
Missions et Objectifs

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Office of liaison between university and companies (BLEU)



Roles and objectives:

It was created on March 5th, 2012 and its main objective is the openness of university on its socio-economic environment by valorizing scientific, technical and technological research, and by the relevance of its degrees as an added value of the university. This interface structure has at the same time a function of pulse, advice and support for university teams and for their partners from the industry world.


- This structure provides some services such as, continuing training programs accommodated to companies needs.   

- It contributes to transfer companies’ requirements and needs to training and research services.  

- It allows fostering technology transfer from university to companies.

- It contributes to provide for partners the necessary human and material resources for implementation of joint projects.  

- It works closely with training and professional integration services.



For University :

- Raise awareness of academics about the interest of developing relationships with socio-economic sector.

- Take advantage of know-how of companies in term of skills use by considering the transition period from theory to practice.

- Valorize research results (patent, license, collaboration agreements, etc) in partnership with companies, by developing application and using feedback and users’ observations. 


For companies:

- Raise awareness of companies about the interest of being involved in trainings. Allow them to have a deepen and wider conception on the basic discipline of their competence field, and also on the training profile offered to their future employees.  To be receptive to knowledge which academics are generally the main actors.  Being receptive to the possible valorizing of research results of university. Contribute upstream to the training of its future employees.


Our diplomas

In the LMD system that is expanding more and more, Bejaia University has issued 64 bachelor degrees and 67 Master degrees in different branches and options. Their specific skills were identified and  hilighted.



In order to ensure a quality education for its students, our university offers practical trainings for students to allow them to consolidate their theoretical background acquired during their training courses. In this context and in close collaboration with training services of faculties, the main mission of this office of liaison between university and companies is to establish relationships with different companies. 

Training offers, regulation and models of agreements will be posted on-line.


Integration and employment

One of the main roles of university is to provide competences and skills that are necessary for a good functioning of the economical and social system.  The office of liaison between university and companies contributes to improve employability.  

This office gathers different on-line job offers, gives advice about preparing a CV and motivation letters as well as job interviews. It helps to highlight competences of everyone and identifies useful links. It supports business creation and launching of spin-offs.



The office of liaison between university and companies took the initiative to launch alumni association of Bejaia University (ADUB). It helps to strengthen the tripartite students- alumni- companies. It helps students in their internships, new graduates in employment integration, to participate to training development and contributes to partnership in research.


Valorization of research  

Valorization of research is a task considered as an interface between the socio-economic sector and research laboratories of Bejaia University.   

Being attentive to their concerns and needs in term of technology, our role is to develop companies via research and innovation by offering solutions provided by research laboratories.  

The office of liaison between university and companies contributes to bring closer university and companies in order to materialize innovative ideas and resolve the raised problems. This office supports you in establishing contracts and preservation of industrial and intellectual property. It works closely with the incubator of the university for the lunching of spin-offs.  


Training for the profit of companies

This office identifies the competences of university trainers and proposes quality trainings for the profit of companies’ managers. It helps the getting in touch and establishment of contacts according to regulation and training organization.