


Research with : Year

Journal Article


Bekli M. R., Aïssani D. et Chadou I

Manuscrits Scientifiques du Maghreb

International Journal L'Astronomie, ISSN: 0004 – 6302, vol: 39, pp: 34 – 39, 2011 .

Keyword :Manuscrits

URL :http://www.saf-lastronomie.com.

Hamadouche N. and Aïssani D

Approximation Strong in the M2/G2/1 Queue with Preemptive Priority

Journal MCAP (Methodology and Computing in Applied Probability) DOI:10.1007/s11009-010-9175-x., vol: 34, pp: 563 - 581, 2011 .

Keyword :M2/G2/1

URL :http://ieeexplore.ieee.org/xpl/login.jsp?tp=&arnumber=5223738&url=http%3A%2F%2Fieeexplore.ieee.org%2Fxpls%2Fabs_all.jsp%3Farnumber%3D5223738

Rahmoune F. and Aïssani D

A Taylor Serie Approach to Numerical Analysis of the M/G/1//N Queue under Multiple Vacation Policies of the Server

Lecture Notes in Management Science (LNMS) ISSN. 2008-0050, vol: 3, pp: 565 – 576, 2011 .

Keyword :Taylor Serie

URL :http://orlabanalytics.ca/lnms/archive/v3/lnmsv3p565.htm

Yessad S., Bouallouche L. and Aïssani D

Proposition and Evaluation of a Novel Routing Protocol for Wireless Sensor Networks

Ewic Review, British Computer Society Ed., London 2011 .

Keyword :Novel Routing

URL :http://www.bcs.org

Boualem M., Djellab N. and Aïssani D

An M/G/1 Retrial Queue with Exhaustive Service and Server Vacations

International Journal of Communication and Computer, pp: 720 - 726, num: 8, 2011 .

Keyword :M/G/1 Retrial

URL :https://www.google.com/url?q=http://www.researchgate.net/profile/Mohamed_Boualem/publication/261636631_An_MG1_Retrial_Queue_with_Exhaustive_Service_an

Amad M., Bellal T., Amrioui H. and Aïssani D

"Must-Work": A Scalable Model for Parallel Recursive Problems on P2P Networks.

(International Journal of Computing and Informatics) , Slov. Soc. Informatika Ed ISSN: 6350 – 5596, 2011 .

Keyword :Must-Work, P2P

URL :http://www.informatica.si/PDF/35-4/12_Amad%20-%20Must-Work%20-%20A%20Scalable%20Model%20for%20Parallel%20Recursive%20Problems%20on%20P2P%20Networks.pd


Abbas K., Heidergott B. and Aïssani D

A Taylor Series Expansion Approach to the Functional Approximation of Finite Queues

Research Memorandum , Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam num: 49, 2011 .

Keyword :Taylor Series

URL :http://hdl.handle.net/1871/24379

Medjoudj R., Medjoudj R. and Aïssani D

Reliability modelling and data analysis of vacuum circuit breaker subject to random shocks

Journal of Science, Engineering and Technology, WASET (World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology) Ed pp: 649 – 653, num: Issue 59, 2011 .

Keyword :modelling, vacuum circuit

URL :http://waset.org/publications/9596/reliability-modeling-and-data-analysis-of-vacuum-circuit-breaker-subject-to-random-shocks

Aïssani D

Lionel Galand et l’Importance Scientifique de la Langue Berbère

"Berber Studies" (sous la direction de Amina Mettouchi) ISBN: 978-3-89645-933-6., vol: 33, pp: 119 - 125, 2011 .


Aïssani D. et collaborateurs

Les Rapports Intellectuels Béjaia - Tlemcen

Revue scientifique `Oussour al-Jadid ISSN : 2170 – 1636., vol: 2, pp: 27 – 50, 2011 .

Aïssani D. et collaborateurs

Les Manuscrits de langue berbère de la Kabylie

Revue Studi Africanistici : Quaderni di Studi Berberi e Libico-berberi ISBN: 978-88-6719-004-1, pp: 191 – 210, 2011 .


Boualem Mohamed, Natacha Djellab and Aïssani Djamil

Approche Régénérative de la File d'Attente M/G/1 avec Rappels Classiques et Vacances Exhaustives du Serveur

. Journal Européen des Systèmes Automatisés (JESA) vol: 45, pp: 253 - 267, 2011 .

URL :http://www. Jesa.revuesonline.com


Benouaret Zina, Aïssani Djamil

Strong stability in a two-dimensional classical risk model with independent claim

International Journal S.A.J. (Scandinavian Actuarial Journal) doi: 10.1080/03461230802673805, vol: 2010, pp: 83 - 92, num: Issue 2, 2010 .

Keyword :stability,risk model

URL :http://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/03461230802673805


Mouhoubi Zahir and Aïssani Djamil

New perturbation bounds for denumerable Markov chains

International Journal LAA (Linear Algebra and its Applications), Elseiver Ed doi:10.1016/j.laa.2009.11.020, vol: 432, pp: 1627 - 1649, 2010 .

URL :http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0024379509006004

Laggoune Radouane, Chateauneuf A and Aïssani Djamil

Impact of few failure Data on the Opportunistic Replacement Policy for Multi-Component Systems

International Journal RESS (Reliability Engineering and System Safety) doi:10.1016/j.ress.2009.08.007, vol: 95, pp: 108 - 119, num: Issue 2, 2010 .

URL :http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0951832009002117

Boukir L., Bouallouche-Medjkoune Louiza and Aïssani Djamil

Strong Stability of the Batch Arrival Queueing Systems

International Journal Stochastic Analysis and Applications doi: 10.1080/07362990903417904, vol: 28, pp: 8 – 25, num: issue 1, 2010 .

URL :http://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/07362990903417904


Bekli M. R. et Aïssani Djamil

1000 ans d'Astronomie à Bougie et en Kabylie

International Journal L'Astronomie ISSN: 0004 – 6302, vol: 24, pp: 27 – 31, 2010 .

URL :http://www.saf-lastronomie.com


Abbas Karim and Aïssani Djamil

Structural perturbation analysis of a single server queue with breakdowns

International Journal SM (Stochastic Models), Taylor and Francis Ed DOI:10.1080/15326340903517113., vol: 26, pp: 78 – 97, num: Issue 1 , 2010 .

URL :http://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/15326340903517113

Laggoune Radouane, Chateauneuf A. and Aïssani Djamil

Preventive maintenance scheduling for a multi-component system with non-negligible replacement time

International Journal of Systems Sciences Doi: 10.1080/00207720903230765., vol: 41, pp: 747 – 761, num: Issue 7, 2010 .

Keyword :maintenance of a multi-component system

URL :http://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/00207720903230765

Abbas K. and Aïssani D

Strong Stability of the Embedded Markov Chain in an GI/M/1 Queue with Négative Customers

International Journal AMM (Applied Mathematical Modelling), DOI:10.1080/15326340802427521, vol: 34, pp: 2806 - 2812, num: Issue 10, 2010 .

Keyword :Stability of the Embedded Markov Chain

URL :http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0307904X09004211

Abbas K., Heidergott B. and Aïssani D

A Taylor Series Approach to the Numerical Analysis of the M/D/1/N Queue

International Journal PCS (Procedia Computer Science) Doi:10.1016/j.procs.2010.04.174., vol: 1, pp: 1547 - 1554, num: Issue 1, 2010 .

Keyword :Numerical Analysis of the M/D/1/N Queue

URL :http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1877050910001754

Abbas K. and Aïssani D

Approximation of Performance Measures in an M/G/1 Queue with Breakdowns

International Journal QTQM (Quality Technology and Quantitative Management) vol: 7, pp: 353 - 363, num: 4, 2010 .

Keyword :Measures in an M/G/1 Queue

URL :http://www.bcs.org/upload/pdf/ewic_ve07_s4paper1.pdf


Tounsi M., Oukaour A., Tala Ighil B., Gualous H., Boudart B. and Aïssani D

Characterization of High – Voltage IGBT module Degradations under PWM Power Cycling Test at High Ambient Temperature

International Journal Microelectronic Reliability vol: 50, pp: 1810 - 1814, num: Issue 9-11, 2010 .

Keyword :Voltage IGBT,PWM Power

URL :Doi:10.1016/j.microrel.2010.07.059

Benouaret Z. et Aïssani D

Modèles de Risques et Files d'Attente: la Méthode de Stabilité Forte

International Journal Afrika Statistika ISSN 0825 0305, vol: 5, pp: 201 - 218, 2010 .

URL :http://www.nabulsi.com/blue/ar/sss_cat.php?id=150&sid=734&ssid=753&sssid=754


Medjoudj Rabah., Aissani Damil, A.Boubakeur, K-D.Haim,

Interruption modelling in electrical power distribution systems using Weibull-Markov model

International Journal of Risk and Reliability: Institution of Mechanical Engineers I.Mech.E ( part O) Ed pp: 145-157, num: 223(2), 2009 .

URL :http://pio.sagepub.com/content/223/2/145.abstract

Laggoune Radouane, Chateauneuf A and Aïssani Djamil

Opportunistic policy for optimal preventive maintenance of a multi-component system in a continuous operating units

International Journal CCE (Computer and Chemical Engineering), Ed doi:10.1016/j.compchemeng.2009.03.003, vol: 33, pp: 1499 – 1510, num: Issue 9, 2009 .

URL :http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0098135409000696

Boualem M., Djellab N. and Aïssani D

Stochastic Inequalities for M/G/1 Retrial Queues with Vacations and Constant Retrial Policy

International Journal MCM (Mathematical and Computer Modelling) doi:10.1016/j.mcm.2009.03.009, pp: 207 – 212, num: 50, 2009 .

Boualem Mohamed., Djellab Natalia and Aïssani Djamil

Stochastic Inequalities for M/G/1 Retrial Queues with Vacations and Constant Retrial Policy

International Journal MCM (Mathematical and Computer Modelling) doi:10.1016/j.mcm.2009.03.009, pp: 207 – 212, num: 50, 2009 .

URL :http://www.ams.org/leavingmsn?url=http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.mcm.2009.03.009

Nacer Talantikit Hassina, Aïssani Djamil and Boudjlida N

Semantic annotations for web services discovery and compositions

International Journal CSI (Computer, Standard and Interface), doi:10.1016/j.csi.2008.09.041 , vol: 31, pp: 1108 – 1117, num: Issue 6, 2009 .

URL :http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0920548908001591


Semchedine Fouzi., Bouallouche Louiza., Moad S., Makhloufi R and Aïssani Djamil

Discrete Events Simulator for Wireless Sensor Networks

Ewic Review, British Computer Society Ed., London 2009 .

URL :http://www.bcs.org