Images Of Algerian Women's Struggle in Revolutionary Cinema "Between Historical Truth and Cinematography"


  • Messaouda TALHA Mohamed Khider University, Biskra


This paper attempted to capture how Algerian women were portrayed in the revolutionary cinematic  films, and to highlight the overall roles that women played in reality or  in cinema, it  presented the reasons behind the embodiment of certain roles , and concluded that some images of the Algerian woman’s  struggle were  heroic while most of them were symbolic or secondary, This is due, in particular, to the difficulty and sensitivity of reflecting all the struggles, suffering and violations endured by Algerian women during the revolution, and, on the other hand, the orientation of post- independence cinematography on other issues away from the revolution, with a lack of novel and specialized screenplay and female directors .

Keywords: Cinematography, struggle, Algerian women, revolution.



How to Cite

TALHA م. . (2024). Images Of Algerian Women’s Struggle in Revolutionary Cinema "Between Historical Truth and Cinematography". Mediterranean History Journal, 5(1), 113–129. Retrieved from