Mediterranean's mythology and dialogues between French invaders and Spanish inhabitants during the Guerra de la Independencia.


  • Thomas RAMONDA Université d’Aix-Marseille.


This article highlights the immense memory literature of the officers and soldiers who took part in the Guerra de la Independencia ( 1808 -1814). We pick up on allusions to landscapes,languages,customs,behaviours and the moment of exchange with the inhabitants in order to question the potential cultural shock established during the occupation of Spain. On the one hand, we’ll notice the  precious sources, although orientated ,on the rare moments of peace that the occupation of Spain had known. On the other hand, the descriptions and remarks of offixers lead us to the state of spirit and the perceptions of the latter. These latter provide a glance on Spain distorted by an imaginary mythologic constructed on the historical knowledge of the past of Spain and the Mediterranean populations in general. In addition, we’ll highlight the recurrent elements which participate to the making of a speech on what defines a  people or race and a Mediterranean territory within  military population using, most often, hasty comparisons with precedent Napoleonian  campaigns experiences.

 Key Words: Peninsula War - Napoleonic occupation - cultural clash - Mediterranean people

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How to Cite

RAMONDA, T. (2024). Mediterranean’s mythology and dialogues between French invaders and Spanish inhabitants during the Guerra de la Independencia. Mediterranean History Journal, 2(2), 112–123. Retrieved from