LDC : a novel Load Balancing-based Clustering algorithm for wireless sensor networks,
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Truncation Approximation of the M/G/1 Queue: Strong Stability Approach.
Proceedings of the 15th ASMDA 2013 (Applied Stochastic Models and Data Analysis), , June, 2013 Barcelona, Spain.
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Stochastique Bounds for performance measures of an M/G/1 Retrial Queue,
ed: Lamos Editions, In the Book « Performance Evaluation and Quality of Service », ISBN: 978-9931-9140-0-6., pp: 225 - 230, May, 2013 Bejaia.
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Modélisation analytique du protocole IEEE 802.11 mode Ad hoc avec qualité de service,
ed: Lamos Editions, In the Book « Performance Evaluation and Quality of Service », ISBN: 978-9931-9140-0-6., pp: 231 - 238, May, 2013 Bejaia.
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Balanced Energy Efficient routing protocol for WSN.
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A Taylor Serie Approach Queue with Multiple Vacation of the server.
Proceedings of the StocMod12 ( EURO Working Group on Stochastic Modeling), , pp: 15, May, 2012 Ecole Centrale de Paris.
Reliability based preventive maintenance of oil circuit breker subject to compeling failure process.
Proceedings of the ALT 2012, June, 2012 Rennes (France),.
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Data analysis and reliability modeling of electrical component for maintenance optimization,
Proceedings of the International Conference SMTA 2012 (Stochastic Modeling Techniques and Data Analysis), , pp: 68, June, 2012 Chania – Crete (Greece), .
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Performance Analysis in semantic Web services composition.
Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference IEOM 2012 (Industrial Engineering and Operations Management), , July , 2012 Istanbul (Turkey), .
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Maintenance scheduling of a system subject to partial overhauls: A case study.
In Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference ICEFA 2012 (Engineering Failure Analysis), The Hague (The Netherlands), , July, 2012 .
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Soufisme et Jurisprudence à Béjaia (XIVe – XVe siècles),
ed: CNRPAH Ed, In the Book « Histoire et Sens : Idles, Adekker d Cena n Lexwan », ISBN : 978 - 9961-716-54-0, pp: 19 – 30, num: Nouvelle s&, 2012 .
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SEER (Simple Energy Efficient Routing) avec Probabilité de Routage dans les Réseaux de Capteur Sans Fils),
Proceedings of the CARI’2012 (11th African Conference on Research in Computer and Applied Mathematics),, 2012 Algiers.
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Reliability modelling and data analysis of vacuum circuit breaker subject to random shocks.
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Power Transformer Risk Management Based on Reliability Targets.
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Les Savants de Tlemcen, les Rapports Inter-Villes et la Tradition Scientifique du Maghreb.
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Multi Group Key Agreement Mechanism for Mobile P2P Wireless Networks,
ed: A. Amine, O. Ait Mohamed, B. Benatallah,, Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Computer Science and its Applications, ISSN: 1613 – 0073., vol: 825, pp: 34, 2011 .
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Reliability and Data Analysis of Electrical Degraded System Subject to Random Shocks,
In IEEE Conference Publications (IEEE Xplore), ISBN: 978-1-4673-0160-2, vol: I, pp: 132- 136, 2011 .
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Stochastic Bounds for the Means Characteristics of an M/G/1 Queue with general retrial time.
Proceedings of the International Conference MPMAOITN'2011 (Modern Probabilistic Methods for Analysis and Optimization of Information and Telecomm, pp: 38 - 43, 2011 Minsk.
Stochastic Comparisons for an M/G/1 Queue with general retrial time.
Proceedings of the International ICST Conference VALUETOOLS'2011, , 2011 Cachan, Paris, .
La Tradition scientifique du Royaume Berbère des Hammadites (1004 – 1052).
ed: Haut Commissariat à l’Amazi, In the Book «Les Royaume Amazighs de la période musulmane ”, ISBN : 978 – 9947 – 865 – 40 – 8., pp: 103 - 126, 2011 Alger.
Power Customer Satisfaction Analysis Using Analytic Hierarchy Process.
Proceedings of the International ISAHP’2011 (Analytic Hierarchy Network Process), ISBN: 978-88-906147-0-5, pp: 1 – 7, 2011 Sorrento – Napoli (Italy), .
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Cheikh Aheddad et Tarehmanit : influence sur la Vallée de la Soummam,
ed: CNRPAH Ed.,, In the Book « Le Galop de l’âme : la Chevalerie Spirituelle dans l’Ordre Rahmani», ISBN : 978-9961-716-35-9. , pp: 37 - 50, 2010 .
Stochastic approximation in a M/G/1 queue with vacations.
Proceedings of the International Workshop IWAP 2010 (International Workshop in Applied Probability), , July, 2010 Madrid, Spain, .
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Stochastic Approximation in a M/G/1/N Queue.
Proceedings of the Internationale Conference MCQT'2010 (Third Madrid Conference on Queueing Theory), , June, 2010 Toledo, Spain, .
Competing Risk Model for Oil Circuit Breaker Dynamic Reliability Assessment,
Proceedings of Melecon 2010. 15th IEEE Mediterranean Electrotechnical Conference, DOI 10.1109/MELCON.2010.5476307. ISBN: 978 – 1 – 4244 &n, pp: 1606 – 1611., April, 2010 .
Statistical Inference in a retrial Queue with negative arrival.
Proceedings of the Internationale Conference MCQT'2010 (Third Madrid Conference on Queueing Theory), , June , 2010 Toledo, Spain, .
La Science des Lettres et des Nombres et le Tassawuf à Béjaia à l’époque d’al-Hirrali (mort en 1240) et d’Ibn Sab`in (mort en 1270).
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Low Latitude Aurora : Index of Solar Activity
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Le Traité Ma`alim al-Istibsar de l’astronome ash-Shellati (18e siècle),
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