Global Warming's Impacts and the Role of Education in Shaping Social Responsiveness
Global warming, societal impact, education, social order, self-responsibilityAbstract
This paper explores the profound impacts of global warming on geophysical conditions and the resulting disruptions to human lives. Specifically, it investigates the trajectory of global warming throughout the remainder of the century and its implications for global society. A critical concern addressed is the preservation of social order amidst the upheaval in people's living conditions, work environments, and daily survival routines. At the heart of this investigation lies an exploration of how education influences the cognitive and behavioral patterns of future citizens to adeptly maneuver through the changing societal terrain. The paper poses the question of whether it is feasible to cultivate socially responsive individuals with a heightened sense of self-responsibility to mitigate the imposition of restrictions on personal freedoms within an increasingly controlled society precipitated by the social disorder induced by global warming.
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Copyright (c) 2024 Abdelkader Makhlouf, Irina V. Andersen, Roy Andersen

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