An exploration of the ESP expectations and motivational orientations in Algerian science faculties: A case study
Language Practices vol: 13, pp: 384-402, num: 1, (March, 2022) , 2022 EISSN: 2602-5353 / ISSN:2170-0583.
Keyword :Algerian Science Faculties, Attitudes, English for Science and Technology, Expectations, Mismatch in Expectations, Motivational Orientations
Application of Fast-echo to Cases of Non-Traumatic Distress
ANESTHESIA AND ANALGESIA vol: 133, pp: 1504-1505, num: 3 S_ SUPPL, 2021/9/1, 2021 .
Keyword :Once mastered by the emergency’s resuscitator, ultrasound windows used in the Fast echo can provide, at the bedside of the untransportable patie
URL :WOS:000713327101542
Maritime English language needs and practices in the port of Bejaia: an ethnographic case study
Journal of Studies in Language, Culture and Society (JSLCS) vol: 3, pp: 112-126, num: 2, 2020 .
Keyword :Communicative Events, communicative situations, foreign ship crews, language needs, language practices, port regulation staff.
Relationship between Motor and Cognitive Autonomy and Emergency Surgery in Elderly
ed: ANESTHESIA AND ANALGESIA, vol: Volume 133 , pp: 655-655, num: Issue 3S, 2021/9/1, 2021 Prague.
Keyword :The autonomous elderly must be protected from the risk of falling syndrome through preventive programs, because their hospitalization can be life-threatening despite anterior good physical conditions.
Foreign languages as media of instruction in Algerian science faculties: what solution for limited language proficiency students
ed: Algiers 2 University, 4-05 December 2019, 2019 Algiers 2 University.
From events to tasks: Analysis of maritime English needs of Bejaia port regulation officers
ed: University of Bejaia, 30 October 2017, 2017 University of Bejaia.
The New Role of Genre in the Teaching and Analysis of Specialised Discourses
ed: University of Bejaia, 30 October 2017, 2017 University of Bejaia.