

Support Structures

• Office of Liaison between Companies/University (BLEU)

In the framework of the European project Tempus « DEFI-AVERROES » and on the subject « Develop Employability of Engineering Programs », Bejaia University had created an Office of Liaison between Companies and University on March 05th, 2012 which is located in Aboudaou Campus.



This office is attached to the Vice Rectory for External Exchanges, and is composed of:

- Alkama Rezak, coordinator

- Hamri Okba

- Boughiden Rachid

- Hachemaoui Bahidje

- Oussaidane Yassine

- Makhloufi A/Ouahab

- Amghar Malik



Tasks and objectives  

The office of liaison has as a main objective the openness of university on its socio-economic environment by valorizing scientific, technical and technological research, and by the relevance of its degrees as an added value of the university. This interface structure has, at the same time, a function of pulse, advice and support for university teams and for their partners from the industry world.

It allows to:


- Provide some services such as, continuing training programs accommodated to companies needs.   

- Contribute to transfer companies’ requirements and needs to services of training and research.

- Foster technology transfer from university to companies.

- Provide for partners the necessary human and material resources for implementation of joint projects.  

- Work closely with training and professional integration services.