Communication Interne
Salima BOURBET / Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Zahra Belouad / Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Communication Web
Louiza MALA
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This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Communication Graphique
Farid Sahali
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Institutional logo
A logotype, commonly referred to as a logo, is a graphic presentation that identifies immediately a company, an association, an institution, a product, a service, an event or any other organization in order to distinguish the owner of the logotype from other entities.
In this regard, we put the institutional logo of Bejaia University as well as its different variants at disposal of all the university community (teachers, students, structures…etc) and also for partners and economic stakeholders for any academic use.
Ps : the logo usage must to respect the determined usage rules in the prohibitions section
Size of the logo on paper (JPEG) (download)
Big size of the logo (JPEG) (download)
Logo in vectorial format (EPS) (download)
Variants of the logo
Prohibitions What is forbiden to do with the logo |
Not to dissociate the signs from the signature (the logo is a single entity ) |
Not to modify the relationship signs / signature
Not to assign shadow or outline
Not to deform the logo, its expansion has to be proportionnal |
Web Communication
Media coverage and publication on the web site of the university
Delegated administration of web-portal of faculties
Provide hosting spaces
Delegated administration of web-portal of faculties
To ensure an independent management of web-portals of faculties on the web site of university, administrators’ accounts are at disposal of faculties for a quick and reliable dissemination.
For that purpose, any faculty desiring to have access to its account has to name an administrator and inform the management unit of the web site of university (computing center: B11).
The named person must have a valid designation form (dully filled and signed) of which a model below is available to download. |
Web Communication
Media coverage and publication on the web site of the university
Delegated administration of web-portal of faculties
Provide hosting spaces
Provide hosting spaces
Web hosting spaces on the university server are available for attached structures (Laboratories, Associations, Science Clubs, Services and Offices ...) as well as to teachers in order to host their papers and web applications.
For that purpose, the applicant has to present a valid hosting form request to the management unit of the web server of the university (computing center B11), and make sure of the conformity of the content you want to host with the recommendations and instructions of the hosting charter below.
Hosting charter
The objective of this charter is :
- To determine hosting conditions of on-line services created by teaching institutions and administrative structures of the university.
Technical framework
The hosted sites must be in accordance with technical recommendations of development. 1) Hosting plat-form The hosting plat-form has the following technical characteristics : - Web languages: php 5.4 - Data base : MYSQL, PostgreSQL 8.3 - Web server : Apache 2
The plat-form supports the main CMS and engines of blogs (Joomla, Drupal, Wordpress, etc).
2) Hosted site - Hosting criteria on the web site of the university are based on compatibility of the sites with research and teaching missions. -The site manager must ensure the appearance of the logo of university on the top left side of the home page of the site. This logo is available on the address : - The site manager must ensure the availability of a link toward the main web site of the university (
Administrative framework
For any hosted site on the web server of university, a manager has to be named and the management unit of the web server of university has to be informed about that (computing center, B11).
In order to ensure the hosting and access safety of updates, the manager of the hosted web site must report to the computing center, B11 the following events: - Replacement of the manager; - Extended inactivity of the site; - Closure of the site.
General legal framework
The authors of the web site pages commit to respect the rules on the literary and artistic property as well as the associated rules about public, professional and criminal liability. This involves particularly the respect of the following duties (without limitation):
Web Communication
Media coverage and publication on the web site of the university
Delegated administration of web-portal of faculties
Provide hosting spaces
Media coverage and publication on the web site of the university
Faculty, laboratory, service, science club or any other structure of the university: the web site of the university ensures you a more effective, ergonomic and interactive media coverage of your scientific events and any other event related to pedagogy and the interest of the university community.
For that, you have to inform us about the headline of the event and its description as well as the date and the place where it will take place according to the following methods:
1st method: get in touch with the contributor of your faculty and he will deal with publication procedures.
2nd method: get in touch with the management unit of the web site of university (computing center: B11) with a valid request of publication (dully filled and signed) of which a model below is available to upload.
3rd method: present your request for publication in the forum of publication of news concerning the virtual campus of the university (E-learning plat-form) on the following address:
To have access to the publication space of news on the E-Learning plat-form, please get in touch with the management unit of the web site of university (computing center: B11) and present a valid request for designation (dully filled and signed)of which a model is available below to download. |