Error Bound on Practical Approximations for Two Tandem Queues with Non-Preemptive Priority
International Journal CMAWA (Computers and Mathematics with Applications) doi:10.1016/j.camwa.2011.02.009, vol: 61, pp: 1810 - 1822, num: Issue 7, 2011 .
Keyword :Non-Preemptive Priority
Manuscrits Scientifiques du Maghreb
International Journal L'Astronomie, ISSN: 0004 – 6302, vol: 39, pp: 34 – 39, 2011 .
Keyword :Manuscrits
Approximation Strong in the M2/G2/1 Queue with Preemptive Priority
Journal MCAP (Methodology and Computing in Applied Probability) DOI:10.1007/s11009-010-9175-x., vol: 34, pp: 563 - 581, 2011 .
Keyword :M2/G2/1
A Taylor Serie Approach to Numerical Analysis of the M/G/1//N Queue under Multiple Vacation Policies of the Server
Lecture Notes in Management Science (LNMS) ISSN. 2008-0050, vol: 3, pp: 565 – 576, 2011 .
Keyword :Taylor Serie
Proposition and Evaluation of a Novel Routing Protocol for Wireless Sensor Networks
Ewic Review, British Computer Society Ed., London 2011 .
Keyword :Novel Routing
An M/G/1 Retrial Queue with Exhaustive Service and Server Vacations
International Journal of Communication and Computer, pp: 720 - 726, num: 8, 2011 .
Keyword :M/G/1 Retrial
"Must-Work": A Scalable Model for Parallel Recursive Problems on P2P Networks.
(International Journal of Computing and Informatics) , Slov. Soc. Informatika Ed ISSN: 6350 – 5596, 2011 .
Keyword :Must-Work, P2P
A Taylor Series Expansion Approach to the Functional Approximation of Finite Queues
Research Memorandum , Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam num: 49, 2011 .
Keyword :Taylor Series
Reliability modelling and data analysis of vacuum circuit breaker subject to random shocks
Journal of Science, Engineering and Technology, WASET (World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology) Ed pp: 649 – 653, num: Issue 59, 2011 .
Keyword :modelling, vacuum circuit
Lionel Galand et l’Importance Scientifique de la Langue Berbère
"Berber Studies" (sous la direction de Amina Mettouchi) ISBN: 978-3-89645-933-6., vol: 33, pp: 119 - 125, 2011 .
Les Rapports Intellectuels Béjaia - Tlemcen
Revue scientifique `Oussour al-Jadid ISSN : 2170 – 1636., vol: 2, pp: 27 – 50, 2011 .
Les Manuscrits de langue berbère de la Kabylie
Revue Studi Africanistici : Quaderni di Studi Berberi e Libico-berberi ISBN: 978-88-6719-004-1, pp: 191 – 210, 2011 .
Approche Régénérative de la File d'Attente M/G/1 avec Rappels Classiques et Vacances Exhaustives du Serveur
. Journal Européen des Systèmes Automatisés (JESA) vol: 45, pp: 253 - 267, 2011 .
URL :http://www.
Strong stability in a two-dimensional classical risk model with independent claim
International Journal S.A.J. (Scandinavian Actuarial Journal) doi: 10.1080/03461230802673805, vol: 2010, pp: 83 - 92, num: Issue 2, 2010 .
Keyword :stability,risk model
New perturbation bounds for denumerable Markov chains
International Journal LAA (Linear Algebra and its Applications), Elseiver Ed doi:10.1016/j.laa.2009.11.020, vol: 432, pp: 1627 - 1649, 2010 .
Impact of few failure Data on the Opportunistic Replacement Policy for Multi-Component Systems
International Journal RESS (Reliability Engineering and System Safety) doi:10.1016/j.ress.2009.08.007, vol: 95, pp: 108 - 119, num: Issue 2, 2010 .
Strong Stability of the Batch Arrival Queueing Systems
International Journal Stochastic Analysis and Applications doi: 10.1080/07362990903417904, vol: 28, pp: 8 – 25, num: issue 1, 2010 .
1000 ans d'Astronomie à Bougie et en Kabylie
International Journal L'Astronomie ISSN: 0004 – 6302, vol: 24, pp: 27 – 31, 2010 .
Structural perturbation analysis of a single server queue with breakdowns
International Journal SM (Stochastic Models), Taylor and Francis Ed DOI:10.1080/15326340903517113., vol: 26, pp: 78 – 97, num: Issue 1 , 2010 .
Preventive maintenance scheduling for a multi-component system with non-negligible replacement time
International Journal of Systems Sciences Doi: 10.1080/00207720903230765., vol: 41, pp: 747 – 761, num: Issue 7, 2010 .
Keyword :maintenance of a multi-component system
Strong Stability of the Embedded Markov Chain in an GI/M/1 Queue with Négative Customers
International Journal AMM (Applied Mathematical Modelling), DOI:10.1080/15326340802427521, vol: 34, pp: 2806 - 2812, num: Issue 10, 2010 .
Keyword :Stability of the Embedded Markov Chain
A Taylor Series Approach to the Numerical Analysis of the M/D/1/N Queue
International Journal PCS (Procedia Computer Science) Doi:10.1016/j.procs.2010.04.174., vol: 1, pp: 1547 - 1554, num: Issue 1, 2010 .
Keyword :Numerical Analysis of the M/D/1/N Queue
Approximation of Performance Measures in an M/G/1 Queue with Breakdowns
International Journal QTQM (Quality Technology and Quantitative Management) vol: 7, pp: 353 - 363, num: 4, 2010 .
Keyword :Measures in an M/G/1 Queue
Characterization of High – Voltage IGBT module Degradations under PWM Power Cycling Test at High Ambient Temperature
International Journal Microelectronic Reliability vol: 50, pp: 1810 - 1814, num: Issue 9-11, 2010 .
Keyword :Voltage IGBT,PWM Power
URL :Doi:10.1016/j.microrel.2010.07.059
Modèles de Risques et Files d'Attente: la Méthode de Stabilité Forte
International Journal Afrika Statistika ISSN 0825 0305, vol: 5, pp: 201 - 218, 2010 .
Interruption modelling in electrical power distribution systems using Weibull-Markov model
International Journal of Risk and Reliability: Institution of Mechanical Engineers I.Mech.E ( part O) Ed pp: 145-157, num: 223(2), 2009 .
Opportunistic policy for optimal preventive maintenance of a multi-component system in a continuous operating units
International Journal CCE (Computer and Chemical Engineering), Ed doi:10.1016/j.compchemeng.2009.03.003, vol: 33, pp: 1499 – 1510, num: Issue 9, 2009 .
Stochastic Inequalities for M/G/1 Retrial Queues with Vacations and Constant Retrial Policy
International Journal MCM (Mathematical and Computer Modelling) doi:10.1016/j.mcm.2009.03.009, pp: 207 – 212, num: 50, 2009 .
Stochastic Inequalities for M/G/1 Retrial Queues with Vacations and Constant Retrial Policy
International Journal MCM (Mathematical and Computer Modelling) doi:10.1016/j.mcm.2009.03.009, pp: 207 – 212, num: 50, 2009 .