A Priority Based LookupModel for VoIP Applications in Unstructured P2P Networks
Proceedings of the IPAC’2015 Conference, ACM – Int. Conf. Proceedings Series, ACM Digital Library Ed, ISBN: 978-1-1503-3458-7. , 2015 .
Enhancement of the TXOP Sharing Designed for DL-HU-MIMO IEEE 802.11ac WLANS.
Proceedings of the WCNC’2015,, march, 2015 New Orleandy (U.S.A.), .
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Distributed P2P – SIP Model for Lookup Optimization in VoIP Based Applications.
Proceedings of the 10th Triennial APORS (Conference of the Association of Asia – Pasific Operational Research Societies,, 2015 Kuching – Sarawak (Malaysia).
Performance Evaluation of IP-Ad Hoc Gateways.
Proceedings of the IEOM 2015 (Fifth International Conference of Industrial Engineering and Operations Management, , pp: 34 and others. , March, 2015 Dubai, .
"Sur l’Equivalence entre la Théorie du Risque et la Théorie des Files d’Attente".
Actes de Qualita’2015 (11e Congrès International Pluridisciplinaire en Qualité, Sûreté de Fonctionnement et Dé, Mars, 2015 Nancy.
URL :http://qualita2015.sciencesconf.org/program/graphic/date/2015-03-19
Impact of Heavy – Tailed Distributions of the Approximation of Ruin Probabilities.
Proceedings of IFC’8 (8e International Finance Conference), Mediterranean Financial Summit,, march, 2015 Paris.
A Priority Based LookupModel for VoIP Applications in Unstructured P2P Networks.
ed: ACM Digital Library Ed, Proceedings of the IPAC’2015 Conference, ACM – Int. Conf. Proceedings Series, ISBN: 978-1-1503-3458-7., 2015 .
Calcul de la probabilité de ruine : cas de la branche RC automobile de l’agence SAA 3201 Béjaia
ed: Université de Laval Ed, Actes du “CIGI’2015 – Proceedings du Congrès International de Génie Industriel”, 2015 Quebec.
URL :http://www.simagi.polymtl.ca/congresgi/cigi2015/Articles/CIGI_2015_submission_24.pdf
Analyse des caractéristiques de fiabilité des groupes électropompes GEP au niveau de la station de pompage Béni Mansour Sonatrach.
ed: ”, Université de Laval Ed, Actes du “CIGI’2015 – Proceedings du Congrès International de Génie Industriel”,, 2015 Quebec, .
URL :http://www.simagi.polymtl.ca/congresgi/cigi2015/Articles/CIGI_2015_submission_46.pdf
Decision Making Merits Developments for Energy Sustainability Achievement: The use of the Analytic Hierarchy Process,
Proceedings of an ICNC’2015 (17th International Conference on Nonengineered Composites and Applications),, December, 2015 Paris, .
Strong Stability of an M/M/oo Queue
Proceedings of ECQT’2014 (First European Conference on Queueing Theory), , August, 2014 Ghent (Belgium),.
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Methodology for Approximating G/G/1 Queues by the Strong Stability Technique,
ed: Science and Technology Publications, SCI, Proceedings of ICORES’2014 (3rd International Conference on Operations Research and Enterprise Systems), DOI: 10.5220/0004834002410248, pp: 241 - 248, 2014 .
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Approximating Inter-Arrival and Service Time Distributions by Phase-type Distributions in Single Server Queues: A Strong Stability Approach,
Proceedings of the International Conference SMTDA’2014 (Stochastic Modeling Techniques and Data Analysis),, pp: 45 - 46, June, 2014 Lisboa (Portugal), .
Failing the Wall of Marginalization and Providing Electricity for : Decision Making on Smart Systems Integration using AHP
Proceedings of an ISAH’2014 (International Symposium of the Analytic Hierarchy Process), , June , 2014 Washington D.C. (U.S.A.), .
Pancake Graph based Solution for Improving Dynamicity in P2P Neworking,
Proceedings of the International Conference IFORS’2014 (20th Conference of the International Federation of the Operation Research Societies), , pp: 251, 2014 Barcelona (Spain), .
Performance Analysis of M/G/1 Retrial Queue with Finite Source Population using Markov Regenerative Stochastic Petri Nets,
Proceedings of PNSE’2014 (International Workshop on Petri Nets and Software Engineering), co-located with 35th International Conference on Appli, vol: 1160, pp: 221 - 231, 2014 .
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A Derived Queueing Network Model for Structured P2P.
ed: Lamos, In the Book Verification and Evaluation of Computer and Communication Systems, ISBN : 978 – 9931 – 9140 – 3 – 7. , pp: 113 - 120, September , 2014 Bejaia.
Modélisation et Analyse par Simulation des Performances d’un Système de Production.
Actes de la 10e Conférence Internationale MOSIM (Modélisation, Optimisation et SIMulation),, Novembre, 2014 Nancy.
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Géolocalisation distribuée à base de l’heuristique du plus proche voisin, dans les réseaux de capteurs sans fil,
International Society for Knowledge Organization, ISKO 2014, Doi : 10.1109/ISKO-Maghreb 2014.7033461, pp: 73-79, 2014 CERIST, Algérie, IEEE Publisher.
Impact de l'action du mouvement associatif sur le développement socio-culturel de la commune
ed: Revue Ithri, ECA, ISSN: 2352 - 9628, vol: 02, pp: 16 - 20, 2013 .
Impact de l'action du mouvement associatif sur le développement socio-culturel de la commune
ed: Etoile Culturelle d'Akbou Ed., ISSN: 2352 - 9628, vol: 02, pp: 16 - 20, 2013 .
Enhancement and Simulation of the IEEE 802.11 RST/CTS Scheme under noisy channel,
Proceedings of the WCCIT’2013 (World Congress on Computer and Information Technology), DOI: 10.1109WCCIT.2013.6618688, pp: 1-5, June , 2013 Sousse.
Decision Making on Smart Grids Projects Moving using AHP Method: The case of Algerian Network,
ed: IFAC Ed, In the Book “Manufacturing Modelling, Management and Control”, DOI: 10.3182/20130619-3-RU-3018.00524. ISSN: 1474-6670, ISBN: 978-3-902823-, vol: 7, pp: 543 – 548, num: 1, June , 2013 Saint-Petersburg, Russia.
URL :http://www.ifac-papersonline.net/Detailed/59993.html
Découverte en Algérie d’une copie du Sharh al-Hufi d’al-Uqbani,
ed: E.N.S. Editions, , Actes du 11e Colloque Maghrébin sur l’Histoire des Mathématiques Arabes, , 2013 Tipaza.
URL :http://univ-bejaia.dz/staff/photo/pubs/601-719.pdf
Découverte en Algérie d’un fragment manuscrit du Fiqh al-Hisab d’Ibn Mun`im,
ed: Tipaza, E.N.S. Editions, Actes du 11e Colloque Maghrébin sur l’Histoire des Mathématiques Arabes, , 2013 .
URL :http://univ-bejaia.dz/staff/photo/pubs/601-719.pdf
Routage basé sur le récepteur pour l’économie d’énergie dans les réseaux de capteurs sans fil,
ed: Lamos Editions, In the Book « Performance Evaluation and Quality of Service », ISBN: 978-9931-9140-0-6., pp: 63 - 68, May, 2013 Bejaia.
Béjaia et sa Région à travers les Siècles : Histoire, Société, Sciences, Culture.
ed: Faculté des Sciences Sociales Ed., In the Book “Béjaia : Ville d’Histoire et de Civilisation”, ISBN : 978-9931-9141-0-5. , pp: 127 - 168, 2013 Université d’Aboudaou.
Modélisation analytique du protocole IEEE 802.11e mode EDCA
ed: Lamos Editions, In the Book « Performance Evaluation and Quality of Service », ISBN: 978-9931-9140-0-6., pp: 245 - 250, May, 2013 Bejaia.
URL :http://www.univ-bejaia.dz/documents/labo/Actes-epqos2013Tabledesmatieres.pdf
NBXML : Non-redondance des balises XML
ed: Lamos Editions, In the Book « Performance Evaluation and Quality of Service », ISBN: 978-9931-9140-0-6, pp: 149 - 152, May, 2013 Bejaia.
URL :http://www.univ-bejaia.dz/documents/labo/Actes-epqos2013Tabledesmatieres.pdf