
Research Units And Laboratories

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Office of liaison between university and companies (BLEU)


Valorization of research  

Valorization of research is one of the main missions of the office of liaison between university and companies, it is considered as an interface between the socio-economic sector and research laboratories of Bejaia University.

Considering the concern and needs of companies in term of technologies, our mission is to develop companies by research and innovation by proposing solutions provided by research laboratories.


For laboratories

- Identify existing competences and equipment

- Detect research work, products or know-how likely to be valorized by socio-economic sector.

- Make the competences and know-how known by laboratories of university in term of research and development.

- Raise awareness, advise and help in term of intellectual property.

For companies

Linking companies with laboratories of university for :

-  Development or improvement of products or procedures

-  Service delivery, expertise, pieces of advice and analyses

- Technology, competences and know –how transfer.


Technological advances

Technological advances is one of the tools we have subscribed in our approach in order to support research and innovation, the objective is to provide relevant information to advance research within our laboratories and increase competitiveness and innovation within our companies. Our approach to achive these objectives is:

- To be receptive of companies and research laboratories needs in term of information.

- Look for and gather useful information.

- Information treatment and analysis by expert groups with competences derived from university and companies.

- Dissemination of relevant information for the benefit of companies and research laboratories, in the form of newsletters, notes, flashes infos, special record …

In this process, our space of collaborative activities and dissemination of questionnaires are tools allowing at the same time: to express the needs in term of information, dissemination of information and also animation in favor of relationships between university and companies.


Intellectual property :

One of our concerns within the office of liaison between university and companies is to raise awareness and help in all process of valorizing research by the protection of intellectual property of results (patents, designs and models, copyrights).  

- Legislations

- Organisms in charge of intellectual property

- Algerian National Institute for Industrial Property

-World Intellectual Property Organization

- French National Institute for Industrial Property


- Data base of patents.

Google Patent :



FreePatentOnline :

Other "Bidding Documents " : Confidentiality agreements, research agreements