


Research with : Year

Journal Article


Semchedine F., Bouallouche – Medjkoune L., Aïssani D

Load Balancing Mechanism for Data-Centric Routing in Wireless Sensor Networks

CEE (International Journal Computer and Electrical Engineering), Elsevier Ed 2014 .

URL :http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0045790614000597

Adel-Aissanou K, Aïssani D. and Djellab N

Distribution of a Hello Message Waiting Time

Ponte Academic Journal vol: 70, num: 4, 2014 .

URL :http://www.pontejournal.net/mainpanel/abstract.php?TOKEN=gRkgF5411G&PID=PJ-MjkV6FXV748

Aïssani D

Mille Ans de Pensée Soufie en Kabylie (XIe – XXIe siècles).

Revue Libyca, C.N.R.P.A.H. Ed., Alger 2014 .

URL :http://www.cnrpah.org

Djamil Aissani, Pauline Lebret-Romera et Norbert Verdier

Mathèmatiques au Maghreb, au XIXe siécle: regards croisés

Images des Mathèmatiques CNRS, Paris 2014 .

URL :http://images.math.cnrs.fr/spip.php?page=recherche&recherche=au+Maghreb

Hassina Nacer , Djamil Aissani

Semantic web services: Standards, applications, challenges and solutions"

Journal of Network and Computer Applications DOI:10.1016/j.jnca.2014.04.015, Elsevier Edition, vol: 44, pp: 134-161, 2014 .

Keyword :Interoperability; Distributed middleware; Web services; Semantic web; Web services composition; Performance analysis

URL :http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1084804514001143

Aïssani D., Caianiello E., Cifoletti G., Valerian D., Bekli M.R

Influence de la Tradition algébrique du Maghreb sur l’œuvre du mathématicien Léonardo Fibonacci (1170 – 1240)

Educrecherche Revue, I.N.R.E. Ed., M.E.N., Alger ISSN 2253-0282, pp: 58-66, num: 7, 2014 .

Keyword :Mathématiques, Fibonacci, Bougie

URL :http://www.inre-dz.org/documents/docrevue/revue%2007%20FR.pdf


Atmani M., Hadjadj – Aoul Y. Aissani D.

Energy-Aware Link Scheduling Protocol for Wireless Sensor Network

Wireless Personal Communications Springer Ed. DOI: 10.1007/s11277-014-1865-1., vol: 79, pp: 417-435, num: 1, 2014 .

Keyword :Wireless sensor network ;Conflict graphs ;Link scheduling; Discrete event simulation

URL :http://link.springer.com/article/10.1007%2Fs11277-014-1865-1


(Caianiello E., Cifoletti G., Valerian D. Bekli M.R) جميل عيساني و مساعديه

تأثير الجبر عند المغاربة على عمل عالم الرياضيات الإيطالي ليوناردو فيبوناتشي

ISSN : 2253– 0290. المعهد الوطني للبحث في التربية/الجزائر pp 83-78 مجلة بحث Ùˆ تربية, 2014 .

URL :http://www.inre-dz.org/documents/docrevue/EducRecherche%20N%C2%B07%20Arabe.pdf


Yazid M., Bouallouche – Medjkoune L., Aïssani D.

Modeling and Performance Study of the Packet Fragmentation in an IEEE 802.11e-EDCA Network over Fading Channel

IJMTA (International Journal Multimedia Tools and Applications) Springer Ed. DOI: 10.1007/s11042-014-2131-y, 2014 .

URL :http://link.springer.com/article/10.1007%2Fs11042-014-2131-y

Bachiri L., Aissani D. and Bouallouche-Medjkoune L.

Saturation Throughput Analysis of the IEEE 802.11e EDCA Network with Contention Free Burst under Fading Channel

Wireless Personal Communications DOI :10.1007/s11277-014-1872-2, Springer Ed, vol: 79, pp: 545-564, num: 1, 2014 .

URL :http://link.springer.com/article/10.1007%2Fs11277-014-1872-2



Abbas K., Heidergott B. Aïssani D

A Functional Approximation for the M/G/1/N Queue

International Journal DEDS (Discrete Event Dynamic Systems) vol: 23, pp: 93 - 104, num: 1, 2013 .

Keyword :Approximation, M/G/1/N

URL :http://www.springerlink.com/content/b622571m8u661507/?MUD=MP


Medjoudj R., Laifa A. Aïssani D.,

Power Customer Satisfaction and Profitability Analysis using Multicriteria Decision Making Method

IJEPES (International Journal of Electrical Power and Energy Systems), Elsevier Ed Doi: 10.1016/j.ijepes.2012.08.062. , vol: 45, pp: 331 – 339, num: Issue 1, 2013 .

Keyword :Profitability , Multicriteria

URL :http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1084804512001580


Iberraken F., Medjoudj R., Medjoudj R., Aïssani D. Haim K.D

Reliability-Based Preventive Maintenance of Oil Circuit Breaker Subject to Competing Failure Processes

International Journal of Performability Engineering, Rams Consultants Ed vol: 9, pp: 495 - 504, num: 5, 2013 .

Keyword :Reliability, Maintenance

URL :http://www.ijpe-online.com/


Yazid M., Bouallouche – Medjkoune L., Aïssani D.,

Throughtput Analysis and Improvement of the IEEE 802.11 Network in Non Ideal Chanel Conditions".

Journal of Networking Technology, D.I.R.F. Ed ISSN: 0976 – 898X., vol: 4, pp: 75 – 85, num: Issue 2, 2013 .

Keyword :Analysis, IEEE 802.11

URL :www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1084804512001580

Ouanteur C., Khoulalene N., Aïssani D. and Bouallouche-Medjkoune L.,

A Novel Clustering Algorithm for Energy Efficiency Multiple Input Multiple Output (ANCAEE MIMO)

Ewic Review, British Computer Society Ed., London 2013 .


URL :http://www.bcs.org

Aïssani D. et Judith Scheele

El Ouaghlissi

Encyclopédie Berbère, Fasc. XXXVI, Peeters Publisher, Leuven (The Nederland), ISBN : 978-90-429-2640-0., pp: 5884 - 5897, 2013 .


Bareche A. et Aïssani D

Comparaison des Méthodes de Stabilité Forte et d’Estimation Non Paramétrique pour l’Approximation du Système d’attente G/G/1 par le Système M/G/1

Journal Européen des Systèmes Automatisés (JESA) vol: 47, pp: 155 - 164, num: 1-2-3, 2013 .

URL :http://www. Jesa.revuesonline.com

Aïssani D. et Scheele Judith

Akbou en Kabylie de Auguste Sabatier

Revue Mémoire, Medaction Ed vol: 00, pp: 58 - 73, 2013 .


Boualem M., Cherfaoui M., Djellab N. and Aïssani D.

Analyse des performances du système M/G/1 avec rappels et Bernoulli feedback

Journal Européen des Systèmes Automatisés (JESA) DOI:10.3166/JESA.47.1-13, vol: 47, pp: 181 - 193, num: 1-2-3, 2013 .

URL :http://www. Jesa.revuesonline.com


Amad M., Meddahi A. and Aïssani D

Peer to Peer Networks Management Survey

International Journal IJCSI (Computer Sciences Issues) vol: 9, pp: 139 – 148, num: 3, 2012 .

Keyword :Peer to Peer

URL :http://ijcsi.org/papers/IJCSI-9-1-3-139-148.pdf


Berdjoudj L., Benaouicha M. and Aïssani D

Measure of Performance of the Strong Stability Method

MCM (Mathematical and Computer Modelling), Elsevier Ed vol: 56, pp: 241 – 246, num: Issues 11 , 2012 .

Keyword :Performance,Strong Stability

URL :http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0895717711007667

Boualem M., Djellab N. and Aïssani D

Stochastic Approximations and Monotonicity of a Single Server Feedback Retrial Queue

International Journal “Mathematical Problems in Engineering”, Hindawi Ed doi: 10.1155/2012/536982., 2012 .

Keyword :Stochastic, Monotonicity

URL :http://www.hindawi.com/journals/mpe/2012/536982/

Amad M., Meddahi A., Aïssani D. and Vanwormhoudt G

GPM: A Generic and Scalable P2P Model that Optimizes Tree Depth for Multicast Communications”

International Journal IJCS (International Journal of Communication Systems) DOI: 10.1002/dac.1275, vol: 25, pp: 491 - 514, num: Issue 4, 2012 .

Keyword :P2P Model,Optimizes

URL :http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/dac.1275/abstract

Semchedine F., Bouallouche – Medjkoune L., Aïssani D

Routing Protocol based on Tabu Search for Wireless Sensor Networks"

WPC (Wireless Personal Communications), Springer Ed doi: 10.1007/s11277-011-0367-7., vol: 67, pp: 105 – 112, num: Issue 2, 2012 .

Keyword :Protocol, Wireless

URL :http://connection.ebscohost.com/c/articles/82504209/routing-protocol-based-tabu-search-wireless-sensor-networks

Medjoudj R., Laifa A. and Aïssani D

Decision Making on Power Customer Satisfaction and Enterprise Profitability using AHP

International Journal IJPR (International Journal of Production Research), Taylors and Françis Ed Doi : 10.1080/00207543.2012.660794., vol: 50, pp: 4793 – 4805, num: Issue 17, 2012 .

Keyword :Profitability, AHP

URL :http://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/00207543.2012.660794?journalCode=tprs20#preview


Adel K., Djellab N. and Aissani D

Distribution of the Maximum Waiting time of a Hello Message in Ad hoc Networks

International Journal of Computer Applications IJCA Doi : 10.5120/7253-0068, vol: 47, num: 14, 2012 .

Keyword :Distribution, Ad hoc

URL :http://research.ijcaonline.org/volume47/number14/pxc3880068.pdf


Amad M., Meddahi A., Aïssani D. and Zonghua Z

HPM: a nouvel hierarchical peer-to peer model for lookup acceleration with provision of ohysical proximity

International Journal JNCA (Journal of Network and Computer Applications) Doi.org/10.1016/j.jnca.2012.07.006, vol: 35, pp: 1818 – 1830, 2012 .

Keyword :HPM, peer-to peer

URL :http:// dx.doi /10.1016/j.jnca.2012.07.006


Medjoudj R., Aïssani D. And Medjoudj R

Reliability Model and State Probabilities of Oil Circuit Breaker Subject to Degradation and Random Shocks

International Wulfenia Journal, Klagenfurt Ed. (Austria) vol: 19, pp: 242 - 254, num: 8, 2012 .

Keyword :Reliability,Circuit Breaker

URL :http://www.multidisciplinarywulfenia.org/index.html

Adel-Aïssanou K., Abbas K. and Aïssani D

Strong Truncation Approximation in a Tandem Queues with Blocking

International Journal “Mathematical Problems in Engineering Doi:10.1155/2012/906486.., vol: 2012 , num: Article 906, 2012 .

Keyword :Approximation

URL :http://www.hindawi.com/journals/mpe/2012/906486/

Aïssani D. et collaborateurs

Le lexique manuscrit arabe dialectal - Kabyle de la Zawiyya historique de Cheikh Aheddad

Revue des Etudes Berbères vol: 6, pp: 15 - 32, 2012 .
