


Research with : Year

Journal Article


Mouhous F., Aissani D. and Farhi N

A Stochastic Model for Traffic Incidents and Free Flow Recovery in Road Networks

Sigma - Mathematics MDPI Ed. (Switzerland), vol: 13, pp: 520, num: 3, 2025 .

URL :https://www.mdpi.com/2227-7390/13/3/520



Said I.E., Sayad L. and Aïssani D.

“Placement optimization of virtual network functions in a cloud computing environment”.

Journal of Network and Systems Management Springer Ed., 2024. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10922-024-09812-0, vol: 32, pp: 1 - 18, num: 39, 2024 .

URL :https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s10922-024-09812-0#citeas

Belamri F., Boulfekhar S. and Aïssani D.,

C-QoSR: Cluster based QoS-Routing Protocol for VANET in highway environment

Automatic Control and Computer Sciences Springer Ed. DOI: 10.3103/S0146411624700196, vol: 58, pp: 313 - 325, num: 3, 2024 .

URL :https://link.springer.com/article/10.3103/S0146411624700196

Djabali, Yasmina, Hakmi, Sedda, Zougab, Nabil and Aïssani, Djamil.

"Asymmetric kernel method in the study of strong stability of the PH/M/1 queuing system"

International Journal " Monte Carlo Methods and Applications" De Gruyter Editions, pp: 1 - 12, 2024 .

URL :https://doi.org/10.1515/mcma-2023-2023



Hadjer Nita, Faïrouz Afroun, Mouloud Cherfaoui, Djamil Aïssani

Statistical analysis of the estimates of some stationary performances of the unreliable M/M/1/N queue with Bernoulli feedback

Monte Carlo and Applications Gruyyer Ed, 2023 .

URL :https://doi.org/10.1515/mcma-2023-2004

Ikhlef L., Hakmi S., Lekadir O. and Aïssani D.

Petri Net Analysis of a Queueing Inventory System with Orbital Search by the Server.

International Journal “Demonstratio Mathematica” De Gruyter Editions, , vol: 56, pp: 20220207, num: 1, 2023 .

URL :http://doi.org/10.1515/dema-2022-0207.

Safia Hocine, Djamil Aïssani, Aïcha Bareche and Zina Benouaret

"Application of regenerative processes approach for the approximation of the ruin probability in a bivariate classical risk model with large claims"

International Journal of Mathematics in Operational Research Inderscience Editions, vol: 25, pp: 433 - 462, num: 4, 2023 .

URL : https://doi.org/10.1504/IJMOR.2023.132837

Mouhous F.,,Aïssani D. and Farhi N.

A stochastic risk model for incident occurences and duration in road networks

Transportmetrika A : Transport Science Taylor and Francis Editions, vol: 19, pp: 1 - 32, num: 3, 2023 .

URL :DOI: 10.1080/23249935.2022.2077469

Ikhlef L., Lekadir O. and Aïssani D.

Steady state analysis of M/G/1 retrial queue with vacation and server timeout using a Petri net formalism

IJMOR (International Journal of Mathematics and Operation Research Inderscience Enterprise Ed, vol: 26, pp: 373 - 392, num: 3, 2023 .

URL :https://www.inderscience.com/info/ingeneral/forthcoming.php?jcode=ijmor


Aïssani D., Mechehed D.E. et Bekli M.R.,

.,"Mathématiques au Maghreb Central au XVIème siècle : transmission et audience des traités de sciences de calcul

Revue Internationale "Didactique" INRE Alger (Institut National de Recherche en Education) Editions, vol: 02, pp: 38 – 52., num: 02, 2023 .

URL :https://www.inre.dz/wp-content/uploads/2024/01/%D9%85%D8%AC%D9%84%D8%A9-%D8%A7%D9%84%D8%AA%D8%B9%D9%84%D9%8A%D9%85%D9%8A%D8%A9-%D8%A7%D9%84%D9%85%D8%A



Touloum S., Bouallouche-Medjkoune L., Yazid M., Moktefi M. and Aïssani D.,

Performance modeling of the IEEE 802.15..4e TSCH enabling both shared and dedicaced links in industrial WSNs.

International Journal Computing, Springer Ed., DOI: http://doi.org/10.1007/s00607-021-00990-2., pp: 859 - 891, 2022 .

URL :https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s00607-021-00990-2#citeas

Lakaour L., Aïssani D., Adel-Aïssanou K., Barkaoui K. and Ziani S.

An Unriable Single Server Retrial Queue with Collisions and Transmissions Errors

Communications in Statistics : Theory and Methods Taylor and Francis Ed, vol: 51, pp: 1085 - 1109, num: 4, 2022 .

URL :https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/03610926.2020.1758943

Aïane N., Rahmoune F. and Aïssani D.

Modeling and Performance Evaluation in the (R,s,lnQ) Inventory System.

IJMOR (International Journal of Mathematics and Operation Research), Inderscience Enterprise Ed., DOI: 10.1504/IJMOR.2021.10042002, vol: 22, pp: 363 - 402, num: 3, 2022 .

URL : https://www.inderscience.com/info/ingeneral/forthcoming.php?jcode=ijmor

Aissani D.

Rihla et siyahas au Maghreb central et vers l'Orient au 18ème siècle : cas du voyageur Hocine al-Wartilani (1713 - 1779)"

Quaderns del Mediterrània" (Travel and Mediterranean memories) IEMed (Institut Européen de la Méditerranée) Editions, Barcelone, vol: 33, pp: 39 - 51, Juillet, 2022 .


Benhamida N., Bouallouche-Medjkoune L, Aïssani D. and Kouahla Z.

Dynamic Architecture for Collaborative Distributed Storage of Collected Data in Fog Environments

DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s11277-021-09301-6, 2022 .

Boulefkhar S., Belamri F., Benmohammed M. and Aïssani D.

“EEMCR: Energy Efficient Multi-hop Clustering Routing Protocol for Wireless Sensor Networks”

JDIM (Journal of Digital Information Management) vol: 20, pp: 35 - 45, num: 2, 2022 .

URL :DOI: https://doi.org/10.6025/jdim/2022/20/2/35-45

Aissani D. et collaborateurs

Le Commandant Kaci : des maquis de la wilaya III historique au commandement de la base de l'Est (Tunis)

Revue d'Histoire Méditerranéenne vol: 04, pp: 32 - 46, num: 02, 2022 .

URL :https://www.asjp.cerist.dz/en/article/201340


Afroun F., Aïssani D. and Hamadouche D.,

Non-parametric approximation of the characteristics of the D/G/1 queue with finite capacity

International Journal IJCSM (Int. Journal of Computing Science and Mathematics) Inderscience Enterprise Ed., vol: 16, pp: 170 - 180, num: 2, 2022 .

URL :https://doi.org/10.1504/IJCSM.2022.127803


Aïssani D.

Rihla y Siyahas en el Maghreb central y rumbo a Oriente en el siglo XVIII : el caso del viagero Hocine al-Wartilani (1713 – 1779).

Quaderns de la Mediterrània (Travel and Mediterranean Memory) IEMed Editions, Barcelona (langue espagnole), vol: 36, pp: 226 - 234, 2022 .

URL :QM33_Djamil_Aissani_Rihla_et_siyahas_FR.pdf (iemed.org)



Belkacem N., Semchedine F., Aïssani D. and Al-Shammari A.

NTSOAP: A robust approach for non-redundancy tags of SOAP messages

Artificial Intelligence and Renewables Towards and Energy Transition”, serie “LNNS : Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems Springer Ed., vol: 174, pp: 782 – 789, 2021 .

URL :http://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-63846-7_75

Badis L., Amad M., Aïssani D. and Abbar S.

P2PCF: A collaborative filtering based recommender system for peer to peer social network

J. High Speed Networks DOI: 10.3233/JHS - 210649. IOS Press Editors, vol: 27, pp: 13 - 31, num: 1, 2021 .

URL :https://content.iospress.com/articles/journal-of-high-speed-networks/jhs210649

Belamri F., Boulefkhar S. and Aïssani D.

A Survey on Qos Routing Protocols in Vehicular Ad Hoc Network (VANET)

Telecommunication Systems Doi.org/10.1007/s11235-021-00797-8. Springer Ed., vol: 78, pp: 117 - 153, num: 10, 2021 .

URL :https://link.springer.com/content/pdf/10.1007%2Fs11235-021-00797-8.pdf


Afroun F., Aïssani D. and Hamadouche D..

Non-parametric approximation of the characteristics of the D/G/1 queue with finite capacity.

International Journal IJCSM (Int. Journal of Computing Science and Mathematics) Inderscience Enterprise Ed, pp: 1 - 13, 2021 .

URL :https://www.inderscience.com/info/ingeneral/forthcoming.php?jcode=ijcsm

Aissani D.

Le Dr Aïssani Ahmed ben Ammar (1917 - 2000): PPA/MTLD, langue berbère et journalisme des années 1940

Mémoire Med Action Editions. ISSN: 2437 - 0878, vol: 4, pp: 92 - 113, 2021 .

URL :http://www.medaction.org


Aissani D.

Le dernier témoignage du "dernier témoin". Apropos du livre "Guerre d'Algérie : récits et témoignages" de Rachid Adjaoud

Revue d'Histoire Méditerranéenne vol: 03, pp: 17 - 34, num: 02, 2021 .

URL :https://www.asjp.cerist.dz/en/downArticle/605/3/2/175857



Aïssani D.

Mille Ans de Pensée Soufie en Kabylie (XIe – XXIe siècles)

Lybica vol: XXXVI, pp: 257 - 282, 2020 .

URL :http://www.cnrpah.org


Touloum S., Bouallouche-Medjkoune L., Aïssani D. and Oanteur C

Performance analysis of the IEEE 802.15..4e TSCH CSMA-CA algorithm under non-ideal channel.

IJWMC (Int. J. of Wireless and Mobil Computing) Inderscience Ed, vol: 18, pp: 01 - 15, num: 1, 2020 .

URL :https://www.inderscience.com/info/inarticle.php?artid=104765

Aissani, D. and Békli M.R.

Cadi Chérif (X, 1887, 1867 - 1939) premier polytechnicien algérien

Bulletin de la Sabix Ecole Polytechnique Ed. (Paris), vol: 64, pp: 127 - 133, 2020 .

URL :https://journals.openedition.org/sabix/2582


Adel K., Lekadir O. and Aïssani D.

Modélisation mathématique de l'évolution de la pandémie du Covid-19: synthèse de la littérature

Séminaire Mathématique de Béjaia (LaMOS) ISSN: 1112 - 9433, vol: 18, pp: 1 - 34, 2020 .

URL :http://www.lamos.org


W. Larbi-Mezeghrane, Larbi A., Bouallouche-Medjkoune L. and Aïssani D.

Geometric and decentralized approach for localization in Wireless Sensor Network

IJAIHC (Int. J. of Ambient Intelligence and Humanized Computing) Springer Ed. DOI: 10.1007/s12652 – 020 – 02240-3, pp: 1 - 13, 2020 .

URL :https://www.springer.com/journal/12652