Effect of relative humidity on current-voltage characteristics of monopola DC corona in wire-to-plane system
Journal of Electrostatics vol: 76, pp: 108-114, num: 4, Août, 2015 .
Finite Element Method Investigation of Electrostatic Precipitator Performance
International Journal of Numerical Modelling Electronic Network Devices and Fields vol: 28, pp: 138-154, num: 2, Mars, 2015 .
URL :http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/jnm.v28.2/issuetoc
Breakdown strength measurements on cylindrical polyvinyl chloride sheaths under AC and DC voltages
IEEE Transactions on Dielectrics and Electrical Insulation vol: 21, pp: 2267 - 2273, num: 5, Octobre, 2014 .
The Active Electrode Shape Effect on the Corona Discharge in an Electrostatic Precipitator
Environmental Engineering and Management Journal 2014 .
URL :http://omicron.ch.tuiasi.ro/EEMJ/
Analysis of Current-Voltage Characteristics in Wires-to-Planes Geometry During the Corona Discharge
European Physical Journal Applied Physics vol: 67, num: 3, septembre, 2014 .
URL :http://www.epjap.org/articles/epjap/abs/2014/09/contents/contents.html
Modeling and simulation of the effect of Pressure on the corona discharge for wire plane configuration
IEEE Transactions on Dielectrics and Electrical Insulation vol: 20, pp: 1547-1553, num: 5, 2013 .
Keyword :Corona Discharge, Corona current
URL :http://ieeexplore.ieee.org/xpl/tocresult.jsp?isnumber=6633669&punumber=94
Characteristics of Partial Discharge Pulses Propagation in Shielded Power Cable
Electric Power Systems Research vol: 99, pp: 38-44, 2013 .
Keyword :Partial Discharge, Pulses Propagation, Power Câble
URL :http://www.journals.elsevier.com/electric-power-systems-research/
Analysis of current and electric field beneath a bipolar DC wires-to-plane corona discharge in humid air
European Physical Journal Applied Physics vol: 61, num: 3, Mars, 2013 .
Keyword :Bipolar Coron, Electric Field, Relative Humidity
URL :http://www.epjap.org/articles/epjap/abs/2013/03/contents/contents.html
Effect of Relative Humidity on Current-Voltage Characteristics of an Electrostatic Precipitator
Journal of Electrostatics vol: 70, pp: 20-24, num: 1, 2012 .
Keyword :ESPs, Relative Humidity, Space Charge
URL :http://www.journals.elsevier.com/journal-of-electrostatics/
Analysis of Positive Corona in Wire-to-Plate Electrostatic Precipitator
European Physical Journal Applied Physics vol: 49, num: 1, janvier, 2010 .
Keyword :ESPs, Corona discharge, Corona current
URL :http://www.epjap.org/articles/epjap/abs/2010/01/contents/contents.html
PD Pulse Propagation in Shielded Power Cable – Implication for PD Detection Sensitivity
IEEE Electrical Insulation Magazine vol: 23, pp: 5 – 10., num: 6, November/December, 2007 .
URL :http://ieeexplore.ieee.org/xpl/tocresult.jsp?isnumber=4389959&punumber=57
Analytic Solutions for Pulse Propagation in Shielded Power Cable for Symmetric and Asymmetric PD Pulses
IEEE Transaction on Dielectric and Electrical Insulation vol: 14, pp: 1264 – 1270, num: 5, octobre, 2007 .
URL :http://ieeexplore.ieee.org/xpl/tocresult.jsp?isnumber=4339462&punumber=94
Calculation and measurement of electric field under HVDC transmission lines
European Physycal Journal Applied Physics vol: 37, pp: 323-329, num: 3, Mars, 2007 .
URL :http://www.epjap.org/articles/epjap/abs/2007/03/contents/contents.html
Finite-element analysis of positive and negative corona discharge in wire-to-plane system
European Physical Journal Applied Physics vol: 34, pp: 215-223, num: 3, Juin, 2006 .
URL :http://www.epjap.org/articles/epjap/abs/2006/06/contents/contents.html
Negative corona computation in air, Engineering with Computers
Engineering with computers vol: 21, pp: 296 – 303, Mai, 2006 .
Analysis of current and electric field distributions beneath a positive DC wire-to-plane corona.
European Physical Journal Applied Physics vol: 21, pp: 45 – 52, num: 1, january, 2003 .
Keyword :corona discharge, electric field
URL :http://www.epjap.org/articles/epjap/abs/2003/01/contents/contents.html
Finite-element solution of monopolar corona in a coaxial system.
European Physical Journal Applied Physics vol: 19, pp: 123 – 129, num: 2, August, 2002 .
Keyword :corona discharge, electric field
URL :http://www.epjap.org/articles/epjap/abs/2002/08/contents/contents.html
Positive corona inception in HVDC configurations under variable air density andhumidity conditions.
European Physical Journal Applied Physics vol: 10, pp: 211 – 218, num: 3, June, 2000 .
URL :http://www.epjap.org/articles/epjap/abs/2000/06/contents/contents.html
Measurements of current and electric field distributions beneath a positive DC wire-to-plane corona using a linear biased probe.
IEE Proceegings Measurements and Technologie vol: 147, pp: 74-80, num: 2, 2000 .
URL :http://www.IEE.org
Current and electric field measurements in coaxial system during the positive DC corona in humid air.
European Physical Journal Applied Physics vol: 7, pp: 167-176, num: 2, August, 1999 .
URL :http://www.epjap.org/articles/epjap/abs/1999/08/contents/contents.html
Linear-geometry electric-field probe for DC corona measurements and application for field distribution in wire-to-plane geometry.
European Physical Journal Applied Physics vol: 6, pp: 195-203, num: 2, May, 1999 .
URL :http://www.epjap.org/articles/epjap/abs/1999/05/contents/contents.html