asynchronous algortihms, Machine Learning.