Babbar Rug: Cultural Heritage in The Service of Sustainable Development
Babbar, crafts, development, heritage, RugAbstract
The Babar rug is an ancient traditional heritage in the Babar region of Khenchela province in Algeria, representing a blend of cultural heritage and sustainable development. This article is the result of ten months of fieldwork as part of an ambitious project to enhance and promote the Babar rug, carried out by a local association with funding and support from the European Union's program for strengthening the capacities of local development actors, Capdel. This essay looks at the history, cultural meaning, and economic importance of the Babar rug. It has deep roots in the region’s nomadic past and plays a key role in preserving the identity of the Shawi people. The rug, woven mainly by women, carries important symbols like fertility, protection, and strength, and it is a practical craft passed down through generations. Women are central to keeping this tradition alive, as weaving is both a way to earn money and a method to pass on cultural values. Today, the Babar rug faces challenges from globalization and the rise of cheaper, mass-produced goods. However, tourism and fair trade initiatives provide new opportunities to protect this craft. By involving younger generations through education, mentorship, and cultural tourism, the tradition can continue. Additionally, using modern technology, such as online marketing and eco-friendly production, offers fresh ways to promote and sustain the craft. This study highlights the Babar rug’s role in cultural preservation and economic development, connecting it to global Sustainable Development Goals. Preserving the Babar rug means balancing respect for traditional techniques with embracing modern ideas, ensuring that this important cultural heritage remains a vibrant part of the region’s identity for future generations.
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