


Research with : Year

Journal Article


O. Namir, J. Chen and I. Belabbas

Strain induced phase transitions and hysteresis in aluminium nitride: a density functional theory study

Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter vol: 37, pp: 035702, 2025 .

URL :https://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1088/1361-648X/ad8852


G. Chahi, D. Bradai and I. Belabbas

Hydrogen bonds and elastic anisotropy of nitrile molecular crystals: an investigation from first-principles

Molecular Simulation vol: 50, pp: 696-709, 2024 .

URL :https://doi.org/10.1080/08927022.2024.2342971

J. Smalc-Koziorowska, J. Moneta, G. Muziol, W. Chrominski, R. Kernke, M. Albrecht, T. Schulz, I. Belabbas

The dissociation of (a+c) misfit dislocations at the InGaN/GaN interface

Journal of Microscopy vol: 293, pp: 146-152, 2024 .

URL :https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/abs/10.1111/jmi.13234


Farida Bouyahmed; Fabrice Muller; Annie Richard; Toufik Amayas Mostefaoui; Imad Belabbas; Fabienne Warmont; Marjorie Roulet; Laurence Reinert; Laurent Duclaux; Sandrine Delpeux-Ouldriane

Chitosan-multilayered graphene oxide hybrid beads for Zn2+ and metoprolol adsorption

Comptes Rendus de Chimie vol: 25, pp: 205, 2022 .

URL :https://comptes-rendus.academie-sciences.fr/chimie/item/CRCHIM_2022__25_G1_205_0/


I. Belabbas, G. P. Dimitrakopulos, J. Kioseoglou, J. Chen, and J. Smalc-Koziorοwska

First-principles investigation of a-line Shockley partial dislocations in wurtzite GaN: core reconstruction and electronic structure

Modelling and Simulation in Materials Science and Engineering vol: 30, pp: 085004, 2022 .

URL :https://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1088/1361-651X/ac9853


O Namir, J Kioseoglou, Ph Komninou, Th Karakostas and I Belabbas

Large out-of-plane piezoelectric response of wurtzite InN under biaxial strain

Modelling and Simulation in Materials Science and Engineering vol: 29, pp: 065013, 2021 .

URL :https://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1088/1361-651X/ac13cc

L. Amer, S. Ouhenia, D. Chateigner, S. Gascoin and I. Belabbas

The effect of a magnetic field on the precipitation of calcium carbonate

Applied Physics A vol: 127, pp: 716 , 2021 .

URL :https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s00339-021-04860-8#citeas

R. Belkofsi, G. Chahi, O. Adjaoud and I. Belabbas

On the impact of zero-point vibrations in calcium carbonate

Phase transitions vol: 94, pp: 779 , 2021 .

URL :https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/01411594.2021.1979973?journalCode=gpht20

I. G. Vasileiadis, I. Belabbas, C. Bazioti, J. Smalc-Koziorοwska, Ph. Komninou, and G. P. Dimitrakopulos

Stacking fault manifolds and structural configurations of partial dislocations in InGaN epilayers

Physica Status Solidi (b) vol: 258 , pp: 2170053, 2021 .

URL :https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/abs/10.1002/pssb.202100190



G. Chahi, D. Bradai and I. Belabbas

Structural and elastic properties of CaCO3 hydrated phases: a dispersion corrected density functional theory study

Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids vol: 138, pp: 109295 , 2020 .

URL :https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S002236971931409X

S. Sebaihi, Y. Khelfaoui, M. Bououdina, I. Belabbas and Y. Bouhadda

Dependence of NiTi hydride stability by co-substitution by (Zr,Mg) onto Ti and (Cr,Cu) onto Ni: First-principles study

Philosophical Magazine vol: 100, pp: 2458, 2020 .

URL :https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/14786435.2020.1782499?journalCode=tphm20

S. Giaremis, J. Kioseoglou, P. Desmarchelier, A. Tanguy, M. Isaiev, I. Belabbas, Ph. Komninou and K. Termentzidis

Decorated dislocations against phonon propagation for thermal management

ACS Applied Energy Materials vol: 3, pp: 2682, 2020 .

URL :https://pubs.acs.org/doi/10.1021/acsaem.9b02368

J. Smalc-Koziorοwska, J. Moneta, P. Chatzopoulou ,I. G. Vasileiadis, C. Bazioti, Ø. Prytz, I. Belabbas, Ph. Komninou, and G. P. Dimitrakopulos.

The heterogeneous nucleation of threading dislocations on partial dislocations in III‑nitride epilayers.

Scientific Reports vol: 10, pp: 17371, 2020 .

URL :https://www.nature.com/articles/s41598-020-74030-y#Bib1



K. Boufala, S. Ouhenia, G. Louis, D. Betancourt, D. Chicot and I. Belabbas

Microstructure analysis and mechanical properties by instrumented indentation of Charonia Lampas Lampas shell

Journal of the Mechanical Behaviour of Biomedical Materials vol: 89, pp: 114 , 2019 .

URL :https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S1751616118310300

I. Belabbas, L. Pizzagalli, J. Kioseoglou and J. Chen.

Core properties and the role of screw dislocations in the bulk n-type conductivity in InN

Physical Chemistry and Chemical Physics vol: 21, pp: 15767, 2019 .

URL :https://pubs.rsc.org/en/content/articlelanding/2019/cp/c9cp02062d#!divAbstract

I. Belabbas, I. Vasileiadis, J. Moneta, J. Smalc-koziorowska and G. P. Dimitrakopulos

Recombination of Shockley partial dislocations by electron beam irradiation in wurtzite GaN [Editor’s Pick]

Journal of Applied Physics Editor’s Pick, vol: 126, pp: 165702, 2019 .

URL :https://aip.scitation.org/doi/10.1063/1.5121416


K.Termentzidis, M. Isaiev, A. Salnikova, I.Belabbas , D. Lacroix and J. Kioseoglou

Impact of Screw and Edge Dislocations on the Thermal Conductivity of Individual Nanowires and Bulk GaN: a Molecular Dynamics study

Physical Chemistry and Chemical Physics vol: 20, pp: 5159 , 2018 .

URL :https://pubs.rsc.org/en/content/articlelanding/2018/cp/c7cp07821h#!divAbstract

S. Belarouci,T. Ouahrani, N. Benabdallah, A. Morales-Garcia and I. Belabbas

Two-Dimensional Silicon Carbide structure under uniaxial strains, electronic and bonding analysis

Computational Materials Science vol: 151, pp: 288 , 2018 .

URL :https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0927025618303276

S. Giaremis, Ph. Komninou, I. Belabbas, J.Chen and J. Kioseoglou.

Structural and electronic properties of a-edge dislocations along <1-100> in GaN

Journal of Applied Physics vol: 123, pp: 244301 , 2018 .

URL :https://aip.scitation.org/doi/abs/10.1063/1.5034198?journalCode=jap

L. Pizzagalli, I. Belabbas, J. Kioseoglou and J. Chen

First-principles study of threading screw dislocations in AlN and InN

Physical Review Materials vol: 2, pp: 064607 , 2018 .

URL :https://journals.aps.org/prmaterials/abstract/10.1103/PhysRevMaterials.2.064607

R. Belkofsi, O. Adjaoud, I. Belabbas

Pressure induced phase transitions and elastic properties of CaCO3 polymorphs: a density functional theory study

Modelling and Simulation in Materials Science and Engineering vol: 26, pp: 065004 , 2018 .

URL :https://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1088/1361-651X/aacbed

L. Amer, S. Ouhenia, I. Belabbas and D. Chateigner

Effect of ergocalciferol on the precipitation of calcium carbonate

Journal of Crystal Growth vol: 49, pp: 501 , 2018 .

URL :https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0022024818304123


M.M. Soumelidou, I. Belabbas, J. Kioseoglou, Ph. Komninou, J.Chen and Th. Karakostas

Strain and elastic constants in GaN and InN

Computational Condensed Matter vol: 10, pp: 25 , 2017 .

URL :https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S2352214316300491


I. Belabbas, J. Chen and G. Nouet

Energetics and core structure of the undissociated basal screw dislocation in wurtzite GaN

Physica Status Solidi (c) vol: 13, pp: 221 , 2016 .

URL :https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/abs/10.1002/pssc.201510177

I. Belabbas, J. Chen, M. I. Heggie, C. D. Latham, M. J. Rayson, P.R. Briddon and G. Nouet

Core properties and mobility of the basal screw dislocation in wurtzite GaN: a density functional theory study

Modelling and Simulation in Materials Science and Engineering vol: 24, pp: 075001, 2016 .

URL :https://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1088/0965-0393/24/7/075001


I. Belabbas, J. Chen and G. Nouet.

Electronic structure of threading dislocations in wurtzite GaN

Physica Status Solidi (c) vol: 8, pp: 1123 , 2015 .

URL :https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/abs/10.1002/pssc.201400215


I. Belabbas, J. Chen and G. Nouet.

Electronic structure and metallization effects at threading dislocation cores in GaN

Computational Materials Science vol: 90, pp: 71, 2014 .

URL :https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0927025614002535


I. Belabbas, J. Chen, Ph. Komninou and G. Nouet.

Dissociation of the 60° basal dislocation in wurtzite GaN

Physica status solidi (c) vol: 10, pp: 84 , 2013 .

URL :https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/abs/10.1002/pssc.201200464

I. Belabbas, J. Chen, Ph. Komninou and G. Nouet.

The 60° basal dislocation in wurtzite GaN: energetics, electronic and core structures

Computational Materials Science vol: 79, pp: 118, 2013 .

URL :https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0927025613003029

I. Belabbas, J. Chen, Ph. Komninou and G. Nouet.

Atomistic simulation of undissociated 60° basal dislocation in wurtzite GaN

Modeling and Numerical Simulation of Material Science vol: 3, pp: 11, 2013 .

URL :https://www.scirp.org/journal/paperinformation.aspx?paperid=38642