The Promise of Emancipation of Digital Technologies And the Risks of Alienation in the Self-Construction: The Case of Instagram Among Algerian Youth Aged 15 To 25



Digital identity, Digital technologies, Emancipation discourse, Self-construction, Subjectivation


This study highlights the ambivalent effects of digital technologies on self-construction providing rich insights into the lived experiences of young Algerian digital users. The findings reveal a strong tendency towards the idealisation of self-image on social media platforms, accompanied by a pervasive sense of exclusion and lack of recognition. A constant pressure is felt to optimise and curate one’s digital identity to align with the standards of beauty, success, and popularity valorised by these environments. By bridging theory and practice, this research offers valuable implications for researchers seeking to foster more reflexive and empowering digital identity practices, ultimately contributing to a more nuanced understanding of self-becoming in the digital age.


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How to Cite

Benarab, I. H. . (2024). The Promise of Emancipation of Digital Technologies And the Risks of Alienation in the Self-Construction: The Case of Instagram Among Algerian Youth Aged 15 To 25. Journal of Studies in Language, Culture, and Society, 7(3), 214–230. Retrieved from