


Research with : Year

Book Chapter


Aïcha Bareche and Djamil Aïssani

Chapter: Functional Statistics and Applications .

Impact of Nonparametric Density Estimation on the Approximation of the G∕G∕1 Queue by the M∕G∕1 One

pp: 115-125, 2015 .

URL :http://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/978-3-319-22476-3_7


Guerrouahane N., Farhi N., Aïssani D., Bouallouche-Medjkoune L

Chapter: A Queuing Model for Road Traffic Simulation, .

Modeling, Simulation and Optimization of Transportation Networks

ed: AIP Ed. , 2015 (U.S.A..

URL : http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.4912745


Touazi A., Benouaret Z., Aïssani D. et Adjabi S

Chapter: Sur l’Equivalence entre la Théorie du Risque et la Théorie des Files d’Attente" .

Qualita’2015 (11e Congrès International Pluridisciplinaire en Qualité, Sûreté de Fonctionnement et Développement Durable)

ed: Université de Nancy, pp: 1 - 10, 2015 Nancy.

URL :http://qualita2015.sciencesconf.org/program/graphic/date/2015-03-19


Bareche A., Cherfaoui M., Aïssani D.

Chapter: Quality of the Approximation of Ruin Probabilities Regarding to Large Claims .

Advanced Computational Methods for Knowledges Engineering

ed: Springer – Verlag Ed, vol: 358, pp: 119 - 126., 2015 .

URL :http://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/978-3-319-17996-4_11


Adel – Aïssanou K., Abbas K., Aïssani D.

Chapter: Performance Evaluation of IP-Ad Hoc Gateways. .

Advances In Mathematics and Statistical Sciences

ed: Waseat Press Ed, vol: 40, pp: 196 – 2010, 2015 .

URL :http://www.wseas.us/e-library/conferences/2015/Dubai/MCSS/MCSS-00.pdf


Adel-Aissanou K., Aissani D, Laggoune R. et Saaoui K.,

Chapter: Analyse des caractéristiques de fiabilité des groupes électropompes GEP au niveau de la station de pompage Béni Mansour S .

CIGI’2015 (Congrès International de Génie Industriel)

ed: Université de Laval , pp: 1 - 16, 2015 .

URL :https://www.cirrelt.ca/cigi2015/Images/ProgrammeDetaille.pdf


Tlilane L., Allaoua H., Benouaret Z. et Aissani D,

Chapter: Calcul de la probabilité de ruine : cas de la branche RC automobile de l’agence SAA 3201 Béjaia .

CIGI’2015 (Congrès International de Génie Industriel)

ed: Université de Laval (Quebec), pp: 1 - 16, 2015 .

URL :https://www.cirrelt.ca/cigi2015/Images/ProgrammeDetaille.pdf


Aïssani D. et collaborateurs,

Chapter: La ville de Bejaia. Histoire et dynamiques de sa Méditerranéité .

La Vile Méditerranéenne: Défis et Mutations

ed: L'Harmattan Ed., Paris, pp: 206 - 2015, 2015 Paris.

URL :http://www.editions-harmattan.fr/index.asp?navig=catalogue&obj=livre&no=48453&razSqlClone=1


Aïssani D., Bekli M.R. et Mechehed D.E.

Chapter: Ibn al-Haytham: International Year of Light .

Ibn Hammad, Ibn Sab`in, Ibn Khaldoun et les autres sources maghrébines relatives à l’optique et la lumière

ed: LPMPS Ed., Constantine, pp: 72 - 89, 2015 .

URL :. http://siriusalgeria.net/iyl015.htm



Iberraken F., Medjoudj R., Aissani D., Haim K.D

Chapter: ARMA Models for Blackouts Forecasting and Markov Method for Interruption Modelling in Electrical Power Systems, .

Mathematical Methods in Enginnering and Economics

ed: European Society for Applied Science and, ISBN: 978-1-61804-230-9., Avril, 2014 .

URL :http://books.google.dz/books/about/Mathematical_Methods_in_Engineering_and.html?id=pdqyoAEACAAJ&redir_esc=y


Semchedine F., Bouallouche-Medjkoune L. Sayeh O. Ayoub S., Aïssani D,

Chapter: DNS-based load balancing with Cache for geographically distributed Web server systems .

Computer and Information Technologie (GSCIT)

ed: IEEE Ed,, DOI:10.1109/GSCIT.2014.6970100 ISBN:978-1-4799-5626-5, pp: 1-6, 2014 .

URL :http://books.google.dz/books/about/Mathematical_Methods_in_Engineering_and.html?id=pdqyoAEACAAJ&redir_esc=yhttp://ieeexplore.ieee.org/xpl/login.js

Iberraken F., Medjoudj R., Aissani D..,

Chapter: Provide Knowledge to Assist Stakholders in Smart Energy Grid Management : Decision Making Using Analytic Hierarchy Process .

Recent Advances in Energy, Environment and Financial Planning

ed: Wseas Ed. (World Scientific and Engineer, ISBN: 978- 960- 474-400-8, vol: 35, pp: 295-304, November, 2014 Florence (Italy).

URL :http://naun.org/cms.action?id=8046


Iberraken F., Medjoudj R., Aissani D.,

Chapter: Failing the Wall of Marginalization and Providing Electricity for : Decision Making on Smart Systems Integration using AHP .

ISAH’2014 (International Symposium of the Analytic Hierarchy Process)

June, 2014 Washington D.C. (U.S.A.), .


Lyes Ikhlef, Ouiza Lekadir, Djamil Aissani

Chapter: Performance Analysis of M/G/1 Retrial Queue with Finite Source Population Using Markov Regenerative Stochastic Petri Nets .

Petri Nets and Software Engineering

ed: Daniel Mold and Heiko Rölke, vol: 1160, pp: 221-232, 2014 Tunisia.

URL : http://ceur-ws.org/Vol-1160/pnse14_proceedings.pdf


Bareche A.,Aïssani D

Chapter: Statistical Methodology for Approximating G/G/1 Queues by the Strong Stability Technique .

Operations Research and Enterprise Systems (Proceedings of ICORES’2014),

Science and Technology Publications, SCI ed: SCITEPRESS Ed, DOI: 10.5220/0004834002410248., pp: 241-248, 2014 .


Heidergott B., Aïssani D., Hamoudi Z.

Chapter: Non-Parametric Sensitivity Analysis of the Finite M/M/1 Queue .

Discrete Event Systems

ENS Cachan ed: IFAC Ed, DOI: 10.3182/20140514-3-FR-4046-00049., vol: 12, pp: 498-503, 2014 .



Yazid M., Bouallouche-Medjkoune L. et Aïssani D

Chapter: An enhanced version of the IEEE 802.11 RTS/CTS scheme under fading channel .

Performance Evaluation and Quality of Service

ed: Lamos Editions, Bejaia, ISBN: 978-9931-9140-0-6., pp: 187 - 190, 2013 .

URL :http://www.univ-bejaia.dz/documents/labo/Actes-epqos2013Tabledesmatieres.pdf

Atmani M., Aissani D. and Hadjadj - Aoul

Chapter: Data Fragmentation Mechanism for High Bandwidth Occupation in the IEEE Standard 802.15.4 .

Performance Evaluation and Quality of Service

ed: Lamos Editions, Bejaia, pp: 171 - 174, 2013 .

URL :http://www.univ-bejaia.dz/documents/labo/Actes-epqos2013Tabledesmatieres.pdf

Iberraken F., Medjoudj R. et Aïssani D

Chapter: Power system reliability modeling and decision making for quality of service improvement under smart system integration and renewable resources insert .

Performance Evaluation and Quality of Service

ed: Lamos Editions, Bejaia, ISBN: 978-9931-9140-0-6, pp: 251 - 256 , 2013 .

URL :http://www.univ-bejaia.dz/documents/labo/Actes-epqos2013Tabledesmatieres.pdf

Adel K., Mikou N. et Aïssani D

Chapter: Prédiction de la mobilité dans les réseaux ad hoc : modèles mathématiques .

Performance Evaluation and Quality of Service

ed: Lamos Editions, Bejaia, ISBN: 978-9931-9140-0-6., pp: 19 - 24, 2013 .

URL :http://www.univ-bejaia.dz/documents/labo/Actes-epqos2013Tabledesmatieres.pdf

Aïssani D

Chapter: Il faut revoir Bougie .

Préface, In the Book « Histoire de Bougie » de Charles Férault

ed: Talantikit Editions, Bejaia, ISBN: 978-9931-343-53-0., pp: 05 - 14, 2013 .


Larbi A., Bouallouche-Medjkoune L. et Aïssani D

Chapter: Politique de remplacement de cache à base de sélection multicritères dans les réseaux mobiles Ad Hoc .

Performance Evaluation and Quality of Service

ed: Lamos Editions, Bejaia, ISBN: 978-9931-9140-0-6., pp: 135 - 140, 2013 .

URL :http://www.univ-bejaia.dz/documents/labo/Actes-epqos2013Tabledesmatieres.pdf

Amad M., Aïssani D., Meddahi A. and Boudries A

Chapter: A Pragmatic and Scalable Solution for Free Riding Problem in Peer to Peer Networks .

Modeling Approaches and Algorithms for Advanced Computer Applications

ed: Springer , ISBN: 978 – 3 – 319 – 00559 – 1. Doi 10.1007/978 – 3 – 319 – 00560 – 7_18., vol: 488, pp: 135 – 144, 2013 .

URL :http://link.springer.com/book/10.1007%2F978-3-319-00560-7


Touche N., Anzi A. et Aïssani D

Chapter: Etude de la disponibilité de la chaufferie au niveau de l’entreprise CO.G.B (Complexe des Corps Gras de Béjaïa .

EPQoS'2013 (Performance Evaluation and Quality of Service)

ed: LaMOS Editions, Bejaia, ISBN: 978-9931-9140-0-6. , pp: 279 - 284, 2013 .

URL :http://www.univ-bejaia.dz/documents/labo/Actes-epqos2013Tabledesmatieres.pdf


Belahbib S., Habtiche S., Aissani et Semchedine F

Chapter: Evaluation de performance d’une chaîne de production à base des capteurs sans fil .

EPQoS'2013 ( Performance Evaluation and Quality of Service)

ed: Research Unit LaMOS (Modeling and Optimi, ISBN: 978-9931-9140-0-6. , pp: 273 - 278, 2013 .

URL :http://www.univ-bejaia.dz/documents/labo/Actes-epqos2013Tabledesmatieres.pdf


Iberraken F., Medjoudj R. et Aïssani D.

Chapter: Power system reliability modeling and decision making for quality of service improvement under smart system integration and renewable resources insert .

EPQoS'2013 ( Performance Evaluation and Quality of Service)

ed: Research Unit LaMOS (Modeling and Optimi, ISBN: 978-9931-9140-0-6. , pp: 251 - 256, 2013 .

URL :http://www.univ-bejaia.dz/documents/labo/Actes-epqos2013Tabledesmatieres.pdf



Bekli M.R., Aïssani D., Chadou I

Chapter: Mesure du Temps au Maghreb à l’époque Médiévale .

Les Manuscrits Scientifiques du Maghreb

ed: Ministère de la Culture, Tlemcen/, ISBN : 978-.9931-361-06-0., pp: 61 - 74, 2012 .

Keyword :Histoire de l'astronomie

URL :http://www.m-culture.gov.dz/mc2/ar/publications.php


Talantikit - Nacer H. and Aïssani D

Chapter: Strategic Advantage of Computing Information Systems in Enterprise Management .

A Security Model for Virtual Web Service

ed: M. Sarrafzadegh and Panagiotis Petratos , ISBN: 978 – 960 – 6672 – 93 – 4., pp: 273 - 286, 2012 .

URL :http://www.atiner.gr/docs/2010ComBook-Petratos_CONT.htm

Verdier N., Romera-Lebret P. et Aïssani D

Chapter: Les Manuscrits « Européens » en rapport avec l’Afrique du Nord .

Les Manuscrits Scientifiques du Maghreb

ed: Département Expositions Ed., Mini, ISBN : 978-.9931-361-06-0., pp: 147 - 156, 2012 .

URL :http://www.m-culture.gov.dz/mc2/ar/publications.php


Aïssani D

Chapter: Activités scientifiques et Interculturalité en Méditerranée (11e – 19e siècles) : les enjeux pour la ville de .

Pasato y Futuro del Àrea Mediterranea – Consideraciones Sociales y Econòmicos

ed: Real Academia de Ciencias Economicas y F, ISBN : 13 978 – 84 – 615 – 8770 – 4., vol: 2, pp: 82 – 102, 2012 .

URL :https://racef.es/archivos/publicaciones/m29_web.pdf
